News articles

Lukasz Szmigiel, Unsplash

Ilnort Rueda, Unsplash

Open Rivers Programme

8 October 2021

The Open Rivers Program was officially launched on October 8, 2021, thanks to an investment of 42.5 million euros in six years by Arcadia, a charity fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin. The motivation of this Programme lies in the fact that European rivers are the most fragmented in the...

Bringing Nature to Cities. Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Climate Change into EU Urban Planning and Policy

6 October 2021

As part of the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities - World Bank Webinar series “ Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change ” , NetworkNature hosted a webinar on mainstreaming biodiversity and climate change into EU Urban Planning and Policy...

Boudhayan Bardhan, Unsplash

Peatland - Sean Paul kinnear, Unsplash

Ryan Stone,Unsplash