What are Living Labs? They are innovative test beds in cities for various solutions. They cover a real area, place or district(s) in a city and provide on a practical place to test out new approaches such as nature-based solutions.
OpenLivingLab Days (OLLD) is the annual global gathering of Living Labs organized by the European Network of Living Labs. This year, the event will be held in Turin, Italy with the theme "The city as a Lab, but now for real!" Re-working open innovation environments for inclusive, green and digital transition through emerging technologies.", between 20-23 September.
Over 400 innovators from Europe and around the world are expected to join the annual global Living Labs event!
Some key speakers are: Jeff Cherry, Managing General Partner at Conscious Venture Partners, and Gianluca Galletto, Urban Innovation Expert and former Chairs Office, MD Tech & Innovation Parterships at NYC Housings Authority. Find out more in the the event program.
Some of the interesting panels to take place:
The House of Emergency Technology in Italy and Beyond, showcasing the first results of the Turin CTE NEXT project in comparison with other Italian Emerging Technology Houses, describing how emerging technologies and 5G can be used in the service of citizenship.
Scaling up, scaling out and scaling deep for social innovation, examines the role of public authorities and the third sector in social innovation. Next, we will explore the replicability of social innovation systems (scaling out) and delve into the roots of social innovation (scaling deep).
Urban Testing models in Europe and Beyond, the session will analyse how Living Labs are a unique tool for promoting innovation in a holistic and inclusive way. Along with Torino, Living Labs from Eindhoven, Nantes, Nagoya and Medellin will showcase their best practices.
Living Labs as enablers of the transformation of European cities toward climate neutrality, produced in collaboration with the City of Turin and the Energy Center in Turin, Italy, the panel aims to analyse how Living Labs can help achieve climate neutrality by 2030. The reflection will take place in the context defined by the EU Mission "Climate Neutral and Smart Cities" and the related goal of having the first 100 climate neutral cities by 2030, among them Turin.
These panels are only a small part of the expansive event agenda. There are many workshops and papers that will take place during parallel sessions in the different areas of OGR Torino, the location of the event.
Among the workshops for example we find the one organized by the New European Bauhaus STAvangeR showcasing how “smart art” is a great way to provide innovative methods and tools for governments. The participants will experience how an artist can facilitate the production and sharing of knowledge.
There is still a chance to be featured in OLLD 2022 and take advantage of this excellent international showcase by reserving a booth for your European project. If you join the promotion for projects, you can receive:
2 tickets with the Gala Dinner included
A small booth measuring 3×3 square meters allowing you to display your dissemination materials
The possibility to book a meeting room with priority (if available) for a maximum of 12 people
The chance to present your project in the ENoLL Newsletter, prior to the conference
Your logo & link will be added on the OLLD22 website
Your logo will be displayed on the Conference E-brochure & Conference Report
Find the details to apply here .
Explore more information on the event here.
Top photo: Riccardo Tuninato, Unsplash