Are you a researcher, student practitioner or teacher interested in learning about mountain ecosystems and sustainable development? Then you are invited to sign up for a Summer Field School program aimed at teaching participants about mountain ecosystems and resource management. Participants will learn practical approaches and gain the knowledge and skills necessary to meet global challenges for sustainable use of natural resources in the content of mountain ecosystems.
The Summer school is to be held 10-19 September 2023 in Mountain Igman, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The programme is international and will focus on mountain ecosystems in the context of human development, natural resource management, and sustainable conservation. Lessons will draw on case studies from a wide range of global contexts to unpack social, political, cultural and gender aspects and their relation to natural resources in mountain ecosystems. In addition the summer school will also look into environmental activism and consider how the international and development system affects processes related to sustainable management of natural resources in mountain landscapes.
The international training programme is executed in partnership with The Grassroots Institute (Canada), Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania), Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania), World Agricultural Heritage Forum (Italy), NatRisk at the University of Torino (Italy), Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine), Yaroslav Mudriy National Law University (Ukraine), Carpathian National Nature Park (Ukraine), Rural Development Fund (Kyrgyzstan), and Central Himalayan Institute for Nature & Applied Research (India)
To sign up for the Summer Field School and to determine your eligibility, click here.
With further questions, contact fsc@grassrootsglobal.net.