News articles

Unsplash: Hans Peter Gauster

Unsplash: Absolutvision

TF 4 Digest: February 2025

29 January 2025

TF 4 Digest: February 2025

Project Updates

The DesirMED second Newsletter is out! Explore more about the recently organized climate hackathon in Valencia, the first steps of the transformative adaptation journey of DesirMED Regions and discover more activities in the News section...


NetworkNature at the International Master in Urban Resilience for Sustainability Transition in Barcelona

24 January 2025

This week, Daniela Rizzi, coordinator of NetworkNature, discussed the potential of nature-based solutions with participants of the International Master in Urban Resilience for Sustainability Transition at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in Barcelona. The session formed part of the...

Jacob B

Unsplash: Jacalyn Beales

EFUF2025: Call for Abstracts

21 January 2025

In a time of accelerating climate change and urbanization, urban forests play an essential role in building resilient and healthy cities. EFUF will bring people together this June to explore the role urban forests can play.

The EFUF2025 overall theme is Urban Forests for resilient and...

Unsplash: Charlie Warl

The Commission Wants to Hear from You: Towards a Uniform Format for National Restoration Plans

20 January 2025

The Nature Restoration Regulation came into force this summer, including binding targets for ecosystem restoration with implications for carbon storage and natural disaster risk reduction. 80% of Europe's habitats are in poor condition, and this legislation will play a key role in reversing this...

Unsplash: Reiseuhu

Helmi M in Perth

Unsplash: Joe Caione

Unsplash: Absolutvision

Unsplash: Absolutvision

Sara Dastoum with a giant Brassica

Webinar Recap: The power of citizens to build more resilient communities with a systemic and integrated approach to sustainable territorial development

22 November 2024

The Mediterranean climate with its hot dry summers and mild wet winters in characterised by short-duration storms known as “gota fría” occurring in the fall, and the confluence of a gently sloped terrain, a heavy rain at the basin headwaters and the indulgent excessive urban development over...

It’s all in the game: using Minecraft to teach children about nature-based solutions

21 November 2024

During our visit to Cali, Colombia for the UN COP16 Biodiversity Conference, we partnered with Humboldt Institute to host a workshop at Humboldt House, the COP’s “space for the people”, where children used Minecraft to reimagine their town using nature-based solutions.

The workshop began...

NetZeroCities Promo Card

The Cities Mission Platform is extending its support! Learn how you can accelerate your climate action

19 November 2024

We are happy to share that the Cities Mission Platform managed by NetZeroCities is now expanding part of its online support to all cities across Europe and Horizon associated countries. This is great opportunity for cities eager to reach climate neutrality!

As part of the EU Cities...

Unsplash: Claudio Schwarz


SPADES Logo and Art

SPADES Project Kickoff Launches Bold New Initiative for Soil Health in Spatial Planning and Design

31 October 2024

In a world where 60-70% of Europe’s soils are classified as unhealthy , there is an urgent need for tools and initiatives designed to protect and enhance soils. The EU Mission ‘ A Soil Deal for Europe ’ is committed to increasing soil health by 2030. Steps include funding research, establishing...

Unsplash: Absolutvision

TF 4 Digest: November

30 October 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

UPSURGE Survey: what are the challenges and needs of your city to achieve climate neutrality, air quality and biodiversity goals?

29 October 2024

Calling all European cities and municipalities! The EU-funded project UPSURGE is developing the European Regenerative Urban Lighthouse Framework , a consultancy platform to support cities in the effective deployment of Nature-based Solutions (NbS).

As cities expand, integrating Nature-...

Learn by Kelly Sikkema

Author: Jaka Vukotic

MULTISOURCE Wants to Know - What is the State of Gender Equality in Horizon Projects

16 October 2024

As part of MULTISOURCE , research is being carried out with regards to the gap between the regulatory frameworks and strategies on gender mainstreaming, adopted at the EU targeting research and innovation, and their implementation in practice. Several surveys and discussions have been undertaken...

Turn your Opinion Into Action: Framing the Nature Positive Economy concept with your inputs

16 October 2024

Framing the Nature Positive Economy

A Nature Positive Economy (NPE) prioritises environmental health and human wellbeing. It creates jobs in nature recovery and helps industries adopt sustainable practices. This economic approach aims to foster prosperity whilst protecting and restoring...

Busting myths: People with Nature – Takeaways from the NetworkNature Annual Event

15 October 2024
Two weeks ago, the NetworkNature Annual Event “Busting myths: People with Nature” wrapped up with great success!

With more than 350 attendees, both on site and online, the event brought together a wide range of participants and speakers. Researchers, practitioners, policy makers, businesses as...

Unsplash: Hudson Hintze

COP16 Promo Card

New Report Launch: Nature-based solutions - Lessons from European and Chinese case studies

10 October 2024

If you are a frequent visitor to the NetworkNature platform, we probably don’t need to convince you that Nature-based solutions (NbS) are a key tool for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and halting biodiversity loss. What you may need, though, are additional case studies showing what NbS...


New Report Launch: Exploring the State-of-Play of Nature-Based Solutions in the EU and LAC

9 October 2024

A new Independent Expert Report was just published by the Publications Office of the European Union, titled "Bridging Continents: Exploring the State-of-Play of Nature-Based Solutions in the EU and LAC: Building a Foundation for Collaboration." This comprehensive document provides an analysis of...

Absolute Vision: Notes

Aalborg Panel

EU Blue Zone Promotional Card

EU Report Highlights Nature-based Solutions as Key to Climate-Resilient Water Management

20 September 2024

In response to the growing threat of climate change to Europe's water systems, the European Union has published an updated guidance document, River Basin Management in a Changing Climate, which calls for a shift towards nature-based solutions (NbS) to improve resilience. The publication, which...


Group of Chief Scientific Advisors of the European Commission: call for nominations for membership

19 September 2024

The European Commission has launched a call for nominations for the membership of the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors , the deadline for submission of nominations is on  30th September 2024 at 18:00 CET . Public European research and science organisations are invited to nominate top-level...

Adrià Crehuet Cano

Annie Spratt

EURACTIV Op-Ed: Bridging the policy gap - bringing nature-based solutions to the forefront of EU strategies

18 September 2024

Europe is set to face immense socio-ecological challenges in the coming decades, including extreme heat and flooding, with dire impacts for community health and city infrastructure. There is, however, good news: we have a powerful tool at our disposal: Nature-based Solutions (NbS). NbS use the...

Vitaly Gariev

New EUBP sub-group on Nature Restoration Regulation - call for applications for organisations

17 September 2024

To support the work of the European Commission around the Regulation, a call for applications to select members of the expert sub-group on the Nature Restoration Regulation has been released! The Nature Restoration Regulation entered into force on August 18th, 2024.

This new expert group...

Photo by Ron Whitaker on Unsplash

NetworkNature Task Forces align experts on NbS Standardisation for a greener Europe

16 September 2024

This year the Nature-based Solutions Task Forces are committed to collaborating towards a more standardised effort to establish NbS more sustainably. We believe that standards can be one important tool for mainstreaming NbS. The mainstreaming of efforts to standardise NbS falls in line with...

Simon Racé

Learn about a decision-making tool to support cities implementing decentralised NbS for water treatment

10 September 2024

NICE-R, a free, open source user-tailored tool to explore the potential of NbS for treating different types of wastewater in cities, rural and peri-urban areas

Urban and rural regions face a moment of difficulty related to water pollution and lack of means to access clean water...

Meeting by Antenna


UNPplus Logo

UNP+ Cities Questionnaire: Capacity Building Needs for Urban Nature Plans – Survey Deadline extended until 15th September

29 August 2024

Are you a representative of a City or Municipal authority in Europe? If so we want to hear from you !

To maximise the impact and spread of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), the ‘Urban Nature Plans +’ project developed a science-based survey and invites you to evaluate capacity building...

Absolute Vision: Notes

TF 4 Digest: September

28 August 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

Kelly Heid

Funding Round by Markus Winklier

Absolute Vision: Notes

 Jorge Fernández Salas: People Enjoying the Outdoors

Dimitra Hiking

The Poetics of Space (in Time)

29 July 2024
What is NetworkNature Reads?

#NetworkNatureReads is inspired by #ReadingRainbow and the #NewYorkTimes #ByTheBook series, both of which spread a love of reading by highlighting standout books and the people who love them. Our goal is to do the same, but with a #naturebasedsolutions flavor. Every...

Clint McKoy: Child with Lizard

NBS EduWORLD and NetworkNature go to Aalborg 2024: Empower Youth, Transform Tomorrow

27 July 2024

The involvement of young people in climate protection and the sustainable development of the planet is essential. They are key actors in the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss. By including their perspectives and priorities, we can ensure a fairer and more effective approach to...

Vale Zmeykov: Ideas

A NbS tour around Europe: Local experiences and lessons learnt from working together with and for nature

17 July 2024

Wednesday, June 5 • 11:00 - 12:30 The Nature of Cities Festival 2024, Berlin, Germany

NetworkNature isn’t just a knowledge sharing platform, it is a network of cities, professionals, practitioners and community members dedicated to implementing nature-based solutions (...

Biodiversa+ Group Photo


NetworkNature TF 4 Digest: July

2 July 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

Adriana Duarte, Mount Pilatus

Innovative Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Cities: Exploring the future of water treatment NbS in Poland and beyond

18 June 2024

120 Years of Gdańsk University of Technology Gdańsk University of Technology recently celebrated its 120 year anniversary, the perfect chance to celebrate and to discuss future applications of its innovative technologies for water treatment and nature-based solutions in cities. At the campus...

The Nature of Cities Festival 2024

The Nature of Cities Festival 2024: The distance between dreams and reality is action

13 June 2024

NetworkNature is proud to have been a sponsor of the incredible and engaging 2024 The Nature of Cities Festival . The fourth edition of the Festival concluded with remarkable success, emphasizing knowledge-sharing, interdisciplinary collaboration, and actionable outcomes to shape the cities of...

Hal Gatewood

NetworkNature TF 4 Digest: June

3 June 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

Clotilde Mahe

New Report Reveals Critical Link between Biodiversity, Climate Change and Energy Policy

13 May 2024

A landmark publication from the Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity (KCBD) focuses on the complex relationship between biodiversity, climate change and energy policies. Entitled “Integrating Biodiversity Concerns in Climate Change and Energy Policies: EU Initiatives and Synergies”, this report...

NetworkNature and NetZeroCities: A Move Together from Projects for the Success Climate Neutral Cities

2 May 2024

In the dynamic landscape of climate action, collaboration and networking is critical to everyone's success. NetZeroCities (NZC), a pioneering consortium of 35 partners from 27 European countries, is leading the way in supporting and connecting 112 European cities on their path to climate...

NetworkNature TF 4 Digest: May

1 May 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

The Nature of Our Cities: Nadina Galle on how cities can leverage the power of nature to improve our lives

26 April 2024

Nadina Galle is an ecological engineer who researches, develops, and brings to market emerging technologies to build better communities for people and nature. Nadina is the host of the Internet of Nature Podcast and her debut book, " The Nature of Our Cities ," will be published on June 18....

LIFE Calls for proposals 2024: bring your green dream to life with a share of €571 million funding!

25 April 2024

We’re excited to announce the LIFE Calls for Proposals 2024 - and we want to hear your ideas for conserving nature, protecting the environment, taking climate action and transitioning Europe to clean energy.

As the EU’s flagship initiative for funding environmental and climate actions,...

EU Boosts Horizon Europe-Budget: Upcoming Info Days on Changes - 25 and 25 April 2024

23 April 2024

In a move to boost research and innovation initiatives, the European Commission has given the green light to a significant increase in the 2024 budget of Horizon Europe, the EU’s flagship research programme. The amendment provides an additional €1.4 billion for the year. Key highlights of the...

Kassia in the Aosta Valley

Mika Baumeister: Turn Ideas Into Reality

Marvin Meyer

Annegret Kammer Unsplash

Tree Canopy by L.L. Kern

Photo by <a href="">Van Tay Media</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Photo by <a href="">Cytonn Photography</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>

Empowering Research for a Sustainable Blue Economy: Joint Transnational Call for Impactful Research and Innovation Projects

11 March 2024

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership (SBEP), initiated under the Horizon Europe Programme in 2022, announces its second joint transnational call aimed at advancing a climate-neutral, sustainable, and resilient blue economy. With a vision to foster a just and inclusive transition to a...

Blue Water Drop

Leaf in dew

NetworkNature TF 4 Digest: March

28 February 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

Urban Nature Program Unveiled at COP28: Paving the way for Nature-Positive Cities

27 February 2024

Amidst of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28) in Dubai the Urban Nature Program , launched at the event themed "Nurturing Nature: Bringing Nature-Positive Cities to the Forefront of Urban Climate Action". In a collaborative effort, leading organisations such as the World...

The Nature of Cities Festival 2024

UGP Framework

New Project UNPplus Supports Cities in Imagining a More Sustainable and Inclusive Future

14 February 2024

The EU may be deep in winter, but we have greening on our minds. The stage for a flourishing spring was set at the kick off of UNPplus, a new Horizon Europe project coordinated by Politecnico Milano and dedicated to supporting cities in crafting and implementing Urban Nature Plans (UNPs, former...

Image By freepik

Call for Contributions: Special Issue on Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation

13 February 2024

In response to the urgent need for effective climate change adaptation strategies, a call is underway for research contributions to a special issue on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) . The UNEA defines NbS as ‘actions to protect, conserve, restore, sustainably use and manage natural or modified...

Absolute Vision

Jan Huber: Tree

Nature-based Solutions Cluster Task Forces Pave the Way for Nature-based Solutions Advancement

25 January 2024

The NbS Cluster Task Forces (TF) are in full force for the newest phase of NetworkNature. They recently showcased their significant strides at the annual event in Brussels, June 2023, unveiling pivotal contributions across six impactful areas, including a new addition - the Education working...

Netzwerk grafik

Marek Lumi Unsplash

CLEVER Cities Project Wraps Up 5-Year Initiative, Marking Milestones in Urban Regeneration

6 December 2023

The CLEVER Cities project concludes after an impressive 5-year initiative that has set significant milestones in urban regeneration. It leaves behind successful achievements and a path for transformative urban regeneration that others can follow. The project spanned across European cities such...

Call for papers for NbS Workshop during the upcoming Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference

30 November 2023

On June 4-6, 2024, the 16th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS 2024) will be held on the theme “Co-producing knowledge for sustainability” in Turku, Finland. The Conference will be hosted by Åbo Akademi University in cooperation with the University of Turku.


Join this NetworkNature Nordic hub event to explore synergies between climate and biodiversity

7 November 2023

NetworkNature+ is proud to work with six local partnerships known as Nature-based Solutions hubs and invites all interested to discover synergies between climate and biodiversity to join an upcoming Nordic Hubs webinar on 17 November 14:00 CET . The hubs bring researchers policy-makers,...

Putting Theory into Practice: Success Stories

Nature in the City - CLEVER Cities Final Conference: A five-year project journey comes to an end

28 September 2023

The five-year CLEVER Cities project concluded with a final conference in Hamburg in September 2023. The project aimed to promote sustainable and socially inclusive cities globally, emphasising the importance of green urban spaces, community involvement, knowledge sharing, and Nature-based...

Unsplash – Tommy Kwak: maisons brunes et blanches sur le champ d'herbe verte pendant la journée

Announcement: BiodivNBS - A New Transnational Joint Research Call on Nature-based Solutions for Biodiversity, Human Well-being, and Transformative Change

22 August 2023

Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership under Horizon Europe, is thrilled to unveil its upcoming initiative: the BiodivNBS research call. This transnational joint research call focuses on Nature-based solutions for enhancing biodiversity, human well-being, and driving transformative...

NetworkNature Annual Event Report 2023: Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions

1 August 2023

The report summarising the key outcomes of the NetworkNature Annual Event 2023 “Enabling transformation through and for Nature-based Solutions”, which took place on 8th June 2023, at the Flagey Building in Brussels, is now out. The event brought together more than 150 participants to discuss the...

Field of wildflowers as the sun either rises or sets

Water4All Upcoming Joint Call

26 July 2023

This just in: funding Organisations from 30 countries all over Europe and beyond are pleased to announce the coming Joint Transnational Call for research and innovation projects on “Aquatic Ecosystem Services”

Starting Sept. 12th, we will be accepting proposals addressing the following...

Forest in Autumn

The NbS Hub Family is Growing!

28 June 2023

Nature-based Solutions Hubs that launched as part of the UrbanByNature Programme and the NetworkNature project are joining forces to grow a network of hubs. What is a network of hubs? A network of networks oriented to support NbS implementation and work across policy scales. By nature, hubs are...

INTERLACE Partners, Natalia and McKenna

New interactive database of policy instruments for nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration

26 June 2023

The INTERLACE Urban Governance Atlas was officially launched on 11 May at the INTERLACE Cities Talk Nature Conference in Chemnitz. The first of its kind, the online database showcases 250 policy instruments from 41 countries supporting nature-based solutions and ecosystem restoration. The...

Italy hubs launch

Nature-based solutions: EIB report finds scope for regulatory and subsidy reforms as well as a more flexible spectrum of financial instruments

9 June 2023

EU policy needs to remove support for the further erosion of nature through harmful subsidies and create more incentives for nature-based solutions if it is to build societies that are resilient to climate change, concludes an EIB report presented in Brussels on 8 June. “Investing in nature-...

Germany invests in natural climate protection - new plan on NbS for climate and biodiversity

21 April 2023

The German federal government has recently launched an ambitious plan to invest nearly 4 billion euros in natural climate protection. The World Economic Forum sees natural climate solutions as potential solutions that, if done well, “help address the twin crises of climate change and...

Multidisciplinary CO-CARBON research highlights the role of carbon storage and sequestration in urban nature-based solutions

27 February 2023

Studying urban green infrastructure (UGI) is crucial for societies to deal with climate change and related social challenges. Yet UGI’s potential to mitigate climate through carbon sequestration and storage (CSS) has not yet been fully harnessed. In fact, it is often forgotten in urban studies...

Jael Rodriguez unsplash

Exploring Benefits of Nature Restoration: Policy Briefs to support European decision-making

9 February 2023

In June 2022, the European Commission published its proposal for the EU Nature Restoration Regulation, with the overarching objective to implement restoration measures on at least 20% of the EU by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050. This European Commission's proposal for a...

David Clode- Unsplash

Experts needed for technical group on indicators for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework

1 February 2023

Following a busy and promising Biodiversity COP 15 and the adoption of the Monitoring Framework for the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity , an ad hoc technical expert group is to be established for the Convention on Biological Diversity. To this end, a call for experts is now out to search...

CircHive: New EU project to help businesses and communities recognise, measure and report on the value of nature

26 January 2023

CircHive is a new Horizon Europe project that will help businesses and the public sector recognise, measure and report on the value of nature.

By recognising the value of nature, CircHive aims to help organisations make more informed decisions that protect ecosystems, enhance...

Call for proposals: online decision support system for co-creation and co-governance of nature-based solutions

24 January 2023

Supported by NetworkNature, NbS Task Force 6 is inviting proposals for developing an online decision support system (DSS) that will help users find solutions for the co-creation and co-governance of nature-based solutions.

The aim is to develop an online tool that will guide users...

Guy Bowden Unsplash

2023 EU Mission Calls: New funding opportunities for Nature-based Solutions Research and Innovation

23 January 2023

The European Commission is now launching new calls to support research and innovation for its 5 EU Missions – Adaptation to Climate Change, Cancer, Restore our Ocean and Waters, Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities and A Soil Deal for Europe – worth over €600 million. Since February 2021, the...

Hungarian NbS Hub Launches!

2 December 2022
The Hungarian NetworkNature nature-based solutions (NbS) Hub launched this autumn, with the aim of ensuring the spread of nature-based solutions in the country for a sustainable future.

NetworkNature is supporting the creation of six NbS Hubs to help build long-lasting structures for NbS uptake...

Nature-based solutions at COP27

17 November 2022

COP27 has seen an increased focus on nature-based solutions (NbS), with many initiatives outlining nature-based solutions as a tool for ecosystem restoration, with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration in mind. As a major development towards utilising the power of NbS globally, the Egyptian...

Database of EU research and innovation projects on nature-based solutions launched!

11 November 2022

NetworkNature created a database gathering European R&I projects on NbS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes: BiodivERsA, Horizon 2020, Seventh framework programme (FP7), Interreg and LIFE (EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate...

Upscaling nature-based solutions in policy and practice - NetworkNature Annual Event Report

10 November 2022

The NetworkNature Annual Event took place on 27 th September 2022, at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Brussels.

Nature-based solutions (NbS), if designed and implemented well, can produce a multitude of benefits simultaneously, including for health and wellbeing, agriculture, water,...

New NetworkNature Knowledge Brief analyses different perspectives on ensuring high-quality nature-based solutions

10 November 2022

What is intended with high-quality nature-based solutions? How can it be defined and translated into standards?

To respond to these questions, NetworkNature has produced a Knowledge Brief on ensuring high-quality nature-based solutions, analysing the perspectives and perceptions of key...

Merlin Innovation Awards

28 October 2022

The Merlin Innovation Awards (MIA) launched as part of the MERLIN project

Innovation is one of the pillars of MERLIN , the flagship project of the European Commission, which commits to transformative ecosystem restoration, mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions for the urgent systemic...

HS Spender Unsplash

Three cities chosen for CLEARINGHOUSE exchange and peer support for urban forests as nature-based solutions

27 September 2022

What do Belo Horizonte, Bogotá and Mexico City have in common, apart from being vibrant metropolises to live in?

They have all been selected in the first call of the CLEARING HOUSE knowledge exchange mechanism, meant to promote capacity development and knowledge exchange on urban forests...

Bas van den Eijkhof, Unsplash

NetworkNature Factsheet: Seizing opportunities for ecosystem restoration to tackle societal challenges

18 July 2022

Are you a practitioner directly involved in, or thinking of starting, a restoration project but would like to find out more about what types of benefits can be achieved and what actions can best support effective restoration? This factsheet is for you!

This factsheet explores the...

Networknature workshop: The way towards high quality NbS and standards - What we learned so far

14 July 2022

NetworkNature highlights a timely topic in the nature-based solutions field with its semester themes, identified in consultation with the nature-based solutions community.

The current NetworkNature semester theme is about ' Nature-based solutions and Standards ', covering quality aspects...

NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

14 July 2022

Nature-based solutions refer to a suite of actions or policies that harness the power of nature to address some of our most pressing societal challenges. Network Nature has produced a Knowledge Brief to help disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with...

Open Living Lab Days

14 July 2022
What are Living Labs? They are innovative test beds in cities for various solutions. They cover a real area, place or district(s) in a city and provide on a practical place to test out new approaches such as nature-based solutions.

OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual global gathering of...

NetworkNature at the World Urban Forum: How can nature-based solutions contribute to sustainable urban development?

8 July 2022


NetworkNature organised a session on “Nature-based solutions for sustainable urban development” at the World Urban Forum 11 th Session in Katowice, Poland.

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanisation. Under the theme of “...

Call for expression of interest: 10 local governments sought to apply the IUCN Urban Nature Indeces

8 July 2022

An ambitious group of 10 local governments is sought to apply the IUCN Urban Nature Indices , a new methodological framework for measuring the ecological performance of cities.

To make ecological monitoring easier for cities, IUCN and partners have developed the Urban Nature Indices (UNI...

Clovers KiKi Wang Unsplash

Key messages for policy makers for developing standards to support NbS uptake in urban and rural areas

9 June 2022

In recent days a workshop entitled, "Standards for Climate and Nature-based Solutions" took place (23 May) hosted by CEN and CENELEC, which was instrumental in identifying the cross-sectoral gaps and opportunities for the development of new standards to support the uptake of nature-based...

Uta Scholl Unsplash

Nature-based solutions among most effective measures to adaptation: 15 school-led adaptation case-studies pave the way for climate resilience

24 May 2022

Adaptation and Climate resilience involves many sectors and levels of governance. In order to tackle climate change future leaders must be equipped to create future solutions. To this end, the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA), Centre for Environment Education (CCE), and Foundation for...

Jenna Lee-Unsplash

Chronic land degradation: UN offers stark warnings and practical remedies in Global Land Outlook 2

29 April 2022

UNCCD’s evidence-based flagship Global Land Outlook 2 (GLO2) report, five years in development with 21 partner organizations, and with over 1,000 references, is the most comprehensive consolidation of information on the topic assembled.

It offers an overview of the breadth and projects...

Unsplash Elise Petrovich

Call for NbS Projects

6 April 2022

In the framework of a market assessment project conducted on behalf of the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the topic of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) financing, Bankers without Boundaries is collecting information of currently existing projects at the EU level.

This project aims at...

NbS education in schools: instilling a love of nature for a new generation of leaders

28 March 2022

Awareness for nature based solutions is spreading. NetworkNature is proud to take these lessons learned to the classroom - schools, higher education, and professional training are often the places where people’s thinking, understanding, and perceptions are transformed, leading to long term...

New Tool: Reforest Better!

24 March 2022

Currently many well intended forest restoration and tree planting measures, are not designed with longevity and biodiversity in mind. To help develop more sustainable and holistic measures Nature4Climate, Hamerkop, Trillion Trees, WWF, WCS, Birdlife International and have developed a new...

Business training course ‘Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making’ launched

24 March 2022

A unique new online business course developed by the Capitals Coalition supported by We Value Nature has launched.

The free course, ‘ Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making' , comes in response to an increased demand from businesses and the finance sector for the...

Mirabell gardens in Salzburg, Austria

Photo: Vinit Srivastava

“Sharing Experiences of Ecosystem Restoration” workshop-experiences, commitments and actions

4 March 2022

In light of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and as part of the current semester theme , ICLEI , an official partner of the UN Decade, via NetworkNature organised a workshop to share international experiences on ecosystem restoration as a nature-based solution. The workshop...

IUCN's Community Toolkit

22 February 2022

This toolkit provided by the IUCN equips people with the tools, knowledge, and resources necessary to restore ecosystems back to productive and healthy spaces. Readers are shown examples of the importance of community organizing, potential aspects of projects, successful examples of community...

Scaling Investment for Nature

16 February 2022

It is undeniable that human impacts on climate and nature have driven us towards a planetary emergency. Fortunately, there is still time to avoid the worst-case scenarios, but only just. Failure to adopt sustainable practices and investments puts businesses and economies at risk.


Together now

Take part in CONEXUS’ survey on NbS professional skill gaps and contribute to enhance NbS capacity-building!

10 February 2022

The CONEXUS project is collecting NbS professional skill gaps in order to recommend a professional training curriculum in Nature-based Solutions that can respond to local needs and challenges for successful NbS planning and implementation.

Local governments, international cooperation...

News report published on how restoring nature can remove huge amounts of EU emissions

8 February 2022

Restoring degraded terrestrial habitats across the EU could take up to 300 million tonnes of CO 2 equivalent out of the atmosphere each year – as much as the combined annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, new research reveals. The findings show the...

€800 million new European Biodiversity Partnership to spearhead protection of earth’s biodiversity

4 February 2022

The new European Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+, co-funded by the European Union is bringing together 74 research programs, funders, and environmental policy actors from 37 European and associated countries to help put nature back on a path of recovery. Biodiversa+ started on the 1st of...

How green are European cities?

1 February 2022

The EEA briefing ' Who benefits from nature in cities? Social inequalities in access to urban green and blue spaces across Europe ' shows how access to public green and blue spaces differs across Europe. Cities in northern and western Europe tend to have more green space than cities in southern...

Shane Rounce, Unsplash

Restoring habitat-forming species in coastal and marine areas as a nature-based solution

21 January 2022

Key functions of habitat-forming species in coastal and marine ecosystems

The biodiversity and climate resilience of coastal marine habitats is often increased by habitat-forming plants and animals. Examples include colonial plants within salt marshes, mangroves (in the tropics),...

Jarand K Lokeland-Unsplash

Guillaume Briard, Unsplash

Gokberk Akdeniz, Unsplash

Michael Benz, Unsplash

Restore, reduce, reuse and recycle water - key insights for hydrological ecosystem restoration

10 December 2021

The “ Water Framework Directive” (DIR 2000/60/EC) has radically changed the policies of European countries regarding water, which throughout the 1900s were mainly aimed at facilitating its use for human activities and protecting public health from the risks associated with pollution. The...

Andy Wang, Unsplash

River Meuse restoration Initiative shows the multiple benefits of working with nature

22 November 2021

The Border Meuse Initiative, wich kicked off 30 years ago in the Netherlands, has demonstrated how rewilding can make socio-economic and environmental benefits. Restoring natural landscapes is one of the most effective and cheapest ways of addressing challenges such as climate change and...

Olena Sergienko, Unsplash

Joachim Pressl, Unsplash

Jonathan Borba, Unsplash

Global EbA Fund receives additional €10m investment from BMU-IKI and announces its first seven grants

8 November 2021

During the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), the German Federal Ministry of the Environment (BMU) announced that it will provide an additional € 10 million to the EbA Global Fund for a total of around € 30 million. The EbA Global Fund is a funding mechanism launched in March 2021 by the...

Niko photos, Unsplash

Nature Based Solutions for More Sustainable Cities

Bridging COP26 and COP15: EU highlights the need to tackle the nature and climate crises together

29 October 2021

The severe consequences of climate change and the loss of biodiversity push world leaders to protect and restore nature. As confirmed by assessments from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on...

NetworkNature's first Annual Event: Achieving the European Green Deal through Nature-based Solutions

28 October 2021

On 21 st October, Network Nature held its first Annual Event which focused on the Network Nature semester theme “ Ecosystem restoration through nature-based solutions ”, in line with current EU ambitions for achieving the European Green Deal and the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem...

Stepping up integrated action on ecosystem and climate resilience – NetworkNature at #EURESFO21

19 October 2021

The European Urban Resilience Forum is a hallmark event hosted by ICLEI Europe and European Environmental Agency annually to gather a wide variety of stakeholders to collaborate on urban resilience. NetworkNature was a co-organiser for the hybrid-2021 edition taking place in Malmö and online...

NetworkNature joins the #EdibleCitySolutions campaign to raise awareness about green urban food innovation

18 October 2021

Food isn’t just fuel – it connects us all.

Whether it’s in the form of urban agriculture initiatives, underground or rooftop farms, community gardens or healthy cooking workshops, millions of city dwellers around the world are already bringing the food they eat closer to the cities they...

World Green City Awards

15 October 2021

AIPH , the International Association of Horticultural Producers and the world’s champion for the power of plants proudly presents the AIPH World Green City Awards , which recently opened for entries for the 2022 inaugural edition.

The leading role of city authorities is...

Lukasz Szmigiel, Unsplash

Ilnort Rueda, Unsplash

Open Rivers Programme

8 October 2021

The Open Rivers Program was officially launched on October 8, 2021, thanks to an investment of 42.5 million euros in six years by Arcadia, a charity fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. The motivation of this Programme lies in the fact that European rivers are the most fragmented in the...

Bringing Nature to Cities. Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change into EU Urban Planning and Policy

6 October 2021

As part of the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities - World Bank Webinar series “ Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change ” , NetworkNature hosted a webinar on mainstreaming biodiversity and climate change into EU Urban Planning and Policy...

Boudhayan Bardhan, Unsplash

Peatland - Sean Paul kinnear, Unsplash

Ryan Stone,Unsplash

Vertical Garden Milan

Paolo D'Andrea, Unsplash

Principles for ecosystem restoration to guide the United Nations Decade 2021–2030

13 September 2021

Released during the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, the brochure Principles for ecosystem restoration to guide the United Nations Decade 2021–2030 presents ten principles developed by the FAO-led Task Force on Best Practices, the IUCN’s Commission on Ecosystem Management and the...

NetworkNature brings nature-based solutions to the table at the World Conservation Congress

8 September 2021
The IUCN World Conservation Congress in September 2021 gathered experts across many fields to discuss the topic both virtually and on site in Marseille. NetworkNature experts took part in hosting and organising sessions to discuss and highlight the role of nature-based solutions (nbS) in ecosystem...

Scott Webb- Unsplash

Nature Based Solutions Report-canva

Nature-based Solutions as cost-effective method to drive climate change adaptation

Nick Reynolds, Unsplash

Meeting biodiversity, climate, and water objectives through integrated strategies

Riches of the dunes: Measuring and protecting coastal dune biodiversity through Nature-based Solutions

Riches of the dunes: Measuring and protecting coastal dune biodiversity through Nature-based Solutions

19 August 2021

Coastal dunes are high-value areas of biodiversity, providing a home to rare flora and offering protection to coasts against storms. They can, however, be vulnerable to degradation and should therefore be protected. The challenge lies in the changing nature of dunes as an ecosystem...

EU Flag - Neven Must, Unsplash

Unlocking Nature-Smart Development : An Approach Paper on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Unlocking Nature-Smart Development : An Approach Paper on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

8 August 2021

The World Bank has just released a new approach paper, Unlocking Nature-Smart Development, framing the management of biodiversity and ecosystem services as a development issue, from both the risk and opportunity perspectives.

It proposes six global response areas aimed at rebalancing...

Urban Nature Based Solutions

Urban Nature Based Solutions

6 August 2021

Nature should be at the heart of our cities, because they are the places where we work, play and engage. Today, more than 55% of the world's population lives in cities and this figure is likely to continue to grow, as urbanization is growing at an unprecedented rate and this contributes...


Nature-based solutions in action: Lessons from the frontline

Payments for environmental services: what is good practice?

Using ecosystem services to measure the degree to which a solution is nature-based

European Commission to invest €14.7 billion from Horizon Europe for a healthier, greener and more digital Europe

16 June 2021

The main work programme of Horizon Europe for the period 2021-2022 has been adopted by the European Commission. The programme outlines the objectives and specific topic areas that will receive a total of €14.7 billion in funding. Further to help accelerating the green and digital transitions in...

NetworkNature at the EU Green Week: Ecosystem restoration for better well-being and green recovery

7 June 2021

The restoration of degraded environments offers beneficial impacts to alleviate stress, improve mental health, to mitigate pollution and provide spaces for contemplation, socialization and physical activity. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized the importance of nature for collective...

Eddi Aguirre - Unsplash

Urban Planning and Health

26 May 2021

May 2021 marked the launch of an Urban Health cluster Healthy Cities , by URBACT the European Territorial Cooperation programme, which has for the past 15 years championed sustainable integrated development in European Cities. The Healthy Cities action planning network aims to develop and...

Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

Mental Health and Nature –How urban and peri-urban Blue & Green areas contribute to our well-being

29 April 2021

The benefits of urban green and blue areas for our mental health and well-being have become more and more evident during the current pandemic. Despite their importance, however, we don’t have enough information about how these areas should be designed. Do different types of urban green...

Nature-based solutions in Europe: Policy, knowledge and practice for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction

15 April 2021

The European Environment Agency presents a new report that gives valuable insights in how working with nature can help prevent the worst impacts of climate change, and biodiversity and ecosystem loss. Nature-based solutions offer multiple ways to do this. Science and policy have begun to...

Tender Opportunities: 2 new Community Ambassador positions on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform

12 April 2021

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform is inviting tenders from suitably qualified individuals to serve as a Community Ambassador for the Financial Services for NbS Community and the Ecosystem Creation, Restoration and Management Community on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform for the...

Unsplash - Mark Han

Making Urban Nature Bloom: Inspirational ways of undertaking a collaborative journey of your own for nature-based solutions

9 April 2021

Nature-based solutions are an increasingly popular means for tackling urban sustainability challenges. Nonetheless, there’s no one-size-fits-all method for every city, even when we are dealing with the same topic. Here are a few points/tips/inspirational stories you could learn from when taking...

Global EbA Fund

25 March 2021

The Global EbA Fund , a brand-new funding opportunity, is now open to support scaling up EbA across the world.

Led by IUCN and UNEP, the Global EbA Fund is a quickly deployable mechanism for supporting innovative approaches to EbA. The Fund aims to encourage catalytic initiatives to...

Juliane Liebermann (Unsplash)

Tender Opportunity: Community Ambassador to animate NbS For Health And Well-Being Community on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform

16 March 2021

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform is inviting tenders from suitably qualified individuals to serve as a Community Ambassador for the NbS for Health and Well-Being Community on the Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform for the period from May 2021 – April 2022.

About the Role:...

Envigado, Colombia

Viorel Dudau, Dreamstime

New study: With city-level projects, co-creation of nature-based solutions becomes more widespread and institutionalized in Europe

16 February 2021

News originally published on the CLEVER Cities website . Republished with permission from CLEVER Cities.

A new open access publication by CLEVER Cities partner Politecnico di Milano analyses the project’s 2,5 years of experience with citizen engagement methodologies to implement urban-...

European Green Deal is well-aligned to fast-track action on Nature-based Solutions, says IUCN

16 December 2020

News originally published on the IUCN website . Republished with permission from IUCN .

Gland, Switzerland - The European Green Deal is aligned to mobilise action on nature-based solutions (NbS) and, at the same time, help deliver the European Recovery Package, according to IUCN, which...

Sp Farmer, credit: The Flying Dutchman

Manchester Park credit: GrowGreen