Nature-based solutions resources

Displaying 21 - 40 of 478
  • Guidance


Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Effective A Framework for Defining Qualification Criteria and Quality Standards

Many organizations, including members of the Friends of EbA network (FEBA) 11 have gained both conceptual and practical experience in designing and implementing EbA measures in various regions, ecosystems, and levels of governance. These experiences provide a rich source of lessons and are a good


  • Guidance


Guide for addressing climate change adaptation in standards

This Guide provides guidance on addressing aspects of climate change adaptation in European standardization documents. This Guide is applicable to product (including design), service, infrastructure and testing standards. For the purposes of this Guide, the definition of the term “product” has


  • Guidance


Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change

The Technical Guidance on Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Planning in the Context of Climate Change provides orientation on how risks in the context of climate change can be comprehensively and systemically addressed through risk assessment. Decision-making, planning, and integrating


  • Video


BS 8631: Adaptation to climate change - Using adaptation pathways for decision making

The climate is changing and making the right decisions around adaption and resilience is increasingly importa​nt. BSI is taking a lead in supporting organizations with good practice in this area. With an introduction from the Adaptation sub-Committee of the UK’s Climate Change Committee, the


  • Guidance


Guidance on Metrics, Targets, and Transition Plans

Over the past few years, several market and industry initiatives have focused on converging reporting standards that cover climate issues as well as aligning and improving comparability of climate-related metrics. These efforts include work to harmonize greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting methods to


  • Guidance


UNEP’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative (2021): Insuring the climate transition: The final report of UN PSI’s TCFD pilot project

The insurance industry is one of the largest global industries with more than USD 6 trillion in world premium volume and USD 36 trillion in assets under management. As such, insurers hold a significant portion of global economic assets and liabilities on their balance sheets. As risk managers,


  • Guidance


A Framework for Measuring and Reporting of Climate-related Physical Risks to Built Assets

In August 2021, UKGBC launched the Measuring and Reporting Climate-related Physical Risks task group in response to the upcoming mandatory disclosure of climate-related risks. For large organisations and financial institutions within the UK, this comes into force from April 2022 in line with the


  • Guidance


ISO 14091:2021 Adaptation to climate change — Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment

This document gives guidelines for assessing the risks related to the potential impacts of climate change. It describes how to understand vulnerability and how to develop and implement a sound risk assessment in the context of climate change. It can be used for assessing both present and future


  • Guidance


Guidelines for Climate Impact and Vulnerability Assessments Recommendations of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government

These guidelines of the Interministerial Working Group on Adaptation to Climate Change of the German Federal Government (IMA Adaptation) provide methodological recommendations for the execution of climate impact and vulnerability assessments at regional and national level. They are intended to


  • Guidance


Technical guidance on the climate proofing of infrastructure in the period 2021-2027

The new technical guidance on climate-proofing of infrastructure projects has been developed by the Commission in close cooperation with potential implementing partners for InvestEU along with the EIB Group. It is primarily intended for project promoters and experts involved in the preparation


  • Report



The aim of this report is to disseminate knowledge about relevant existing standards and standardization activities amongst project partners and to support the awareness raising of possible missing standards. Thus this document will show the current resilience and Smart City standardization


  • Paper


Nature-based solutions to climate change mitigation and adaptation in urban areas: perspectives on indicators, knowledge gaps, barriers, and opportunities for action

Nature-based solutions promoting green and blue urban areas have significant potential to decrease the vulnerability and enhance the resilience of cities in light of climatic change. They can thereby help to mitigate climate change-induced impacts and serve as proactive adaptation options for


  • Guidance


IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions: A user-friendly framework for the verification, design and scaling up of NbS

NbS are considered by a wide range of stakeholders as an essential mechanism for achieving sustainable development. The IUCN Global Standard on Nature-based Solutions aims to ensure the application of this approach is credible, and its uptake tracked and measured for adaptive management so that its


  • Document


NetworkNature Knowledge Brief: Taking nature-based solutions up the policy ladder - from research to policy action

This Knowledge Brief produced by NetworkNature aims to disentangle the complexities associated with the integration of research and policy with regards to nature-based solutions (NbS) implementation and mainstreaming. The brief provides an overview of the NbS knowledge gaps resulting from an


  • Report


Standardization in urban climate adaptation

The RESIN project has developed standardised approaches to help cities develop their adaptation strategies and strengthen their resilience. Key products are:  A tool for impact and vulnerability analysis (IVAVIA1);  a decision support tool (E-Guide);  a library of adaptation options;


  • Video


UrbanByNature: a capacity-building and knowledge-sharing programme for nature-based solutions

UrbanByNature is a facilitated capacity-building programme promoting exchange among cities, researchers, SMEs and NGOs to build bridges with the Nature-Based Solutions communities across Europe, Asia, Latin America, and other interested regions. The programme is powered by ICLEI - Local Governments


  • Paper


Peer-reviewed paper: Harnessing the potential of nature-based solutions for mitigating and adapting to climate change

Abstract: Although many governments, financial institutions, and corporations are embracing nature-based solutions as part of their sustainability and net-zero carbon strategies, some nations, Indigenous peoples, local community groups, and grassroots organizations have rejected this term. This


  • Dataset


Resource List: Criteria and Requirements for High-Quality Nature-based Solutions

This review includes a list of selected resources that discuss the criteria and the requirements of high-quality nature-based solutions (NbS). The list consists of resources that offer a comprehensive approach to NbS quality considerations and documents that focus on specific aspects of NbS quality


  • Report


Science-based ecosystem restoration for the 2020s and beyond: Science Task Force for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

To move the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration forward, the Science Task Force of the Decade presents this think piece, which addresses four fundamental questions, presents five key messages to bring effective and long-term action, and provides recommendations on how


  • Report


International principles and standards for the practice of ecological restoration

This summary provides an abbreviated outline and introduction to the full SER International Principles and Standards for the Practice of Ecological Restoration, Second Edition to: better understand how the principles and standards relate to each other; apply these concepts at all stages of a
