NBS Knowledge Database

Introduction to the database

As the recognition of the potential Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) grows, so too does the need for a robust evidence base and business case across contexts. If NBS are to deliver on their predicted potential, decision-makers will require tools to communicate, promote and invest in interventions and policy. Currently, the tools available are usually sector-specific due to a lack of meta-analyses of the research, policy, projects and market-based resources available. With Europe producing much of these resources, the region is a fertile foundation point to analyse the state of the NBS landscape worldwide.

NetworkNature, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, is a resource for the NBS community, creating opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and spread of NBS. NetworkNature has mapped European research, policy, projects and market-based tools, collating information on the stakeholders involved and topics covered; also, in parallel, has identified relevant international resources. As this is the first mapping of this scale to be performed (other mappings have been limited in sector, region and resource type), the methodology of mapping is in itself a reportable result. Due to the different types of resources, three separate mappings of global academia and projects, policy and market-based were undertaken and then combined to form this database.

For facilitation of access to information, this database is also accompanied by:

Nature-Based Solutions knowledge gaps: that compiles evidence base for NBS gap analysis to help identify future avenues for research.

Database of EU research and innovation projects on Nature-Based Solutions: that gathers European R&I projects on NBS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes.

Useful links:

Displaying 701 - 800 of 874

Main entity:
Nature-based Solutions Initiative
Description: There is growing awareness that ‘nature-based solutions' (NbS) can help to protect us from climate change impacts while slowing further warming, supporting biodiversity and securing ecosystem services. However, the potential of NbS to provide the intended benefits has not been...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The purpose of this webpage is to share inputs received following the global call for contributions to the Nature-based Solutions workstream for the Climate Action Summit.
Main entity:
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Description: The Environmental Sustainability Assessment and Circularity (SUSTAIN) research unit provides industry and policy makers with science-based assessment (via new methods and technologies) of the impacts and risks associated to manufacturing of products and technologies, consumption...
Main entity:
United Nations
Description: Examples of NbS and biodiversity
Main entity:
University of Antwerp
Description: This link presents some of the University of Antwerp's recent projects and research around nature-based solutions. 
Main entity:
University of Helsinki
Description: Nature-Based Solutions Research Group concentrates to solve globally significant environmental problems. Research objects range from micro-organisms to ecosystems and to people prone to manmade environmental changes.
Main entity:
Lund University
Description: The overall aim of Urban Nature is to investigate the ability of NbS to simultaneously meet different urban challenges such as climate change and public well-being. In the project we will: Map NbS and assess their potential provision of multiple ecosystem services in relation to...
Main entity:
Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO; Fraunhofer IAO; 70569 Stuttgart; Germany
Description: Nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as an important concept to build climate resilience in cities whilst providing a wide range of ecological, economic, and social co-benefits. With the ambition of increasing NbS uptake, diverse actors have been developing means to...
Main entity:
World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Description: This online tool developed by Nature4Climate with support from The Nature Conservancy demonstrates opportunities for countries around the world to view how natural climate solutions (NCS) alongside emission reduction strategies, can help them reduce their net greenhouse gas...
Main entity:
Wetlands International
Description: News and insights on the conservation and restoration of wetlands.
Main entity:
Nature-based Solutions Initiative
Description: The Nature-based Solutions Initiative is an international and interdisciplinary team of natural and social scientists, seeking to apply impactful research to shape policy and practice on nature-based solutions through research, teaching and engagement with policymakers and...
Main entity:
Global Youth Biodiversity Network; Youth4Nature; YOUNGO
Description: This information brief has been produced as part of a partnership between the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, Youth4Nature and YOUNGO to explore the risks, concerns and opportunities around the concept of Nature-based Solutions, and to share this information with our youth...
Main entity:
UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Description: This Paper presents a multi-functional assessment tool for evaluating trade-offs and co-benefits for various types of NbS. The objective of tool application is to identify optimal NbS placement across various socio-environmental indicators, while taking into account the issues...
Main entity:
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Description: The World Economic Forum’s network of Global Future Councils is the world’s foremost multistakeholder and interdisciplinary knowledge network dedicated to promoting innovative thinking to shape a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable future. The Global Future Councils serve...
Main entity:
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Description:  The World Economic Forum’s latest opinion articles, timely analyses and explainers from leaders in business, politics, and civil society.
Main entity:
World Economic Forum (WEF)
Description: The World Economic Forum has developed its Strategic Intelligence capabilities to help make sense of the complex forces driving transformational change across economies, industries, and global issues.
Main entity:
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE)
Description: This article discusses how wetlands are noted as a vital component for Nature-based Solutions. It concludes that more research on wetlands is required to ensure that such solutions represent effective and sound investments.
Main entity:
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description: WWF works globally on promoting nature-based solutions and prioritizing actions that benefit people, nature and climate. WWF develops measurable, people-centered initiatives across the world that harness nature-based solutions and emphasize the benefits of protecting and...
Main entity:
Youth 4 Nature
Description: Youth 4 Nature is empowering youth around the world to mobilize for nature and climate and hold our leaders to account on both the climate and ecological crises.
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Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Description: ADB provides its member countries in Asia and the Pacific with the knowledge and expertise to tackle these problems promoting sustainable development, a commitment to social progress, environmental balance and economic growth.
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European Investment Bank
Description: This e-learning is tailored to help you better understand the challenges in investing in nature and how to overcome them; and to put together investment propositions for natural capital and biodiversity-related projects.
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Natural Capital Financing Facility
Description: The aim of this platform is to strengthen the business case for investing in natural infrastructure. Natural infrastructure solutions can be not only cost-efficient and reduce a company’s risk exposure, but also have compelling co-benefits to society and the environment.
Main entity:
Description: adaptationcommunity.net was developed for the interested public and adaptation experts to provide information on applying approaches, methods and tools that facilitate the planning and implementation of adaptation action.
Main entity:
Description: Mirova designs solutions for public and private investors willing to invest in nature-based solutions. Our strategies are aimed at financing projects that combine profit with purpose: ecosystem conservation, restoration and sustainable livelihoods for local communities.
Main entity:
Tour du Valet
Description: Founded in 1954 by Luc Hoffmann, the Tour du Valat has since developed its research activities for the conservation of Mediterranean wetlands with the constant desire of “Better understand wetlands to better manage it.” Convinced that these rich but highly threatened habitats...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The Adaptation Gap Report 2020 places special focus on Nature-based Solutions (NbS). The report finds NbS lack funding proportional to the role they play in adaptation. It states that NbS must receive significantly greater funding and attention, given the low-cost benefits they...
Main entity:
UNESCO WWAP (World Water Assessment Programme)
Description: The 2018 edition of the World Water Development Report (WWDR 2018) aims to inform policy and decision-makers, whether they are stakeholders in the water community or not, about the potential of water-based solutions. Nature (SfN) to address contemporary water management...
Main entity:
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Description: L’adaptation fondée sur les écosystèmes (EbA) – sous-ensemble des approches fondées sur la nature pour aider les populations à s’adapter au changement climatique – est une stratégie de plus en plus populaire. Les données probantes de 13 initiatives dans 12 pays montrent que l’...
Main entity:
PANORAMA Solutions
Description: Panorama Solutions is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and sustainable development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is one of the...
Main entity:
Description: PLANES' research is grounded in sustainability science and brings together different fields, such as landscape ecology, planning theory, spatial analysis and impact assessment. It inter-disciplinary and empirical research with a focus on urban and spatial planning, climate...
Main entity:
Los Fondos de Agua
Description: Created in 2011, the Latin American Water Funds Partnership is an agreement created in 2011 between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the FEMSA Foundation, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), International Climate Initiative (IKI) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to...
Latin America
Main entity:
Nature Conservancy
Description: The Nature Conservancy began when leading scientists, committed citizens and dedicated leaders came together with a shared vision to protect and care for nature. Search results for Nature-based Solutions.
Main entity:
Water Action Hub
Description: Connect to water stewardship tools & opportunities around the world.
Main entity:
Fondos des Agua
Description: Created in 2011, the Latin American Water Funds Partnership is an agreement created in 2011 between the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the FEMSA Foundation, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), International Climate Initiative (IKI) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to...
Latin America
Main entity:
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Description: There is significant evidence that exposure or contact with natural environments has human health and wellbeing benefits. In this working group, we aim to understand the impact of biodiversity on human health and well-being. We also investigate how people perceive, value and act...
Main entity:
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Description: In a context of continuous land use change and telecoupled relationships, we investigate the effects of land management on ecosystem services and their contribution to human well-being. We use different approaches to assess potential supply, use and demand, including people’s...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: This document summarises outcomes relating to flood mitigation and coastal resilience from the report ‘Nature-based Solutions: State of the Art in EU-funded Projects’ (Wild et al. (Eds.) 2020) prepared through the EC’s Valorisation of NbS Projects Initiative. EU research and...
Main entity:
Banque Européenne d'Investissement
Description: Nature, our best ally to bequeath a livable world to future generations. To combat climate change, biodiversity provides responses that save time in terms of innovation and economic transformation.
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Mami Wata
Description: In the area around Benin's Ile aux Oiseaux in the south-west of the country, the cutting of mangroves and the resulting ecosystem degradation are increasing the threats of sea level rise, de-tide and flooding. One of the factors contributing to this degradation is the fact that...
Main entity:
Fonds Français pour l'Environnement Mondial
Description: Through the presentation of different case studies, but also of an inventory of knowledge and know-how on Nature-based Solutions, this report invites us to question the usual practices and this dominant vision of the development of the territory based solely on the use of...
Main entity:
France Nature Environnement
Description: Urbanization, intensive exploitation of natural resources, climate change, disappearance of biodiversity: scientists warn of the consequences of our model of society on our planet. However, France Nature Environnement affirms it: concrete and effective solutions exist. They are...
Main entity:
World Bank
Description: Effective flood risk management is critical to protect people and their livelihoods from flooding and to limit future losses. Nature-based measures and their ability to address flood risk are receiving increasing attention.
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: In this report, the IUCN French Committee focuses on reducing the pressure on water-related natural resources and promotes projects carried out on French territory. This document provides examples on the implementation of Nature-based Solutions to meet the challenges of natural...
Main entity:
Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Description: Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza para adaptarnos al Cambio Climático.
Main entity:
Fundacion CONAMA
Description: The objective of the Conama Foundation is to create meeting points between the different stakeholders in the environmental sector (professionals, academics, companies, social and environmental organizations) and between these and civil society.
Europe, Latin America
Main entity:
Description: Este documento es un resumen de la sistematizacion de prácticas en infraestructura verde para la adaptación al cambio climático en ciudades de Perú, Chile y Argentina. Presenta un marco conceptual del tema y las características de las diferentes prácticas de 19 ciudades en los...
Main entity:
Instituto Humboldt - Colombia
Description: A partir de una revisión y análisis de las determinantes de cambio, uso y transformación de la biodiversidad en el país, y tomando en consideración los resultados de acuerdos globales y organismos multilaterales como el Convenio de Diversidad Biológica (CDB) y la Plataforma...
Main entity:
Inter-American Development Bank
Description: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can be used as a cost effective way to build infrastructure resilience in response to a changing climate, while also delivering a range of other societal benefits. Yet, many business aren’t aware of these benefits, and implementation of NbS by the...
Latin America
Main entity:
Description: LatinClima is a large community and information center on the subject of communication on climate change for Latin America and the Caribbean, to which journalists and communicators, as well as other professionals, organizations and networks, can join.
Latin America
Main entity:
City Adapt
Description: Within the framework of the CityAdapt project, vulnerability analyzes were carried out in San Salvador (El Salvador), Kingston (Jamaica) and Xalapa (Mexico) in order to identify the ecosystem services that enhance adaptation to climate change. These studies allow the design and...
Latin America
Main entity:
UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme
Description: n este informe, los enfoques basados en la naturaleza se articulan como ”soluciones” para señalar su contribución actual y potencial a solucionar o superar los principales problemas o desafíos contemporáneos de gestión del agua, un enfoque clave de la serie del Informe de las...
Main entity:
Universidad EIA
Description: El crecimiento acelerado de la población urbana y sus efectos negativos en las condiciones ambientales y en la calidad de vida crea retos importantes para la planificación de las ciudades. Se requiere implementar soluciones innovadoras que permitan abordar la gestión del...
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Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Description: La Cátedra de UICN se constituye como una colaboración estratégica entre la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía y la Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza y su Centro de Cooperación del Mediterráneo (UICN-Med) para la generación del conocimiento sobre cómo...
Main entity:
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description:  El nivel del mar está aumentando, incrementando los riesgos de erosión, inundaciones y tormentas extremas en las regiones costeras de todo el mundo. Las olas de calor están ocurriendo con mayor frecuencia, avivando las llamas de los incendios forestales, ejerciendo presión...
Main entity:
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS)
Description: Naturebased adaptation planning is a challenging endeavor, not least because it requires transdisciplinary approaches to unite different actors' efforts and capacities. However, empirical knowledge on associated governance processes is scarce and fragmented. Against this...
Main entity:
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Description: Engage with and promote European businesses online by highlighting ‘live’ business-led case studies in marine ecosystem restoration
Main entity:
National University of Ireland
Description: This deliverable presents a choice experiment study that was carried out amongst the Norwegian population to assess the preferences and willingness to support kelp forest restoration activities.
Main entity:
Description: OPEN ACCESS DIGITAL MAPS is a scenario-based model assessing current and future implementations of nature-based solutions and their benefits to cities.
Main entity:
Urban Arena Wiki
Description: This webpage provides an overview of the role Nature-based Solutions can play to bring green elements into everyday urban living, this cluster focuses on how citizens in all urban areas benefit from such processes, as opposed to just a privileged few, with health concerning the...
Main entity:
Global Mangrove Alliance
Description: The Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) is an unprecedented collaboration that seeks to bring together NGOs, governments, scientists, industry, local communities, and funders towards a common goal of conserving and restoring mangrove ecosystems.
Main entity:
The Caribbean Fish Sanctuary Partnership Initiative
Description: The Caribbean Fish Sanctuary Partnership Initiative (C-FISH) is a project aimed at strengthening community-based fish sanctuaries by providing resources, training, and alternative livelihood opportunities in four (4) countries across the Caribbean (Grenada, Jamaica , Saint Lucia...
Latin America
Main entity:
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Description: Assisting Albania in establishing a mechanism by which strategies to moderate and cope with the consequences of climate change are enhanced, developed, and implemented.
Main entity:
Description: The FORRET project is a joint project of institutions from Croatia and Serbia dealing with water and forest management, including nature protection and biodiversity conservation. an area of ​​special importance for national economies related to sustainable forest management and...
Main entity:
The Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
Description: Comprehensive report that outlines the productivity benefits (general and by livestock class) as well as the limitations of shelterbelts.
Main entity:
The Nature Conservancy
Description: he beach is disappearing in Grenville, Grenada and coastal communities around the world face a similar situation. As sea level rises, the waters cover reefs that were once tall enough to block some of the wave energy, protecting the shore from erosion. The aim of this project is...
Main entity:
The Nature Conservancy, Wetlands International
Description: Monitoring to catalyse the action needed to protect and restore mangroves Thriving mangroves are key to the health of nature and effective climate action. Global Mangrove Watch (GMW) is an online platform that provides the remote sensing data and tools for monitoring mangroves...
Main entity:
The Nature Conservancy
Description: Though coral reef and mangrove restoration can be costly, these costs are often outweighed by the economic benefits of ecosystem services such as coastal protection, blue carbon, or tourism value. The models below attempt to prioritize restoration interventions by quantifying...
Main entity:
Nature-based Solutions Initiative
Description: This paper discusses the pitfalls of the NbS framing and its current political traction (government, non-government and private sectors interest in NbS), and recommendations and guidelines on how to get the message behind the concept of NbS right: · Successful NbS are co-...
Main entity:
Finance Earth
Description: This report has conducted a global literature review of investments and desktop research to identify global examples of repayable investment into NbS to: Map completed investments into NbS to determine market trends; Analyse common NbS business models and investment structures...
Main entity:
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Description: This report seeks to provide the countries in the Europe and Central Asia region with an overview and real examples of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) applied to agriculture. This is FAO’s first attempt to present NbS applied to agriculture especially pointed at the countries of...
Main entity:
North Carolina Coastal Federation
Description: This action plan focuses on opportunities for use of nature-based stormwater strategies in new development, stormwater retrofits, roadways and working lands to address localized flooding, by defining low-impact development and runoff volume matching as stormwater management...
North America
Main entity:
Lund University
Description: The aim of this paper is to i) understand how NbS frameworks address implementation, and ii) extract and synthesize key elements and conditions required for enabling the implementation process. Taking a hermeneutic approach, the paper makes use of pre-understanding to interpret...
Main entity:
The Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI)
Description: The Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative (VCMI) aims to coalesce stakeholders around a shared vision for high integrity use of carbon credits for voluntary purposes and work together to realize this vision. This Consultation Report is intended to serve as a foundation...
Main entity:
King’s College London,
Description: This chapter attempted to define urban resilience and NbS, along with its relationship to urban planners, practitioners, and researchers. It also demonstrated how NbS has been applied in Greater London, through the All London Green Grid (ALGG), a policy framework to implement...
Main entity:
Description: This article aims to establish an assessment framework, which fosters the urban planning and implementation periods of NbS projects and forms a linkage between adaptation actions with urban sustainability policies by making use of monitoring data that enables predictive...
Main entity:
Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS)
Description: This study aims to stress the importance of developing scientifically-based and customised information on climate change impacts as a precondition for designing and implementing NbS through modelling and analysing the dynamic behaviour of NbS response to different climate change...
Main entity:
Water Research Institute - National Research Council (Italy)
Description: A comparative assessment of multiple NbS, based on the analysis of benefits and co-benefits, as well as the identification of trade-offs among different stakeholders (e.g. the increase of agricultural production versus biodiversity conservation) and potential side effects. This...
Main entity:
Institute of. Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (Germany)
Description: This paper developed an upscaled-aquaponic scenario for the German metropolis of Berlin, analysed the impacts, and studied the system dynamics. To meet the annual fish, tomato, and lettuce demand of Berlin’s 3.77 million residents would require approximately 370 aquaponic...
Main entity:
RMIT University
Description: This papers demonstrate a novel application of the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to the practical challenge of selecting a set of NbS to address multiple urban challenges. The MCDA tool was used in seven cities participating in the European Union project ‘Urban GreenUP...
Main entity:
YES Innovation
Description: This paper results from an award-winning proposal developed considering a co-design process using both traditional methodologies and an innovative tool based on collaborative urbanism. The proposal considers using nature-based solutions (NbS) as a main driver for rehabilitating...
Latin America
Main entity:
University of South Africa, Wageningen University
Description: This paper explores conflict over green interventions on both process and outcome legitimacy. Cases from South Africa (Durban), Bangladesh (Dhaka), the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK) may illustrate standoffs over ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction (Eco-DRR) and...
Main entity:
Humboldt University of Berlin
Description: COVID-19 pandemic observations triggered a reflection by the author on urban forests in European cities under climate change as nature-society-based solutions. This commentary introduces a complementary triad of approaches that are all known but might lead to a novel view of...
Main entity:
EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Description: The study focuses on urban microclimate and energy balance in the built environment and discusses key challenges for successful implementation of integrated design solutions, at different scales, for climate change adaptation. Through the development of two experimental...
Main entity:
Politecnico di Milano
Description: This paper reflects on the tendency in city planning to dwell on social/environment dilemmas, which often paralyse or hinder the comprehensive impacts of potential interventions for the lack of an integrative framework that resolves dichotomies. It then centres its attention on...
Main entity:
Engineering with Nature
Description: Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.
Main entity:
Swarthmore College
Description: This study aims to address the overarching water quality issue while also incorporating different modes of feasibility (access, cost, and construction/replicability) and sustainability (by reducing food waste and encouraging engagement) through the application of BioSand water...
Main entity:
The University of Melbourne
Description: The author provides a theoretical framework for understanding the governance in the context of urban forest retention and protection and discuss governance lessons emanating from a collaborative knowledge co-production research project carried out with professionals working in...
Main entity:
Swinburne University of Technology
Description: This paper uses as a NbS case study the development and initial implementation of the metropolitan urban forest strategy in Melbourne Australia for analyzing the multi-actor landscape that emerged, through the lens of intermediation. The paper investigates which actors,...
Main entity:
Description: The main objective of this handbook is to guide the development of investable NbS propositions and bankable NbS projects for both public and private investors through different modes of governance, funding and implementation arrangements. It offers operational advice and project...
Main entity:
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Description: This report explores how linking the frameworks of nature-based solutions, integrated pest management (IPM), and One Health can facilitate the design of climate-resilient plant health systems, with particular benefits for reduced pesticide use and exposure. Climate-smart...
Main entity:
Stockholm University
Description: This contribution provides an overview of the concept of NbS for flood mitigation, focusing on (1) the environmental impacts of NbS, (2) the effectiveness of NbS in flood mitigation based on several case studies, and (3) the socio-economic aspects of NbS. Compiling the latest...
Main entity:
Global Change Research Institute (Czech Republic)
Description: This article reviews the recent understanding of floodplain delineation, the most common causes of disturbance, the ecosystem functions being performed, discussing in turn the measures being considered to mitigate the frequency and magnitude of hydrologic extremes resulting from...
Main entity:
University of Nevada
Description: This article assessed vulnerability on the base of three indicators: extreme temperature, air quality, and flood-prone areas. The research proves the potential use and replicability of Memorial Parking Trees on secondary streets in other similar or smaller cities beyond the...
Main entity:
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Description: This study explored how NbS is addressed in urban development by analizing municipal planning practices on three case studies in the Stockholm region. Through focus group discussions, interviews and document studies, they showed that the planning and design of urban green spaces...
Main entity:
University of St Andrews
Description: The authors explore nature based solutions for climate change, people and biodiversity, in a briefing paper for the COP26 universities network. 1- Nature-based solutions (NbS) are solutions to societal challenges that involve working with nature to deliver benefits for both...
Main entity:
University of Maryland
Description: This publication argues that effective nature-based climate solutions (NBCS) will support clear goals and make transparent the relative costs and benefits to climate, biodiversity, and human livelihood. However, NBCS would help the global community advance important societal...
Main entity:
Institute of Development Studies
Description: This rapid review examines literature around Nature-based Solutions (NbS), what are NbS, the pros and cons of NbS, design and implementation issues (including governance, indigenous knowledge), finance and the enabling environment. Considering this limited scope, this report...
Main entity:
University of Turin
Description: Authors highlighted that NbS can be used for monitoring, soil, air and water quality, water matrices and pollinator diversity. They therefore describe methods for monitoring the quality of soil, air, water matrices and pollinator diversity and abundance. In conclusion, authors...
Main entity:
Stockholm University
Description: This papers analised implementation of several NbS at different scales within the urban areas, such as urban forests, gardens, wetlands, infiltration trenches, and green roofs for assessing the effectiveness of NbS for water management, which varies with their design, size, and...
Main entity:
Nanyang Technological University
Description: Authors developed a probabilistic risk analysis framework to measure benefits (in terms of avoided losses) of nature-based solutions to flood risk management. Results for the Chindwin River basin in Myanmar highlight the potential consequences of deforestation on long-term flood...