NetworkNature’s second topical semester selected in consultation with experts in the field, is ´Nature-based Solutions for Ecosystem Restoration‘. The semester runs until January 2022 and will delve into to ecosystem restoration and benefits to biodiversity, looking into how nature-based solutions (NbS) contribute to the restoration efforts. The semester will contribute to the newly launched UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
Ecosystem restoration is direly needed as biodiversity is declining at an alarming rate. Ecosystem restoration is the process of reversing degradation, to regain the ecological functionality in order to improve the productivity and capacity of ecosystems to meet the needs of society. This can be done by allowing the natural regeneration of overexploited ecosystems or by active supporting the restoration by planting and fostering species on sites. Nature-based solutions have proven cost-effective and inclusive when implemented together with stakeheholders. With the increasing emphasis EU is placing on NbS, they have the potential to a great tool to imrpove both urban- and rural ecosystems and foster biodiversity.
During the semester NetworkNature will gather the latest findings, best practices and resources from leading experts and projects in the field. It will shed light on ecosystem restoration as a way to improve biodiversity, and foster sustainable development, and provide support to the NbS community collaborate on the topics through capacity building.
To learn more about the semester topic explore the NetworkNature Concept Brief, and follow us throughout the semester.