NBS Knowledge Database

Introduction to the database

As the recognition of the potential Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) grows, so too does the need for a robust evidence base and business case across contexts. If NBS are to deliver on their predicted potential, decision-makers will require tools to communicate, promote and invest in interventions and policy. Currently, the tools available are usually sector-specific due to a lack of meta-analyses of the research, policy, projects and market-based resources available. With Europe producing much of these resources, the region is a fertile foundation point to analyse the state of the NBS landscape worldwide.

NetworkNature, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, is a resource for the NBS community, creating opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and spread of NBS. NetworkNature has mapped European research, policy, projects and market-based tools, collating information on the stakeholders involved and topics covered; also, in parallel, has identified relevant international resources. As this is the first mapping of this scale to be performed (other mappings have been limited in sector, region and resource type), the methodology of mapping is in itself a reportable result. Due to the different types of resources, three separate mappings of global academia and projects, policy and market-based were undertaken and then combined to form this database.

For facilitation of access to information, this database is also accompanied by:

Nature-Based Solutions knowledge gaps: that compiles evidence base for NBS gap analysis to help identify future avenues for research.

Database of EU research and innovation projects on Nature-Based Solutions: that gathers European R&I projects on NBS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes.

Useful links:

Displaying 401 - 500 of 874

Main entity:
Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission) , EEIG Alliance Environnement
Description: Sustainable management of water in agriculture is emerging as a core issue in the context of climate change. The EU agricultural sector is dependent on the availability of the water resources, but it can also significantly affect the ecological, chemical and quantitative status...
Main entity:
Alliance Environnement , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission)
Description: This evaluation seeks to understand the impact which certain measures of the CAP have had on reducing GHG emissions, agriculture’s vulnerability to climate change and its ability to provide adaptation and mitigation services to society. Most of the CAP measures analysed do not...
Main entity:
Alliance Environnement , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission) , Thünen Institute
Description: The scope of the evaluation covers the chapter of the direct payments regulation relating to the payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climate and the environment (chapter 3 of Title III of Regulation (EU) 1307/2013), the so-called ‘greening payment‘. Where...
Main entity:
Alliance Environnement , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission)
Description: As part of a series of evaluation of the Common agricultural policy (CAP) against its general objective of sustainable management of natural resources and climate action, the evaluation support study of the impact of the CAP on soil identified the activities impacting soil...
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Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
Description: Financial institutions are looking for ways to assess the impact they have on biodiversity via their finance and investment activities. The aim of this guide on biodiversity measurement approaches for financial institutions is to provide comprehensive information and to help...
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European Committee of the Regions (CoR)
Description: Local and Regional Authorities (LRAs) manage the land and the sea, provide a link between global goals and local communities, and have an increasingly important role in biodiversity protection. However, they face numerous obstacles in accessing and attracting public and private...
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Payment for Ecosystem Services Forests for Water (PESFOR-W)
Description: The aim of this document is to provide guidance on designing appropriate and cost-effective forests for water payment schemes that support tree planting and forest management to protect and improve water quality. The PESFOR-W COST Action has published this detailed user manual ...
Main entity:
Geneva Environment Network; International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: The Geneva Nature-based Solutions dialogues aim to facilitate further engagement and discussion among the stakeholders in International Geneva and beyond, in the lead-up to a critical year for nature and society. This NbS journey brought together multiple actors from the Geneva...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: This Staff Working Document (SWD) outlines in more detail the actions related to the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans included in the Communication on an Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans adopted by the European Commission. It further details the five...
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West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Description: This webpage provides and overview of the Yorkshire Authority for the integration of blue and green infrastructure strategies with the aim of establishing easy reach for the citizens to an outstanding and well used network of green and blue infrastructure that reduces flood...
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Manchester City Council
Description: Manchester’s Great Outdoors – the Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy for Manchester 2015–25 – is one of the most ambitious policy documents developed and delivered by a local authority in recent years. Over the past few decades, Manchester has worked hard to achieve a...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Climate change adaptation actions are closely linked to Green Infrastructure as often Green Infrastructure can serve as an adaptation measure, e.g. floodplain restoration, urban Green Infrastructure to counter-act the urban heat island effect, etc. The EU Strategy on Adaptation...
Main entity:
Newcastle City Council - UK
Description: As part of the development of the Core strategy and Urban Core Plan (CSUCP) (2015), a green infrastructure evidence base and strategy were produced. This consisted of detailed evidence reports which identified the existing condition of green infrastructure and the deficiencies...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The energy sector - the burning of coal, natural gas and oil for electricity and heat - is the largest single source of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is responsible for over a quarter of all EU greenhouse gas emissions. Energy transmission infrastructure also generally...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The financial sector includes banks, investment funds, insurance companies, trusts and real estate. There is a strong case for this targeted audience to be involved in financing Green Infrastructure and to explore opportunities for private investment in this domain. Indeed, the...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The World Health Organization defines human health not simply in terms of lack of illness or disease, but as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing’. The Science for Environment Policy In-depth Report on The Multi-functionality of Green Infrastructure draws a...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Rural farmland abandonment in Europe is an ongoing process with potentially important social and environmental impacts, especially in so-called High Nature Value (HNV) farmland. Green Infrastructure can offer solutions for both the prevention of farmland abandonment and for...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Green Infrastructure is an important instrument for the overarching goal of European transport policy: to reduce the carbon footprint of transport, mitigate the negative effects of land uptake and fragmentation, and boost opportunities to better integrate land use, ecosystem and...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Water is an essential component for human health and wellbeing, as well as for the maintenance of ecosystems and habitats. Green Infrastructure is an important instrument for achieving and maintaining healthy water ecosystems and offers multiple benefits to the water sector by:...
Main entity:
City of Lancaster
Description: Green infrastructure (GI) enhances the natural environment to manage rainwater where it falls, allowing water to soak into the ground, evaporate into the air or collect in storage units. Examples of GI include porous asphalt, rain gardens, bioswales, trees, and green roofs,...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Ecosystem services are the benefits that flow from nature to people. They can be provisioning (e.g. the supply of food, clean air and water and materials), regulating (e.g. water and climate regulation, nutrient cycling, pollination, or the formation of fertile soils), or...
Main entity:
North Tyneside Council
Description: This document looks at the networks of green space that exist across the Borough and identifies green infrastructure deficiencies; identifies opportunities, future projects and potential linkages to regeneration, biodiversity, water management and rights of way. Green...
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International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: These guidelines offer an approach for developing a corporate-level biodiversity strategic plan, including measurable goals and objectives and a set of core linked  indicators, that will allow companies to measure their biodiversity performance across their operations. The ...
Main entity:
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Description: With its current housing programme and the development of commercial sites, the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is setting new standards. The goal is to build at least 10,000 apartments and develop new commercial areas every year. As a result, the city will...
Main entity:
Biodiversa; Belmont Forum
Description: An introductory guide on the production and use of biodiversity scenarios in decision-making contexts, elaborated in the framework of BiodivERsA 2017-2018 joint call with the Belmont Forum BiodivERsA and the Belmont Forum, in the framework of their Joint Action on Scenarios of...
Main entity:
Description: Large-scale restoration initiatives are underway to counter global loss and degradation of the world’s forests. These include the Bonn Challenge (150 million ha by 2020), the New York Declaration on Forests (350 million ha by 2030), and land net degradation neutrality (LDN) by...
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: ADAPT: Nature-based Solutions for resilient societies in the Western Balkans is a project funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented by IUCN. It aims to increase ecosystem and community resilience to climate change and environmental...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The International Good Practice Principles for Sustainable Infrastructure set out ten guiding principles that policymakers can follow to help integrate sustainability into infrastructure planning and delivery. They are focused on integrated approaches and systems-level...
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Society for Ecological Restoration
Description: The second edition of the International Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration was released on September 27, 2019, in Cape Town, South Africa at SER’s 8th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. This groundbreaking publication provides updated and expanded...
Main entity:
Global Canopy
Description: Financing the protection for our natural world is a challenge that governments around the world have struggled to meet. Current estimates suggest there is a global shortfall of USD 824 billion. But The Little Book of Investing in Nature provides a simple guide for policy makers...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: This report presents an ecosystem assessment covering the total land area of the EU as well as the EU marine regions. The assessment is carried out by Joint Research Centre, European Environment Agency, DG Environment, and the European Topic Centres on Biological Diversity and...
Main entity:
European Environment Agency (EEA) ; European Commission (EC)
Description: EU trends in progress towards the EU biodiversity strategy 2020 targets and actions, including key trends since the EU 2010 biodiversity baseline.
Main entity:
Description: Biodiversity and ecosystem services, or nature for short, underpin many aspects of economic activity and are deteriorating at an unprecedented level, with potentially far-reaching implications for economies worldwide. Sustained ecosystem damage can trigger regime shifts and...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The aim of this report is to describe the status of work being undertaken by INCA in order to provide information on Natural Capital Accounting for EU Member States and other actors working in this area. It aims, in particular, to serve as a reference document on ecosystem...
Main entity:
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
Description: In recent years, Naturebased Solutions (NbS) for landslide risk mitigation have become a popular measure and are being effectively used in many Asian countries as a cost effective and an environmentallyfriendly solution. The policy brief summarizes the background, advantages,...
Main entity:
Global Environment Facility - GEF
Description: This paper identifies research and practitioner needs that will advance the field of NbS going forward, and suggests a brief checklist that GEF could employ to improve consideration of NbS in projects over the short term. These conclusions are based on: a review of some of the...
Main entity:
Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP)
Description: This policy brief provides an overview of the socio-economic benefits that nature-based solutions (NbS) can deliver, alongside supporting the achievement of the EU’s climate and biodiversity objectives. The brief describes the obstacles that have prevented the full integration...
Main entity:
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Description: Healthy ecosystems, and their associated services, can provide effective natural protection against water-related climate risks. Nature-based solutions (NbS) have recently gained momentum in international policy discussions due to their potential to foster synergies between...
Main entity:
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description: For WWF, Nature-based Solutions for climate change are: “Ecosystem conservation, management and/or restoration interventions intentionally planned to deliver measurable positive climate adaptation and /or mitigation benefits that have human development and biodiversity co-...
Main entity:
European Environment Agency
Description: Working with nature and enhancing the role of ecosystems can help reduce the impacts of climate change and increase resilience to climate change. Such an approach can deliver multiple benefits, including lowering pressures on biodiversity, improving human health and well-being,...
Main entity:
IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation
Description: The rapid assessment “Nature‐based Solutions in the Mediterranean Cities¨ was carried out between 2017‐ 2018, and was commissioned by IUCN‐Med in order to illustrate how the NbS concept is being adopted in Mediterranean cities. The report also aimed to explore how much support...
Main entity:
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Description: Many of the world’s vital natural ecosystems, and the communities reliant on them, are vulnerable to climate change. But there is increasing recognition that ecosystems — if sustainably restored and protected — can also form a strong line of defence against the direct impacts of...
Main entity:
Smart Prosperity Institute
Description: Canada’s nature is a fundamental piece of the puzzle for fighting climate change. The Government’s commitment to plant two billion trees acknowledges that. But it’s feasible that using nature to fight climate change could undermine biodiversity and the other important ecosystem...
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North Carolina Coastal Federation
Description: The Action Plan for Naturebased Stormwater Strategies was developed by the North Carolina Coastal Federation with the support of The Pew Charitable Trusts, and input from four expert work groups focusing on opportunities for use of nature based stormwater strategies in new...
North America
Main entity:
International Labour Organization (ILO), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description: Combining expertise on nature and employment, this joint World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) - ILO publication maps out the societal challenges where nature-based solutions can be effective, how they support job creation and how they have been used, providing evidence and examples...
Main entity:
Description: Our scientific understanding of nature’s role in the fight against climate change has deepened in the past three years and is now well-established. So too has our understanding of the full range of benefits that nature-based solutions deliver for people around the world: whether...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: The purpose of this webpage is to share inputs received following the global call for contributions to the Nature-based Solutions workstream for the Climate Action Summit. NbS Contributions Compendium NbS Example Initiatives  The list provides the NbS contributions received*...
Main entity:
University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL)
Description: Our economy depends on the services that nature provides. Yet despite these services being worth more than USD $100 trillion per year, nature is in decline.1 Twenty-three per cent of land is now degraded and ocean ‘dead zones’ span an area greater in size than the United Kingdom...
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World Economic Forum - WEF
Description: The Future of Nature and Business, the second of three reports in the World Economic Forum’s New Nature Economy series, provides the practical insights needed to take leadership in shifting towards a much needed nature-positive economy. As the world prepares to recover from the...
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Plan Bleu
Description: While climate change is becoming more and more of a concrete reality, impacting people and places throughout the Mediterranean region, a broad range of Nature-based Solutions are available to enhance society’s resilience in this new, dynamic and highly challenging context....
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NbS initiative
Description: There is growing recognition that nature-based solutions - i.e. restoration and protection of natural habitats - when applied strategically and equitably can not only safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services but also help people adapt to the effects of climate change. NbS...
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Global Youth Biodiversity Network
Description: As the governments of the world are coming together to negotiate under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to agree on a post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), youth have rallied together to gather our voices and forge a path of reconnection and reconciliation...
Main entity:
Prague City Council
Description: Populations of large cities are suffering from heat waves, overheated streets, floods as well as shortages and uneven distribution of water and greenery, all of which have beencontributing to a decline in the quality of life in such areas. Capital City of Prague and its...
Main entity:
PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
Description: When it comes to ensuring a new deal for nature and people, cities have much to offer. Urban development and urban life are crucial in determining the nature and extent of biodiversity loss as well as shaping how the majority of the world’s population lives with nature. By...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The 2013 reform of the common agricultural policy (CAP) introduced a green direct payment scheme 1 (‘greening’). The aim was to further improve sustainable management of natural resources linked to farming through payments for practices beneficial to the environment and the...
Main entity:
Citta Metropolitana di Milano (Milan)
Description: Territori resilienti è lo sportello unico per la transizione resiliente dei territori perchè mette a disposizione degli strumenti concreti per promuovere azioni mirate e specifiche, col prioritario obiettivo di diminuire la vulnerabilità dei sistemi naturali e socio-economici e...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Green infrastructure is defined in the EU green infrastructure strategy as ‘a strategically planned network of natural and semi-natural areas with other environmental features designed and managed to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services. It incorporates green spaces (or...
Main entity:
Science for Environment Policy (SfEP) by DG ENV
Description: The European Commission's Science for Environment Policy has published a new "Future Brief" on Nature Based Solutions (NbS). The research collated in the Future brief confirms that NbS deliver simultaneously multiple benefits and shows the wide-ranging beneficial impacts of...
Main entity:
Scottish Government
Description: Sets the direction for a new biodiversity strategy which will respond to the increased urgency for action to tackle the twin challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. This high level Statement of Intent: signals our ambitions for Scotland, in tackling the twin crises...
Main entity:
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)
Description: The Voluntary Commitments initiative, was developed in response to the General Assembly resolution 68/211 (2013) and launched in the lead-up to the World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in March 2015 to support the development of partnerships at all levels to...
Main entity:
Northumberland County Council
Description: The South East Northumberland Green Infrastructure Strategy sets out the vision and strategy for green infrastructure provision within southeast Northumberland to protect and improve existing poor quality green and open space, and develop new green infrastructure. The South East...
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Citta Metropolitana di Milano (Milan)
Description: Il Parco Agricolo Sud Milano, istituito con legge regionale n. 24 del 1990, oggi sostituita dalla legge regionale n. 16 del 2007, e affidato in gestione alla Città metropolitana di Milano, comprende le aree agricole e forestali di 60 comuni, per un totale di 47.000 ettari. La...
Main entity:
Warwickshire County Council
Description: The Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Green Infrastructure Strategy aims to create -A diverse and well-managed Warwickshire, Coventry and Solihull Green Infrastructure network that underpins the quality of life for communities. This will be the result of a well connected,...
Main entity:
Sunderland City Council
Description: The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF), which guides the development of Local Plans and policies, recognises the importance of strategically planned GI both as an implicit objective in itself and as an aid to delivering the National NPPF’s wider objectives towards...
Main entity:
Description: The EU Green Infrastructure Strategy adopted in May 2013 foresees a number of actions to be carried out under the lead of the European Commission in the following years. They include, for example, integrating green infrastructure (GI) into key policy areas, improving the...
Main entity:
Doncaster Council
Description: This is the Doncaster Green Infrastructure Strategy 2014 – 2028, Making Doncaster a Greener, Healthier, more Attractive Borough. This adoption version of the Strategy has been informed by extensive public consultation to ensure it reflects the key priorities and projects for the...
Main entity:
Scottish Government
Description: The draft Infrastructure Investment Plan sets the strategic framework for the infrastructure investment the Scottish Government and its public bodies will make over the next 5 years, from 2021-22. The draft Plan has built on and been directly informed by the work of the...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: The European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication started a dialogue on naturebased solutions (NbS) in 2015. In this report, European and Brazilian experts analyse the occurrence and potential of NbS in Brazil, highlight good...
Europe, Latin America
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to Europe and the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal will transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring: no net emissions of greenhouse gases...
Main entity:
Newcastle University
Description: The present paper traces a chronological history, or roadmap, of the documentation produced by the European Union (EU) to promote and implement nature-based solutions (NbS) as an innovation action aiming to establish a socially inclusive, economically vibrant and ecologically...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: This document outlines the four priority areas for the members of the NbS coalition at the UN Climate Action Summit 2019. Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) are a fundamental part of action for climate and biodiversity. Authoritative research indicates that NbS can provide over one-...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: Naturebased solutions simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits by bringing more nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and seascapes. The Horizon 2020 Expert Group on ‘NatureBased Solutions and ReNaturing Cities’, chaired by...
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CDP Disclosure Insight Action
Description: "Companies are increasingly recognising the impact they are having on the environment throughout their supply chains and are starting to plan and implement corrective actions within their operations." This policy briefing is Carbon Disclosure Project's (CDP) first look at the...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The Urban Agenda for the EU was launched in May 2016 with the Pact of Amsterdam. It represents a new multi-level working method promoting cooperation between Member States, cities, the European Commission and other stakeholders in order to stimulate growth, liveability and...
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Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: This project will restore the Caledonian pine forest to its natural limit, reinstate drained wetlands, naturalise rivers and revive huge tracts of peatland, improving the area for wildlife, including eagles, wildcats, pine martens, ospreys and otters, and making it better for...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: This project aims to create a world-class wilderness reserve in the Southern Carpathian Mountains, one that is large enough to develop an integrated and self-sustaining ecosystem, support significant numbers of large carnivores and allow evolutionary processes to recover. Over...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: This five-year project is taking a vital step forward in restoring one of the largest delta systems in Europe (700,000 ha), by significantly improving the ecological integrity and ecosystem functioning of 40,000 ha of wetland and terrestrial (steppe) habitat in the Danube Delta...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: This project will remove barriers to the recovery of marine ecosystem from Gökova Bay to Cape Gelidonya, triggering the revival of healthy ecosystem processes. A fully-functioning ecosystem which keeps invasive species in check will generate sustainable benefits for local people...
Main entity:
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority(GMCA)
Description: IGNITION is a ground-breaking project that aimed to develop innovative financing solutions for investment in Greater Manchester’s natural environment, all to help increase the city region’s resilience against the increasingly extreme impacts of climate change.
Main entity:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Description: INTERACT-Bio is a four-year project designed for improving the utilization and management of nature within fast-growing cities and the regions surrounding them. It aims to provide expanding urban communities in the Global South with nature-based solutions and associated long-...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: Within the Chachuna Managed Reserve, this project will initiate restoration of the natural dynamics of the Iori River, significantly improving the condition of gallery forest along its length in Georgia. It will also lay the foundations for a rotational grazing scheme that will...
Main entity:
Description: The “Leisure and recreation in the forest” platform enables the transfer of knowledge and experience between research, education and practice and promotes the visibility and importance of the forest's recreational activities. The information on the platform relates to various...
Main entity:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Description: Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB) is a unique global biodiversity programme run by The ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center, in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). LAB employs an approach which is action oriented and customized for local and...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: This project aims to create a contiguous network of protected areas covering almost 1.4 million ha of ecologically functioning natural landscape in the heart of Europe. It will become one of Europe’s largest protected natural wilderness areas, providing essential habitat to many...
Main entity:
Endangered Landscapes Programme
Description: Working alongside the communities, natural resource users and owners of the uplands, lowlands and coastline, Summit to Sea will be developing collaborative land and sea management solutions at scale. These solutions will support healthy and biodiverse ecosystems that deliver...
Main entity:
University of Durham
Description: The Business Models Catalogue for urban nature-based solutions presents eight different business models for urban NbS. These were identified based on 54 in-depth case studies of urban NbS, both in- and outside of Europe. These models explain which values propositions can drive...
Main entity:
Utrecht University
Description: Nature-based solutions can help overcome urban sustainability challenges by providing services, creating benefits and holding value for different urban actors. However, the development of nature-based solutions is hampered by a number of barriers that relate to the value...
Main entity:
University of Durham
Description: Led by Durham University, NATURVATION involves 14 institutions across Europe working in fields as diverse as urban development, innovation studies, geography, ecology, environmental assessment and economics. Our partnership includes city governments, non-governmental...
Main entity:
Sustainable Finance Lab; Utrecht University
Description: Methodology used in Naturvation relating Business Models
Main entity:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Description: This report focuses on the NATURVATION (NATure-based URban innoVATION) project that was created to bring nature-based solutions into city planning. The four-year project involves 14 institutions across Europe in the fields of urban development, geography, innovation studies, and...
Main entity:
Ecologic Institute Berlin
Description: A growing recognition of the value of ecosystem services and the wider socio-economic and socio-cultural benefits provided by natural systems has spurred a shift in urban policy and planning discourse, aiming to integrate these considerations into decision-making processes. At...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to secure healthy, resilient, biodiversity-rich ecosystems that deliver the range of services essential to the prosperity and well-being of citizens. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – with healthy and biodiverse ecosystems at their core -...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Unsustainable urbanisation, climate change, biodiversity loss and the degradation of ecosystem services are just some of the challenges societies across the globe are grappling with. This Results Pack showcases nine EU-funded projects that have developed important tools and...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: Achieving the ambitious goals established by the European Union will require not only transformation of our energy and transport systems, but measures across the economy as well as efforts to harness the potential of nature to contribute to both mitigating climate change and...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: Nature-based Solutions (NbS) represent a key approach to improve air quality, microclimate, health and well-being of urban populations. The European Commission will adopt in 2021 a zero pollution action plan for air, water and soil and it is known that especially air quality has...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: This document summarises outcomes relating to water quality and waterbody conditions from the report ‘Nature-based Solutions: State of the Art in EU-funded Projects’ (Wild et al. (Eds.) 2020) prepared through the EC’s Valorisation of NbS Projects Initiative. EU research and...
Main entity:
Bulkeley Harriet, European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: Over the past thirty years local communities have remained at the heart of efforts to address sustainable development across the European Union, mobilised by a wide range of policies and initiatives to develop sustainable, smart, low carbon, resilient and eco-cities. As...
Main entity:
Technical University of Crete
Description: This report initially identifies some elements of value that can and should be captured to ensure that a full appraisal of nature based solutions. We assess four exemplar case studies using these key elements to examine the broader ‘value’ interpretation of Nature-based...
Main entity:
Technical University of Crete
Description: This report focuses on the outcomes of the Paris Forum on NbS : Addressing major societal challenges: climate change adpatation-mitigation, risk management and resilience.
Main entity:
Technical University of Crete
Description: Nature Based Solutions (NbS) are classified by the European Commission (EC) as addressing societal challenges by providing solutions that are inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social, and economic benefits and help...