NBS Knowledge Database

Introduction to the database

As the recognition of the potential Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) grows, so too does the need for a robust evidence base and business case across contexts. If NBS are to deliver on their predicted potential, decision-makers will require tools to communicate, promote and invest in interventions and policy. Currently, the tools available are usually sector-specific due to a lack of meta-analyses of the research, policy, projects and market-based resources available. With Europe producing much of these resources, the region is a fertile foundation point to analyse the state of the NBS landscape worldwide.

NetworkNature, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, is a resource for the NBS community, creating opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and spread of NBS. NetworkNature has mapped European research, policy, projects and market-based tools, collating information on the stakeholders involved and topics covered; also, in parallel, has identified relevant international resources. As this is the first mapping of this scale to be performed (other mappings have been limited in sector, region and resource type), the methodology of mapping is in itself a reportable result. Due to the different types of resources, three separate mappings of global academia and projects, policy and market-based were undertaken and then combined to form this database.

For facilitation of access to information, this database is also accompanied by:

Nature-Based Solutions knowledge gaps: that compiles evidence base for NBS gap analysis to help identify future avenues for research.

Database of EU research and innovation projects on Nature-Based Solutions: that gathers European R&I projects on NBS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes.

Useful links:

Displaying 801 - 874 of 874

Main entity:
International Water Association
Description: This book serves as a compilation of technical references, case examples and guidance for applying nature-based solutions for treatment of domestic wastewater, and enables a wide variety of stakeholders to understand the design parameters, removal efficiencies, costs, co-...
Main entity:
Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS)
Description: This Working Paper focuses on nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation, also known as Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA). It provides an overview of selected lessons learnt from EbA in the context of development cooperation, with a particular emphasis on the...
Main entity:
University of Guelma
Description: This study investigates the effect of natural elements in improving the outdoor thermal comfort in Guelma city, where various planting design of vegetation and water bodies were considered as natural solutions. Microclimatic data was obtained through field measurements with...
Main entity:
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
Description: The paper provides contribution in planning Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) to reduce the risk of flooding. It proposes a methodology for allocation of large-scale NbS using suitability mapping. The methodology was implemented within the toolboxes of ESRI ArcMap software in order...
Main entity:
The Nature Conservancy
Description: The authors developed a spatially explicit analytical methodology, Planting Stormwater Solutions, to prioritize the siting of vegetated NbS (such as bioretention facilities, constructed stormwater wetlands, and outfall retrofits) to benefit biological diversity, social and...
North America
Main entity:
Aveiro University
Description: This study assesses policy instruments, such as plan/legislative, economic and information instruments, to include NbS in urban governance and planning agendas. It conducted a systematic literature review, using a bibliometric and a content analysis, collating and reviewing...
Main entity:
Poznań University of Live Sciences
Description: The of the study was to determine the frequency and mechanism of providing greenery and ecological solutions in renderings, the types of vegetation presented, and the approach of the developers to the existing greenery and other ecological values. After analysed 73 development...
Main entity:
institute for circular economy & nature-based solutions (Vienna)
Description: This paper assesses the potential of treatment processes using NbS to close water and nutrient cycles in the urban food system. A Substance Flow Analysis approach is used to quantify the recoverable urban nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) budget contained in household...
Main entity:
University of Minnesota
Description: This paper applies an evaluation framework of salience (type of information), credibility (quality of information), and legitimacy (trustworthiness of information) to assess how hydrologic modeling outputs have been used in NbS projects by three types of decision makers:...
Latin America
Main entity:
Czech Academy of Sciences
Description: In this study, authors investigated perception of and economic preferences for adaptation to climate change through a choice experiment (preferences of a sample (n = 550) from Prague, Czech Republic, for a citywide policy which would increase the use of six commonly used NbS in...
Main entity:
Adam Mickiewicz University, Pablo deOlavide University
Description: The paper presents an in-depth comparison of public and private allotment gardens through the lens of the nature-based solutions (NbS) concept. Our results show that both types of AGs are nature-based solutions with particularly positive impacts on the health and well-being of...
Main entity:
Wildlife Conservation Society
Description: This publication introduces a rapid assessment framework that can be used as a guide to make conservation and Nature-based Solutions more robust to future climate. This assessment encourages practitioners and funders to use the "what, when, where, why, and who" -- the "5Ws" --...
Main entity:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Description: This chapter is one of a series of country case studies that explore existing challenges on scaling up the use of NbS to address water-related climate risks. Using the experience in UK, this chapter aims to identify potential ways of creating an enabling environment for NbS,...
Main entity:
CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (India)
Description: This document provides an overview of urban blue-green infrastructure as an efficient NbS and mainstreaming of nature-based interventions to ensure sustainable habitat in Indian megacities and growing small cities. It highlights the factors that determine the use of urban NbS...
Main entity:
Spanish National Research Council
Description: In this paper, three educational buildings serve as pilot samples to study the suitability of nature-based solutions (NbS), chosen for each one of three climatic zones. The NbS selected include green roofs, vertical structures with vegetation to shade holes, outdoor trees and...
Main entity:
The Polytechnic University of Milan
Description: In this research, authors considered the application of NbS as a catalyst for social inclusivity in urban regeneration strategies, enabled through civic participation in the co-creation of green interventions with respect to social cohesion and wellbeing. This article is focused...
Main entity:
Trinity College Dublin
Description: This paper examines the applicability of the complexity-based temporary innovation system (TIS) framework to social innovation and the extent to which “nature-based solution” (NbS) projects may be understood through a TIS lens using 10 NbS projects in 3 European cities as case...
Main entity:
University of Algarve
Description: This study aims to identify stakeholders' perceptions of the most critical urban challenges, the priority interventions, the preferred NBSs and the benefits of the NBSs, and to identify the determinants of these perceptions. A survey was administered to assess stakeholders'...
Main entity:
Massachusetts Department of Fish and Game
Description: This paper highlights the benefits of living shorelines composed of ecotypic native plants, wave attenuation structures for coastal protection, and managed retreat to restore coastal environments while supporting and maintaining natural habitats. It reviews several NbS and...
Main entity:
Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development
Description: This study aims to analyse how structural conditions shape barriers and also possible opportunities for NbS, and constructs a conceptual framework to guide empirical research on structural conditions. The findings of this paper indicate that NbS require a different understanding...
Main entity:
Nordic Council of Ministers
Description: This report identifies potential synergies between biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation by the data gathered from eight NbS projects (peatland and forests) in the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This report concludes 10 policy...
Main entity:
United Kingdom Government
Description: The Dasgupta Review discusses a new framework, grounded in ecology and earth sciences, applying the principles from finance and economics to understand the sustainability of human interaction with nature. The report highlights that Nature-based Solutions address biodiversity...
Main entity:
Newcastle University
Description: The present paper traces a chronological history, or roadmap, of the documentation produced by the European Union (EU) to promote and implement nature-based solutions (NbS) as an innovation action aiming to establish a socially inclusive, economically vibrant and ecologically...
Main entity:
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Description: This study reviews 20 relevant Bangladeshi national policy documents from the past three decades to investigate NbS as a potential framework to address climate change and societal challenges in the country. The analysis shows that among the 20 policies, 19 of them have no direct...
Main entity:
Description: This study examines NbS potential as integrated solutions to transform the current water intensive economic model to a more balanced model, where water is considered as an eco-social asset. It uses NbS as an entry point to understand the role of underpinning deep values, formal...
Main entity:
Description: This paper studies the financial barriers of making nature-based flood defences (NBFD) a common practice and discusses the following questions: - Through which mechanisms can public investments in NBFD projects be leveraged? - What are the enabling conditions for these...
Main entity:
Swinburne University of Technology,
Description: A systematic literature review is conducted in this study to explore how an ecological justice perspective can advance the understanding of NbS in the concept of cities and to address the knowledge gap in how to design and plan NbS in a non-anthropocentric manner to enhance co-...
Main entity:
Greifswald University
Description: This paper lists peatland rewetting as a Nature-based Solutions. It discusses the land use opportunities on rewetted peat soils. Furthermore, peatland rewetting together with carbon farming will provide win-win-options for various sectors such as: - Agriculture: Alternative...
Main entity:
Khalifa University
Description: This study focuses on the assessment and utilization of a design-based approach focused on urban trees as NbS in low-rise residential urban areas to enhance microclimate in neighborhood streets and the public realm in desert areas, taking Abu Dhabi as a case study. This study...
Main entity:
University of Wyoming
Description: The global decline in estuarine and coastal ecosystems (ECEs) is affecting a number of critical benefits, or ecosystem services. We review the main ecological services across a variety of ECEs, including marshes, mangroves, nearshore coral reefs, seagrass beds, and sand beaches...
Main entity:
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Description: This paper advocates that lessons can be learnt from Indigenous Peoples’ approach to food, which will contribute to the resilience and sustainability of food systems worldwide, as well as supporting the wellbeing of Indigenous Peoples. In this vein, this paper provides evidence...
Main entity:
Technical Unit of the Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System
Description: This paper reviewed 32 projects related to NbS for food production and 50 tools were identified and characterised. Authors demonstrated that there is a lack of tools capable of supporting users for planning and implementing edible NbS; calculating the food potential of a city...
Main entity:
Technical University of Munich
Description: This study investigates the interplay of densification and the availability of green space and its impact on human heat stress in summer.
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The Adaptation Gap Report 2020 places special focus on Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The report finds NbS lack funding proportional to the role they play in adaptation. It states that NbS must receive significantly greater funding and attention, given the low-cost benefits they...
Main entity:
University of Exeter
Description: This paper explores how varied systems of governance work at the European city level to deliver different policy mixes for implementing nature-based approaches which support integrated water management and policy. Through an extensive literature review, It analyses institutional...
Main entity:
Trinity College Dublin
Description: This paper claims that, what is meant by Nature-based is not well defined and there has been little effort to rigorously understand how a solution is created. It proposes an integrated conceptual framework, extending the service-benefit relationship to include solutions. The...
Main entity:
University of Jan Evangelista in Ústí nad Labem
Description: Authors addressed the public preferences and awareness of the implementation of NbS and types of cultivated crops (TCC) that may be used to mitigate pluvial floods by exploring preferences of the residents in the Oleška river basin in Czechia. An image-assisted questionnaire...
Main entity:
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK)
Description: This Paper presents a multi-functional assessment tool for evaluating trade-offs and co-benefits for various types of NbS. The objective of tool application is to identify optimal NbS placement across various socio-environmental indicators, while taking into account the issues...
Main entity:
UNDP Kosovo
Description: The focus of the project will be on greening Kosovo’s tourism sector through public-private partnerships, coherent policy and a resilient and agile tourism strategy based on the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability, and through a green accelerator...
Main entity:
Albania: Ministry of Tourism and Environment; Kosovo: Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure; Montenegro: Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism; North Macedonia: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning;
Description: Over the past few years, the frequency and severity of natural disasters (mainly floods and droughts) in the Western Balkans region has increased substantially. Climate change is causing intensive floods, which affect the living conditions of the population along the Drin River...
Main entity:
Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC)
Description: The main objective was to assess the systems for forest fire prevention and control and the risks of forest fires in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia from both a national and a transboundary perspective....
Main entity:
European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC)
Description: The overall goal of the project is to promote a comprehensive and integrated approach to biodiversity and ecosystem services for the sustainable development of rural municipalities and their local communities in the Western Balkans. Improving living conditions of local...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The Kune-Vaini lagoon system (KVLS) is confronted to a number of challenges that are likely to be exacerbated with climate change and to hinder the capacity of the KVLS to provide ecosystem goods and services that are crucial for local communities. Therefore, the SCCF-financed...
Main entity:
Crisis Management Centre
Description: Through sustainable forest management” is to develop an Eco-DRR model project against flood, landslides, soil erosion, and forest fires by utilizing multiple forest functions and enhancing the sustainable forest management. Accordingly, four outcomes with more relevant...
Main entity:
The Nature Conservancy
Description: Coastal Resilience is a program led by The Nature Conservancy to examine nature’s role in reducing coastal flood risk. The program consists of an approach, a web mapping tool, and a network of practitioners around the world supporting hazard mitigation and climate adaptation...
Main entity:
European Green Belt
Description: Within the project "Eco and Outdoor Tourism Actions of the Balkan Alps" three training sessions on biodiversity were organised for mountain guides. Main purpose was to familiarize participants with forest species, with special emphasis on large carnivores like brown bears and...
Main entity:
UNDP Kosovo
Description: The project goal is to promote the joint management of the shared water resources of the White Drin Basin as part of the planned activities to foster joint management of the transboundary Drin River Basin. The operationalization and strengthening of the institutional and legal...
Main entity:
MAVA - Fondation pour la Nature
Description: Aims to restore damaged habitats, encourage sustainable water use and reduce the impacts of water abstraction, pollution and coastal development on wetlands and related marine habitats by building capacity for effective management and planning processes, raising awareness of the...
Main entity:
World Bank
Description: The development objective of the Fostering and Leveraging Opportunities for Water Security (FLOWS) Program Project for Kosovo is to: (i) strengthen national capacity for managing water security, and (ii) improve water security in Morava e Binces basin. The project comprises of...
Main entity:
Research Institute for Forest Ecology and Forestry (FAWF); Connecting Natural Values and People Foundation (CNVP)
Description: To improve the existing practices in forest management planning in terms of improving forest hydrology planning within the management plans in North Macedonia and Albania. The main activities are the following: 1) Establishment of two pilot areas, one in North Macedonia and one...
Main entity:
EBRD Green Cities
Description: Podgorica will be able to strategically address the city’s needs for sustainable and green growth. The plan will address the most pressing climate change and environmental challenges, including public building energy efficiency, urban roads and lighting, urban transport, water...
Main entity:
School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
Description: To instigate transformational change in managing flood risk in the region, accelerating the shift from purely reactive responses to floods to integrated systems to manage hazards, vulnerabilities and exposure of communities and assets to prevent/mitigate losses and alleviate the...
Main entity:
Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management (BIOPAMA) programme
Description: The overall objective of this project is to assist the country in addressing priority needs in improving the management of natural resources within protected areas, promoting more sustainable use of natural resources thus demonstrating through practical examples that nature...
Main entity:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Description: The objective of the project is to assist the riparian countries in the implementation of an integrated climate-resilient river basin flood risk management approach in order to improve their existing capacity to manage flood risk at regional, national and local levels and to...
Main entity:
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Description: By signing up to the UNISDR Making Cities Resilient Campaign, Cetinje can expect to further raise awareness on the national (and international) level, in order to prompt more support and financial investment in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures. In...
Main entity:
Ministry of Tourism and Environment of Albania, Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro.
Description: Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity at Lakes Prespa, Ohrid and Shkodra/Skadar (CSBL). The lakes’ natural resources are managed on a transboundary basis and in compliance with EU environmental and biodiversity protection targets.CSBL focuses on four action fields:...
Main entity:
Pharmachem – Skopje; HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation; Macedonian Ecological society.
Description: The project goal is to strengthen and facilitate the transfer of international and Swiss expertise and knowledge on new approaches of integrative forest management to the forestry sector in Macedonia adapted to local conditions. To assist the Republic of North Macedonia in the...
Main entity:
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (North Macedonia)
Description: To improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in North Macedonia and to strengthen public institutions within the country's EU accession process. The proposed goal for project development is to improve competitiveness in selected sub-sectors and to strengthen public...
Main entity:
Urban Research Institute
Description: The Republic of Albania has a land surface area of 28,750 km2, out of which 24.4% is classified as agricultural land, thus making land and soils very important natural resources for the country. However, problems with soil management and soil quality have led to land degradation...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The objective is to develop and strengthen national policy and institutional capacity for sustainable land management and to contribute to achieving the national land degradation neutrality target with integrated landscape management in the north-western mountainous ecosystems...
Main entity:
WWF Adria; Municipality of Livno; Cincar Association
Description: Four-year programme funded by Sida is a laying foundation for the engagement of local communities in the management of protected areas. It will introduce examples of how protected areas can generate social and economic benefits in cooperation with the local community. These...
Main entity:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Description: The Prespa Lake Basin is over 5 million years old – amongst the most ancient freshwater lakes in the world. The region of the lake is home to more than 2,000 species of fish, birds, mammals and plants and the largest breeding colony of Dalmatian pelicans in the world. Many of...
Main entity:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Description: The overall objective of this project is to introduce a set of comprehensive measures that will help restore the Strumica River Basin’s socio-ecological functions and its overall resilience against the complex pressures resulting from human activities and global changes ....
Main entity:
Croatian Geological Survey
Description: Transnational advanced management of land use risk through landslide susceptibility maps design. Led by the Croatian Geological Survey, safEarth developed an online landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) system that allows any potential or occurring disasters to be mapped in...
Main entity:
Montenegro Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, International Sava River Basin Commission, Republika Srpska Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water, Republic of Serbia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Description: The development objective of the First Phase of the Sava and Drina Rivers Corridors Integrated Development Program Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia is to improve flood protection and enhance transboundary water cooperation in the Sava and Drina rivers...
Main entity:
City of Banja Luka
Description: The project “Urban gardens development” in Banja Luka started in 2019, and continued in 2020. under COVID 19 situation. The Government of Banja Luka city recognized need for active engagement of people in sustainable public land use aimed to improve household’s income, and...
Main entity:
Finnish Environment Institute; Parks and Wildlife Finland, the State Service for Protected Areas of Lithuania
Description: he project purpose is to strengthen administrative capacities of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, Administration of Environment, Nature Department and other relevant stakeholders for implementation of the nature protection acquis, through development of...
Main entity:
Swiss Confederation
Description: The Integrated Water Resource Management project supports different stakeholders in Kosovo at the national, regional and local level for establishing an integrated water resources management approach. This approach will address issues such as pollution, rising demand for water...
Main entity:
FBiH Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, RS Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
Description: The objective of the Sustainable Forest and Landscape Management Project (SFLM) for Bosnia and Herzegovina is to build capacity of forestry sector stakeholders and to demonstrate approaches for sustainable forest and land management through integrated management of vulnerable...
Main entity:
UNDP Kosovo
Description: The purpose of this three-year project was to provide continuing support to the establishment of a sustainable development framework for Dragash municipality, one of the poorest regions in Kosovo in terms of economic output, but rich in biodiversity and natural resources. The...
Main entity:
Green Home
Description: The overall objective of the project is to empower civil society in Montenegro to influence EU approximation process through strengthening public participation in decision making in the field of climate change. The specific objective is to build the capacities of CSOs in...
Main entity:
GFA Consulting Group
Description: The Phase II of this project (May 2018 to April 2021) is aiming to reduce the pressure on natural resources as well as the contribution to poverty reduction in the Albanian part of the Prespa Biosphere Reserve. This will contribute to conserve the biodiversity and to improve the...
Main entity:
University of Copenhagen
Description: The ultimate aim of the WATERWEB project is to introduce strategic water management for drought alleviation and sustainable agricultural practices in the region of Western Balkans (WB), as well as to establish and reinforce research expertise in a range of technologies for water...
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Conservation International
Description: International policy processes, such as the United Nations (UN) negotiations focused on climate change, biodiversity and sustainable development, have the potential to enhance coastal conservation, restoration and sustainable use of coastal ecosystems. Each process and its...