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Partnership Declaration on Collaborative Climate Action

A significant result of ICCA2019 is the Partnership Declaration on Collaborative Climate Action across all levels of government. In the declaration, states, cities, municipalities, federal states, regions and networks commit to more collaboration, communication and support in the implementation of


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  • Guidance

Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests

The “Natura 2000 and Europe’s forests” policy brief derives from the BiodivERsA-funded BeFoFu project lead by Dr. Georg Winkel, that investigated both ecological challenges related to the management of protected forests and governance challenges related to the implementation of Natura 2000. This


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  • Paper
  • Video

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Tudástár az esőkertek témakörében

A közzétett tudásanyagokat a Zöld Küldetés Egyesület publikálta honlapján, amelyek célja a tudásmegosztás a körkörös városi vízgazdálkodás, kiemelten az esőkertek terén. A közzétett tudásanyagok az alábbiak: - Szakmai tanácskozás esőkertekről - videóanyag az esőkertek építésének alapelveiről


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QUICKScan is a tool to facilitate the decision process in participatory settings. By including stakeholder knowledge and preferences and the ability to calculate impacts in-situ, QUICKScan combines tacit expert knowledge with available spatially-explicit monitoring and statistical and uses


  • Dataset

Urban Nature Atlas

The Urban Nature Atlas was developed in 2017 as an output of the Naturvation project (NATure-based URban innoVATION, a Horizon 2020 research project). The Atlas sought to collect evidence on nature-based solutions in order to provide a basis for the analysis of socio-economic and innovation


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  • Guidance

The Travelling Fox

In this learning scenario, students are familiarised with the concept of social and environmental justice through the story, photos, and videos of Foxy Travel – a fox who likes travelling across Europe. Via web 2.0 apps (for example: Padlet, MindMup, WordItOut), students analyse Foxy’s “


  • Consultancy
  • Document
  • Training

Stated preference valuation

A family of techniques which use individual respondents statements about their preferences to estimate change in utility associated with a proposed increase in quality or quantity of an ecosystem service or bundle of services. Respondents are presented with one or more hypothetical policy or


  • Guidance

A practical guide to using reflexive monitoring for nature-based solutions

Reflexive monitoring is a method developed to monitor and evaluate transformative solutions. It is based on transition theory and helps you to navigate the complex and unpredictable nature of non-linear and multi- actor processes. It will prove very useful for the implementation of large-scale


  • Guidance

Urban Climate Comfort Zones

Guidelines for tackling heat island effects of urban open spaces, identifying prior areas of concern and proposing measures to enhance thermal comfort, micro-climate, amenity value and biodiversity in urban regions (with strategically distributed green spaces).


  • Dataset
  • Guidance
  • Training

Database for Synthesis of Information on Ecosystem Services (SynES)

SynES is a database that was developed to synthesis site-specific biophysical and socio-economic information on ES. It allows a consistent integration of information by multiple users and from multiple sources. It is a flexible tool that can be used within an individual ES assessment/project or if


  • Report

Conceptual & action framework on Low carbon | High air quality NbS potentials

The deliverable 2.1, Report knowledge base/action framework Low carbon | High air quality NbS potentials, was submitted by EURAC with contributions from TUM, TUC, ABUD, RWI, ISOCARP, KYDON, MUC, LEU, MERANO, COBZ, GLC, SMJV in June 2022. The description of the deliverable is available below and the


  • Policy Brief

The Multiple Values of Urban Nature: Evidence from 1,000 European Nature-Based Solutions

Urban nature-based solutions can be designed to deliver diverse social, cultural, environmental and economic benefits in parallel. This instills them with the potential to contribute to multiple policy goals simultaneously. Making optimal use of such solutions requires an understanding of the


  • Podcast

Internet of Nature Podcast

Can nature and technology — long viewed as opposing forces — work together to stabilize our climate, sustain our urban environments, and benefit our health? Internet of Nature Podcast is on a mission to find out. Join Dr. Nadina Galle as she interviews top CEOs & innovators on their


  • Guidance
  • Software
  • Training

Naturvation: Urban Nature Navigator

This tool helps you to assess the contributions that different nature-based solutions can make to meeting urban sustainability challenges and to identify the nature-based solutions which fit your needs the best. The assessment is based on the use of indicators that capture ecological, social and


  • Event

Bauhaus Prizes 2021

The New European Bauhaus has the ambition to make the Green Deal a cultural, human-centred and positive, tangible experience. Everyone should be able to feel, see and experience the green and digital transformation and the way it enhances our quality of life. It is about bridging the global


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  • Infographic

The Health Benefits of Natural Spaces

The city of the future needs to be a green city.​ Several scientific studies associate green spaces​ -​​urban parks, gardens, tree-lined streets or forests, among others-​ with numerous health benefits​ ​in​ ​adults, such as​ ​a reduction of​ ​stress, ​a ​longer​ ​life​ ​or ​a ​better general​ ​and


  • Dataset

European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER H2020)

The overall aim of the eLTER project is to advance the European network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms to provide highest quality services for multiple use of a distributed research infrastructure.


  • Report

Brief: NetworkNature Semester - NbS in light of the Pandemic: Outcomes

This brief covers the main findings and expert opinions from the NetworkNature Semester theme on nature-based solutions in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the brief to learn about the latest knowledge and opinions on NbS and its impacts on health and well-being, and the potential it has to


  • Document

REGREEN Factsheets

These factsheets showcase inspiring examples of NbS from cities around Europe to serve as a reference on NbS planning and implementation across REGREEN’s activities. The factsheets aimed to emphasise good practices, barriers and lessons learned. They cover the following topics: Biodiversity;


  • Guidance

Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit

The Natural Capital Protocol Toolkit is an interactive database that helps businesses find the right tools to measure and value their impacts and dependencies on natural capital as they use the Natural Capital Protocol. By tools, we mean any resource, methodology or approach that is relevant to
