NBS Knowledge Database

Introduction to the database

As the recognition of the potential Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) grows, so too does the need for a robust evidence base and business case across contexts. If NBS are to deliver on their predicted potential, decision-makers will require tools to communicate, promote and invest in interventions and policy. Currently, the tools available are usually sector-specific due to a lack of meta-analyses of the research, policy, projects and market-based resources available. With Europe producing much of these resources, the region is a fertile foundation point to analyse the state of the NBS landscape worldwide.

NetworkNature, funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, is a resource for the NBS community, creating opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation to maximise the impact and spread of NBS. NetworkNature has mapped European research, policy, projects and market-based tools, collating information on the stakeholders involved and topics covered; also, in parallel, has identified relevant international resources. As this is the first mapping of this scale to be performed (other mappings have been limited in sector, region and resource type), the methodology of mapping is in itself a reportable result. Due to the different types of resources, three separate mappings of global academia and projects, policy and market-based were undertaken and then combined to form this database.

For facilitation of access to information, this database is also accompanied by:

Nature-Based Solutions knowledge gaps: that compiles evidence base for NBS gap analysis to help identify future avenues for research.

Database of EU research and innovation projects on Nature-Based Solutions: that gathers European R&I projects on NBS from several major European research and innovation or implementation programmes.

Useful links:

Displaying 301 - 400 of 874

Main entity:
EFTEC; Environmental Finance and Countryscape to Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)
Description: The plan has three key components: 1. A pipeline of potential project types which need investment; 2. Finance models to facilitate private sector investment and the role of public sector, and 3. Recommendations to put the plan into practice over the next 5 years.
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Manchester City Council
Description: This document provides an overview of financing approaches that can be used to deliver green infrastructure (GI) or nature-based solutions (NbS) in urban areas, compiled through literature review. It focusses on financing mechanisms from the perspective of city governments.
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Description: This Working Document, prepared by Trinomics for the GrowGreen project, provides an overview of financing approaches that can be used to deliver green infrastructure (GI) or nature-based solutions (NbS) in urban areas, compiled through literature review.
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Description: This compendium presents nature-based and ‘grey’ solutions to address climate- and water-related challenges in European cities. It focuses on the six challenges that are most common across European cities and which can be addressed through nature-based solutions: heat stress,...
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International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: Engaging citizens requires not only informing them about the importance of NbS for improving their quality of life, but also generating enthusiasm and involvement, to benefit from their ideas in the transformation process and future management practices. This report supports...
Main entity:
Description: Climate Change Adaptation is a very complex field of work, where the private and public dimensions converge, where there are competences, responsibilities and need for coordination at all administrative levels - local, regional, national and European -, and where many sectors...
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: The concept of the “sponge city” was developed in 2013 to address urban water management challenges in China and rebuild a harmonious relationship among people, water and city (read more in Part 1). The sponge city concept refers to a way of urban management that allows cities...
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Description: This factsheet highlights the methods and lessons learnt from citizen engagement activities during the planning and implementation of Nature-based solutions within the framework of the GrowGreen project
Europe, Global
Main entity:
Description: The renaturing of cities through an increased emphasis on the use of Nature-based solutions (NbS) offers urban areas the opportunity to deliver multiple environmental and socio-economic benefits. In particular, approaches linked to NbS can limit the impact of climate change on...
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Description: This factsheet focuses on the governance models required to adapt to climate change and enhance the resilience of urban areas. In this regard, the adaptation pathway emerges as an innovative and flexible approach that fosters iterative and adaptive governance and addresses...
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Description: The fact sheet on ‘ Unpackaging Urban Heat Island: concepts, methods and practice examples to assess urban climate change and to enhance planning decisions and Nature-based solutions deployment’
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Description:  ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking) is an EU Horizon project aiming to deliver a flexible methodology to provide the building blocks for pan-European and regional assessments. The work ensures the timely delivery to EU member states...
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Autonomous University of Madrid
Description: ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecosystem services mapping for policy and decision-making) is an EU Horizon project aiming to deliver a ‘flexible methodology’ that can provide innovative building blocks for pan-European, national and regional ES mapping and assessment. The Special Isssue "...
Main entity:
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Description: A broad array of methods have been developed and applied to map ecosystem services and their values at various geographic scales. For example, the ESMERALDA project developed methods for ecosystem service mapping across Europe. This paper describes how different methodological...
Main entity:
University of Trento
Description: This open access book presents current knowledge about ecosystem services (ES) in urban planning, and discusses various urban ES topics such as spatial distribution of urban ecosystems, population distribution, and physical infrastructure properties. The book addresses all these...
Main entity:
Business for Nature
Description: Business for Nature is a global coalition that brings together business and conservation organizations and forward-thinking companies. Business for Nature demonstrates and amplifies a business voice on nature calling for governments to adopt policies to reverse nature loss in...
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Description: A program to strengthen civil society in North Africa that helps youth associations wanting get involved in the new challenges of the environment and sustainable development through innovative initiatives in the region.
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IUCN's Commission on Ecosystem Management
Description: The Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) promotes ecosystem-based approaches for the management of landscapes and seascapes, provides guidance and support for ecosystem-based management and promotes resilient socio-ecological systems to address global challenges.
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Green Mirror
Description: "GREEN MIRROR" is a 10-episode podcast to examine issues related to the ecological transformation under climate change.
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Description: The global leader in optimized resource management. With nearly 178,780 employees worldwide, the Group designs and provides water, waste and energy management solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of communities and industries. Through its three complementary...
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Description: #NatureForAll is a global movement to inspire love of nature.  Its core idea is that the more people experience and share their love of nature, the more support and action there will be for its conservation.  The growing knowledge base that links connecting with and caring for...
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Durham University
Description: Led by Durham University, NATURVATION involves 14 institutions across Europe working in fields as diverse as urban development, innovation studies, geography, ecology, environmental assessment and economics. Our partnership includes city governments, non-governmental...
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Finnish Environment Institute
Description: Mitigation cost-based valuation methods are a group of ’exchange-based’ techniques that use the cost of actual measures to maintain ecosystem service provision as a proxy for the value of avoiding, mitigating or restoring the loss of services ecosystems provide. As costs are...
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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Description: Mounting research assesses the provision of regulating ecosystem services by green infrastructure in urban areas, but the extent to which these services can offer effective nature-based solutions for addressing urban climate change-related challenges is rarely considered. In...
Main entity:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Description: This study demonstrates (a) the effectiveness of investments on nature-based solutions, (b) the potential of green infrastructures for delivering a broad range of ecosystem services, and (c) the utility of integrating different value systems and stakeholders' viewpoints to...
Main entity:
University of Nottingham
Description: This glossary was developed to provide some working definitions of terms related to ecosystem services and natural capital and their applications so that they could be 'tested' in the context of OpenNESS. The aim of OpenNESS is to operationalize the concepts of Ecosystem...
Main entity:
European Commission, Joint Research Centre
Description: Pursuing economic targets of job creation, growth, and innovation while tackling global environmental challenges, has long been seen as impossible. However, any long-term economic competitiveness and security depends on the extent to which natural resources are used sustainably...
Main entity:
Description: In the OpenNESS project, nature-based solutions are used as an overarching term for applications based on ecosystem services, natural capital and ‘lessons from nature’. This brief summarizes the concept and how OpenNESS contributes to it
Main entity:
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UK)
Description: OpenNESS aims to translate the concepts of Natural Capital (NC) and Ecosystem Services (ES) into operational frameworks that provide tested, practical and tailored solutions for integrating ES into land, water and urban management and decision-making. It examines how the...
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University of Cambridge
Description:  The focus of the "Agroecology Group" is to understand ecological processes and functions in agricultural ecosystems, and to conserve wild species that live within and around these working landscapes.
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Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation
Description: Friends of EbA (FEBA) is a global collaborative network of 90+ agencies and organisations involved in Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) working jointly to share experiences and knowledge, to improve the implementation of EbA related activities on the ground, and to have a...
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Description: The main goal of ESuDis is to understand the different pathways by which anthropogenic and natural capitals are combined to sustainably co-produce ecosystem services and contribute to the equitable distribution of these services
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Wageningen University and Research
Description: This article highlights the new pathways NbS offers for Climate Resilient and Circular Food Systems
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University of Toronto (Scarborough)
Description: The research line of Climate Lab at University of Toronto (CL@UT) is focused on climate science and the impact of climate change on air quality and  urban climate.
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Description: This report provides an assessment of the use of, and recommendations for scaling up, Nature-based Solutions to address water-related climate risks. The analysis is based on two country case studies carried out in Mexico and the United Kingdom. On the basis of a previously...
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University College London
Description: The focus of this network is on the knowledge systems that express the dynamics of the planet, its ecosystems, geophysical processes and interactions that human societies have with the natural world to survive and prosper.
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CEO Water Mandate
Description: To tackle this challenge and help companies accelerate NbS implementation, this guide provides a starting point to identify and measure the multiple benefits accruing from NbS investments. The guide indicates which specific NbS activities can be implemented in various habitats...
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University of Antwerp
Description: Welcome to the website of the Global Change Ecology Excellence Center. The goal of our consortium is to perform state-of-the-art ecological research, by creating synergies between the research groups Plants and Ecosystems, Evolutionary Ecology and Ecosystem Management. Check to...
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TECNUN Escuela de Ingenieros
Description: Citizens living in cities where public entities are committed to the development of city resilience are increasingly aware that the entire responsibility for preventing, responding to and recovering from crises cannot fully fall on public entities and private companies. In fact...
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World Business Council of Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Description: This report aims to help remove the hurdles to nature-based solutions by clarifying definitions, while supporting the alignment of natural climate solutions (NCS) with nature-based solutions in order to accelerate investments at scale. In addition, the report helps business to...
Main entity:
Pacific insitute
Description: This landscape assessment is the outcome of Phase 1 of a tri-phased project and was designed to inform the path forward for engaging the private sector to invest in nature-based solutions (NbS). A literature review was undertaken to understand the contemporary thinking around...
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Description: to promote the transfer of knowledge to business partners, fostering the uptake of new discoveries, and to promote collaborations that lead to the development of new technologies, products and services.
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Business and Biodiversity
Description: This resource centre provides information about the important role which biodiversity plays for businesses. You can see how your sector impacts on wildlife and nature, and what companies are doing to help conserve and manage biodiversity.
Main entity:
EcoAgriculture Partners; IUCN
Description: This report draws widely from the diverse experience of landscape partnerships to analyze the challenges and opportunities for businesses and their partners, and lays out critical actions needed by businesses themselves, and by financial institutions, governments and landscape...
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Smart Prosperity Index
Description: This report provides information on recommendations to address NbS barriers and help scale up the market in Canada. These recommendations include: showing global leadership in terms of aligning resource-based sectors towards the low-carbon transition; documenting additionality...
North America
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: The objective of this report is to identify financial product structures that have the potential to establish conservation finance in mainstream investment markets. This report focuses on investment mechanisms that activate one or more cash flows generated by the sustainable...
Main entity:
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Description: Many companies are beginning to incorporate nature-based solutions (NbS) in their climate mitigation strategies to offset fossil fuel emissions. At the same time, financing of NbS is an essential and urgently needed component of society’s transition to net-zero emissions. This...
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: The World Conservation Congress, at its session in Hawai‘i, United States of America, 1-10 September 2016 ADOPTS the Definitional Framework on Nature-Based Solutions.
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University of Oxford
Description: There is growing recognition that nature-based (or ‘green’) solutions¾i.e. the restoration or rehabilitation and protection of natural habitats¾when applied strategically and equitably can not only safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem services but also help people adapt to...
Main entity:
Paulson institute
Description: Human activities are causing unprecedented and accelerating global loss of biodiversity. Widespread land conversion for infrastructure, agriculture and other development, and overexploitation of natural resources are being driven by political leaders’ prioritization of short-...
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Green Budget Coalition
Description: The Green Budget Coalition (GBC) brings together twenty-three leading Canadian environmental organizations, to present an analysis of the most pressing issues regarding environmental sustainability in Canada and to make a consolidated annual set of recommendations to the federal...
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World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description: The main objective of this handbook is to guide the development of investable NbS propositions and bankable NbS projects for both public and private investors through different modes of governance, funding and implementation arrangements. It offers operational advice and project...
Main entity:
Ecologic Institut GmbH
Description: This document provides a state-of-the-art review to support the conceptual and practical development of the DESSIN ESS Evaluation Framework. It briefly presents the state of affairs regarding the measurement of changes in ESS, including description of existing classification...
Main entity:
European Investment Bank
Description: Is this guide relevant to me? Are you… ... an entrepreneur exploring nature-based solutions to improve project performance, cut costs or drive new revenue? … a conservation organisation or foundation seeking to move towards a commercial business model? … a corporation looking to...
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Lincoln Institute of land policy
Description: In an era of tight budgets and exploding need, cities around the world are funding infrastructure and other public improvements through “land value capture.” This policy approach offers an array of public finance instruments and initiatives that enable communities to recover and...
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Natural Capital Coalition
Description: The Natural Capital Protocol is a decision-making framework that enables organisations to identify, measure and value their direct and indirect impacts and dependencies on natural capital. All organizations to varying degrees are dependent on the health of the natural world....
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Description: Nature-based flood defences are a relatively new approach to flood risk reduction and climate change adaptation, and so knowledge development is essential to make large-scale and successful implementation possible. Deltares is a key player in knowledge development for adaptive...
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European Environment Agency
Description: Climate change, biodiversity loss and degradation of ecosystems are interdependent and pose significant societal challenges, threatening economic and social stability, public health and well-being. The World Economic Forum considers extreme weather- and climate-related events...
Main entity:
UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Description: This volume brings together a wealth of knowledge on the effectiveness of nature-based solutions in addressing climate change adaptation from diverse but inter-related fields of study. Importantly, research from the natural and social sciences is combined and results are...
Main entity:
UK Green Building Council; Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Description: This report has curated the relevant data, using the evidence base, to outline how NbS can benefit business and building performance; helping organisations make smarter choices on installations by increasing the understanding of who will benefit and how. We have mapped the...
Main entity:
Verdant Earth; University of Leeds
Description: This report initially identifies some elements of value that can and should be captured to ensure that a full appraisal of nature based solutions. We assess four exemplar case studies using these key elements to examine the broader ‘value’ interpretation of Nature-based...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Decline of protected habitats and species still continues, caused mostly by intensive agriculture, urbanisation, unsustainable forestry activities and changes to freshwater habitats. Pollution of air, water and soil also impacts habitats, as well as climate change, over-...
Main entity:
Swiss RE
Description: In this document, the Swiss Re Group insurance company sets out how insurance can protect and enable nature-based solutions.
Main entity:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Description: Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) can be a powerful tool for cities dealing with the contemporary sustainability challenges including degradation of natural capital and ecosystem services, vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters, as well as corresponding health and...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) can be a powerful tool for cities dealing with the contemporary sustainability challenges including degradation of natural capital and ecosystem services, vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters, as well as corresponding health and...
Main entity:
Description: One of the financing schemes in providing an infrastructure project is a public-private-partnership (PPP). PPP is an implementation option and infrastructure service that provides incremental benefits as well as private financing access to promote the government. This study aims...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The science is clear: the biodiversity crisis, the climate crisis and the health crisis are interdependent. Political leaders from across the world, representing 80+ countries and the European Union, have also recognised this connection in the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature.1Climate...
Main entity:
Nature Conservancy Business Council Natural Infrastructure Working Group
Description: Nature-based solutions (NbS) have the potential to address pressing engineering needs while restoring natural landscapes. NbS – sometimes called natural infrastructure and green infrastructure – incorporate the natural environment that mimic or work in concert with natural...
Main entity:
European Investment Bank
Description: The study collects information on the investment and access-to-finance conditions for Bio-based Industries (BBI)1 and Blue Economy (BE)2 projects and companies in the European Union (EU), and evaluates the need and potential for dedicated public (risk-sharing) financial...
Main entity:
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: This document has been prepared following the ISEAL Code of Good Practice "Setting Social and Environmental Standards Version 6.0 and contains an overview of the consultation process, an analysis of the range of stakeholder groups engaged, as well as a summary of issues raised,...
Main entity:
World Resources Institute (WRI)
Description: This report is a structured methodology that helps managers proactively develop strategies to manage business risks and opportunities arising from their company’s dependence and impact on ecosystems. This is version 2.0 of the report, which was originally published in 2008.
Main entity:
Sustainable Earth
Description: By 2050, there are forecast to be 2.4 billion more people in cities, and this century could rightly be called the urban century. This paper argues that, paradoxically, without the use of nature the urban century will fail. We review three literatures to assess the scientific...
Main entity:
Description: The term ‘public-private partnership’ (PPP) describes a relationship in which public and private resources are blended to achieve a goal or set of goals judged to be mutually beneficial both to the private entity and to the public. The term has gained prominence as its...
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Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Description: Investing in sustainable infrastructure is the growth story of the future. This report provides a roadmap to deliver a safe and prosperous future for ourselves and our children. Follow it well and follow it fast
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Description: This book series Theory and Practice of Urban Sustainability Transitions is intended to explore the different dynamics, challenges, and breakthroughs in accelerating sustainability transitions in urban areas across the globe. We expect to find as much different and diverse...
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Le Monde
Description: Partout dans le monde, les grandes métropoles développent des projets de végétalisation, pour rafraîchir les villes et lutter contre le réchauffement climatique. Avec le risque, dénoncé par certains spécialistes, d’agir en dépit du bon sens.
Main entity:
Gemeente Eindhoven (EIN); Comune di Genova (GEN); Tampereen Kaupunki (TRE)
Description: This report provides information about climate, meteorological events, soil and urban characteristics in order to address considerations for selection of the NbS in urban areas. This report also analyses case studies from a value chain perspective in order to evaluate their...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly. Food systems cannot be resilient to crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic if they are not sustainable. We need to redesign our food systems...
Main entity:
European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT
Description: The Strategy aims to build a climate resilient society by improving knowledge of climate impacts and adaptation solutions; by stepping up adaptation planning and climate risk assessments; by accelerating adaptation action; and by helping to strengthen climate resilience globally...
Main entity:
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Description: This report provides an analysis of over 3500 fiscal policies announced by leading economies in 2020 and calls for governments to invest more sustainably and tackle inequalities as they stimulate growth in the wake of the devastation wrought by the pandemic. The report draws...
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Ajuntament de Barcelona (Barcelona's Municipality)
Description: Barcelona is committed to preserving and enhancing the natural heritage present in the city to enable each and every one of us to benefit from and enjoy it. To achieve this in a systematic manner, we have drawn up this Barcelona Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan setting...
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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Description: This Policy Brief focuses on the vital role of biodiversity for human life and the importance of integrating biodiversity considerations into the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. The Brief first outlines how biodiversity loss is a key driver of emerging infectious diseases and...
Main entity:
Government of Germany, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Description: The Bonn Challenge is a global goal to bring 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested landscapes into restoration by 2020 and 350 million hectares by 2030. Launched by the Government of Germany and IUCN in 2011, the Challenge surpassed the 150-million-hectare milestone...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The EU LIFE programme is Europe’s key funding instrument for nature conservation, and biodiversity health in the EU would be poorer without it. This brochure, “Bringing nature back through LIFE”, is based on a new study highlighting LIFE programme accomplishments in terms of...
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Prague's Municipality
Description: The Capital City of Prague Climate Change Adaptation Strategy is connected with the Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change in the Czech Republic approved by the Government of the Czech Republic´s decision in 2015. It aims at reducing adverse climate change impacts trough...
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Manchester City Council
Description: This document sets out Manchester City Council’s commitments to tackling climate change over the next 5 years and builds on previous action plans over the last decade. The Council, alongside a number of other strategic partners in the city, have produced this plan to support the...
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Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC)
Description: CPIC in collaboration with PwC has developed the conservation investment blueprint development guide. The primary purpose is to provide a reference for CPIC Working Groups as they develop blueprints within their five thematic areas, using a consistent and effective approach. The...
Main entity:
Durham County Council
Description: The Green Infrastructure strategy will do the following: - Identify which elements of green infrastructure are significant and should be protected - Identify where there are shortages in particular types of green infrastructure – for example, which settlements have insufficient...
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Indigenous Climate Action (ICA)
Description: Indigenous Climate Action, in collaboration with researchers Dr. Jen Gobby, Rebecca Sinclair, and Rachel Ivey, have released an in-depth critical analysis of Canada’s recent climate policy and plans: the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (PCF) and A...
Main entity:
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Description: Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions which work with and enhance nature to produce a diverse range of services on which human well-being depends. Building protecting and restoring NbS is particularly useful in resource-constrained informal settlements, due to cost-...
Main entity:
Università Politecnica delle Marche
Description: Most marine ecosystem restoration projects are still at an experiment stage. A social cost and benefit analysis (SCBA) would provide useful information for decision making to support scaling up the restoration projects and assist in deciding which projects should be prioritised...
Main entity:
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)
Description: This report aims to help countries enhance climate action by including the opportunities offered by naturebased solutions in their revised nationally determined contributions (NDCs). It reviews guidance from several institutions on using naturebased solutions for climate change...
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Description: Adopted on 4 March 2018 in Escazú, Costa Rica, the Regional Agreement aims to guarantee the full and effective implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in the environmental decision-making...
Latin America
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: The EU’s biodiversity strategy for 2030 is a comprehensive, ambitious and long-term plan to protect nature and reverse the degradation of ecosystems. The strategy aims to put Europe's biodiversity on a path to recovery by 2030, and contains specific actions and commitments. It...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: A strategy for forests and the forest sector is necessary since there is no common EU forest policy or guiding framework for forest-related issues. Since a growing number of EU policies are making increasing demands on forests, there is a need to coordinate sectorial policies....
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: Acknowledging the positive contribution that green and blue infrastructure can bring to the implementation of the EU Nature legislation and to the achievement of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020, Action 12 of this Action Plan foresees the development of a guidance providing...
Main entity:
European Commission
Description: There is great potential for businesses and policy-makers to better integrate ecosystems and their services into their decisions. This can create social and economic co-benefits from the protection, restoration and sustainable management of ecosystems. This guidance document...
Main entity:
European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF)
Description: The European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) aims at promoting the use of trees on farms as well as any kind of silvopastoralism throughout the different environmental regions of Europe. In this regards, EURAF has developed a series of policy briefings. EURAF has about 500...
Main entity:
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Description: The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NbS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas: Climate Resilience; Water Management; Natural and...
Main entity:
Alliance Environnement , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (European Commission)
Description: The objective of this evaluation study is to carry out ‘an evaluation of the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on habitats, landscapes, and biodiversity’. It aims to evaluate the positive and negative, direct and indirect impacts of the 2014-2020 CAP on biodiversity...