Nature-based Solutions Hubs

NetworkNature is working with local partners to establish and support the launch of NbS hubs. The hubs bring researchers policy-makers, businesses, and the public sector together to create long-lasting structures for NBS uptake, foster capacity building and knowledge exchange, build relationships and new partnerships, and create a nuanced understanding of NbS and address local specificities of barriers and opportunities for NbS. There are two types of hubs being established with support from NetworkNature: a member state hub consists of networks and actors from multiple regions within a Member State; a European regional hub consists of networks and actors in a geographic region from multiple Member States with similar planning or landscape contexts.

NetworkNature also connects with other established NbS hubs from other Horizon projects, including Connecting Nature, to support the continued uptake of NbS across sectors and regions.

Introducing the Nature-based Solutions Hubs: Download the welcome pack

Member State Hub

TeAM HUb - Természet-Alapú Megoldások Magyarországi Hálózata

A TeAM HUb a természet-alapú megoldások széleskörű magyarországi elterjesztése ügyében elkötelezett szervezetek és egyének szakmai közössége.

A természet-alapú megoldások az ökoszisztémák védelmét, helyreállítását, a velük való... More

Regional Hub

NetworkNature Nordic hub

The NetworkNature Nordic hub is a gathering place for all those who work with nature-based solutions in the Nordic region. It is a platform where we exchange contacts and share the knowledge, we gain about implementing nature-based solutions in... More

Member State Hub

NbS Hub Portugal

O NbS HUB Portugal é um espaço de encontro e fertilização entre especialistas de Soluções Baseadas na Natureza, cidadãos, municípios, associações, investigadores, empresas e profissionais e pretende ser uma plataforma de partilha de boas práticas... More

Member State Hub

Polish NbS Hub in Wroclaw

The Polish NbS Hub in Wroclaw is intended to be a place where information on nature-based solutions, good practices and recommendations for local implementation will be gathered. The idea of our Hub is to establish cooperation with cities,... More

Member State Hub

NbS Italy HUB

Nasce l’Hub Italiano per le Nature-based Solution: Nell’ambito del progetto NetworkNature, la Commissione Europea, ha promosso la formazione di Hub nazionali dedicati alle Nature-based Solutions (NbS). Il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR... More

Regional Hub

Caucasus Hub

The Caucasus Nature-based Solutions (NbS) Hub, the result of cooperation and co-creation by H2020 project partners from Armenia and Georgia, is a... More