News articles

HS Spender Unsplash

Three cities chosen for CLEARINGHOUSE exchange and peer support for urban forests as nature-based solutions

27 September 2022

What do Belo Horizonte, Bogotá and Mexico City have in common, apart from being vibrant metropolises to live in?

They have all been selected in the first call of the CLEARING HOUSE knowledge exchange mechanism, meant to promote capacity development and knowledge exchange on urban forests...

Bas van den Eijkhof, Unsplash

NetworkNature Factsheet: Seizing opportunities for ecosystem restoration to tackle societal challenges

18 July 2022

Are you a practitioner directly involved in, or thinking of starting, a restoration project but would like to find out more about what types of benefits can be achieved and what actions can best support effective restoration? This factsheet is for you!

This factsheet explores the...

Networknature workshop: The way towards high quality NbS and standards - What we learned so far

14 July 2022

NetworkNature highlights a timely topic in the nature-based solutions field with its semester themes, identified in consultation with the nature-based solutions community.

The current NetworkNature semester theme is about ' Nature-based solutions and Standards ', covering quality aspects...