The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across Nature-based Solutions (NbS) projects. If you are not a task force 4 member, but would like to submit to this informal digest, please reach out to hello@networknature.eu. We will get back to you as soon as possible with instructions!
TF 4 Digest: November
Project Updates
SPADES has launched. Follow us on LinkedIn!
UPSURGE has launched a short and key survey to gather the most important needs of European cities and municipalities to achieve their carbon neutrality, air quality and biodiversity goals. This feedback will be crucial to develop the services of the EU Regenerative Urban Lighthouse consultancy platform. Participate until November 8th.
GoNaturePositive! has launched an open consultation on the nature-positive economy. How to Contribute: 1. Read our 5 key messages; 2. Take 5 minutes to complete the feedback form. Your voice matters— have your say and help redefine our world. Participate until November 30th
NBS EduWORLD is developing a youth engagement toolkit for NBS education. Share our 2-minute survey to (other) young persons aged 18 or over to help shape it!
NBS EduWORLD biannual newsletter is out! Read the latest news about NBS education here.
NBS EduWORLD has published a short animated video targeting policymakers: “Mainstreaming Nature-Based Solutions in education: a call to policymakers for a sustainable future”. Watch the full playlist here.
Upcoming Events
World Urban Forum
Dates: 4-8 November 2024; Location: Cairo, Egypt
Organised by the United Nations Habitats, the 12th World Urban Forum will focus on “the transformative power of localised actions”. More information on the theme will be available soon. Registration is open. -
Urban Transitions
Dates: 5-7 November; Location: Sitges, Spain
Urban Transitions 2024 aims to promote healthy urban development by bringing together different disciplines working within cities. -
PREP4BLUE Pilot Stakeholder Assemblies - Danube & Black Sea
Dates: 5-7 November; Location: Batumi, Georgia
Organised by the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, this event aims to showcase the role of research and innovation for the preservation and restoration of marine ecosystems and biodiversity in the Danube Delta and the Black Sea, under the PREP4BLUE project. Registration is still open. -
5th ESP Europe Conference ; Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health Dates: 18-22 November 2024, location: Wageningen, The Netherlands
ESP hosts its 5th European conference, addressing the question of how the ecosystem services concept can promote the global vision of One Health. The conference will highlight the interdependence of human health, animal and plant health, ecosystem health, and the health of the global environment. Many sessions on various aspects of NBS. EcoAdvance BOKU partner Lisa Waldenberger will co-host session B2 on Monday focusing on Living waters: Ecosystem services of freshwater biodiversity. -
Dates: 11-22 November 2024; Location: Baku, Azerbaijan
Organised by the United Nation, COP29 will be hosted by Azerbaijan. More information will be available soon. Information for participants can be found here. -
European Mission Soil Week 2024
Dates: 12-13 November 2024; Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organised by the Soil EU Mission, this event aims to gather all the soil community. More information will be available soon. -
UrbanByNature and EcoDaLLi webinar: Surfing the Innovation Stream
Date: 19 November 2024; online 9:30am-12pm CET
The webinar will explore innovative approaches to ecosystem restoration in the Danube and Black Sea region, with a focus on governance, data sharing and up-scaling practices, as part of the EU's Mission Ocean and EcoDaLLi projects. -
#3 UrbanByNature and NBS EduWORLD webinar: NBS Edusystems enhanced by citizens science to achieve social acceptance for the commitment and planning of NBS, the case of Belgrade
Date: 19 November 2024; online 2-3:15pm CET
The webinar explores how to build engagement and implement long-term nature-based solutions for urban nature and biodiversity conservation, with insights on citizen science, participatory design and innovative greening projects in Belgrade. -
Communicate 2024
Dates: 26-28 November; Location: Various UK and online
Communicate is the UK’s leading annual conference for environmental communicators running since 2004, bringing together a diverse group of delegates each year to develop their skills, share best practice and debate latest issues in science communication, nature conservation and engaging people with the natural world.
UNCCD 16th session of the Conference of the Parties
Dates: 2-13 December; Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Coinciding with the 30th anniversary of UNCCD, COP16 will be the largest UN land conference to date, and the first UNCCD COP held in the Middle East and North Africa region, which knows first-hand the impacts of desertification, land degradation and drought. The participation to the sessions of the UNCCD COP and its subsidiary bodies is by invitation only.
Calls for Proposals (Events)
Calls for Abstracts (Publications)
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