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NetworkNature is a resource for the Nature-Based Solutions community. Its purpose is to create opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and uptake of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS). The project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 framework programme.
NetworkNature’s core activities are:
- Improving understanding of the benefits and risks of NbS by collating and synthesizing evidence and identifying knowledge gaps and needs, to define priorities for future research and funding.
- Engaging existing stakeholders and expanding the NbS community to new sectors and new audiences. The NetworkNature team attends established sectoral events to pitch the value of NbS. We also organise dialogue events for fostering new partnerships and sharing knowledge, educating young people and communicating the latest findings in the field.
- Accelerating the uptake of NbS across science, business, policy and practice by providing guidance and capacity building, creating and operating new European NbS regional hubs, coordinating the EU H2020 Nature-based Solutions Task Forces and networking with practitioners, business, investors and policymakers.