Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment
Multi-stakeholder participation is an overarching issue of PHUSICOS and, as such, forms a foundation to foster innovation at all levels and at all case study sites. Workpackage 3 is dedicated to employ a Living Lab approach as key mechanism of local stakeholder involvement for the purpose of
Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe
The policy brief entitled “Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe” is based on the combined results of the BiodivERsA-funded WhoIsNext, INVAXEN and Resipath projects. This 4-page brief presents key recommendations on
Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator
The Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator was designed to help users identify the most relevant tools for their needs and goals. You can search our database by keyword or filter by types of tools, sectors and infrastructure lifecycle phases, amongst other things. Detailed information on each
GIS Training & EcoSpatial E-learning
To meet the growing demand for subject-specific and relevant GIS training courses Westcountry Rivers Trust have developed a series of intensive GIS short-courses specifically tailored to develop and disseminate best practice and technical GIS skills in the use of GIS, in practitioners engaged in
Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions: A summary for policy makers
Assessing the impacts of nature-based solutions is essential to understand their effectiveness in addressing current interrelated societal challenges. Robust impact evaluation supports practitioners to understand and document the outcomes of nature-based solutions, resulting in improved quality,
MEZŐGAZDASÁG: Tudástár a természetkímélő gazdálkodás témakörében
A közzétett tudásanyagokat a Natura 2000 hálózat égisze alatt publikálta a Magyar Madártani és Természetvédő Egyesület (MME) a természetkímélő gazdálkodás témakörében. Az MME célja a madarak védelmével hozzájárulni az emberi életminőség és a biológiai sokféleség megőrzéséhez Magyarországon.
Forest Biodiversity in Europe - From Science to Policy
This report aims to explore the importance of biodiversity in the context of European forests and to make suggestions on how this biodiversity can be effectively maintained and enhanced through protection, management and restoration. The report is meant for all kinds of decision-makers at the EU,
Nature-based Solutions Made Easy
About this guide: Have you heard about nature-based solutions and want to know more? Then read on as NetworkNature helps you understand what nature-based solutions (NbS) are. You will also be able to identify those solutions that claim to be NbS but are not. We will introduce you to quality
Aquaculture and Nature-based Solutions
The present report examines the emerging concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and the IUCN Global Standard when applied to social-ecological systems that include aquaculture production. Aquaculture production has very significantly increased in tonnage and value over the last decades. It is seen
PHUSICOS : Santa Elena and Artouste
Presentación del estudio de caso PHUSICOS: Santa Elena y Artouste / Présentation de l'étude de cas PHUSICOS : Santa Elena et Artouste
Exploring ecosystem services and nature-based solutions to urban problems
The purpose of this learning scenario is to explore an urban ecosystem of a city, analysing its ecosystem services and determining whether it acts as a nature-based solution (NbS) to challenges such as diminishing biodiversity, urban heat islands and urban decay. Although this learning scenario
Bankable Nature Solutions. Blueprints for Bankable Nature Solutions from across the globe to adapt to and mitigate climate change and to help our living planet thrive
Building conservation and nature-based solutions into projects represents a massive opportunity. We need to work with companies, financial institutions and local stakeholders to develop Bankable Nature Solutions (BNS). This way, we can deliver impacts that reduce pressure on ecosystems, drive
Economic Viewpoints on Ecosystem Services
The concept of ecosystem services has been introduced to help determine the different values of ecosystems. This report provides an introduction to ecosystems and economics: it provides a useful introduction for scholars from other social sciences as well as for biologists/ecologists acting as
Design Brief 3- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Mobility Network, Green associated with Buildings, Vacant Plots, Brownfields
This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for
Seedbed Intervention: Limerick
In one of our Cultivating Cities, in Limerick, the Seedbed Intervention took place on the Castletroy greenway, which is the target area for the GoGreenRoutes project as it provides connectivity between Castletroy College secondary school (students 12-18 years of age) and Castletroy Gaelscoil (
PALM - Intercommunal potential analysis of the resource land for sustainable land management
The spatial decision support tool PALM aimed at supporting the allocation of urban development zones. A GIS-based MCDA approach was integrated into a web-based platform that allows distributing a requested amount of urban development areas within a selected perimeter based on ecosystem services and
Connecting Nature Framework report for Ioannina city
The exemplar project for Ioannina city is the restoration of Pirsinela Park, popularly known as ‘the living room of Ioannina’. The objectives of this exemplar project are outlined in the list below: • Connecting nature-people: restore the experiential relationship of residents with the largest
Agroforestry benefits nature, climate and farming
Agroforestry is a land management practice that combines cultivation and farming systems with trees and shrubs. It can include agricultural hedges, parks and wooded pastures, but also innovative systems, such as contour planting and forestry cultivation. This approach offers many benefits for both
UNCCD Urban-rural linkages and ecosystem restoration
This working paper from the UN proposes an urban-rural linkage perspective in relation to land and ecosystem restoration at a time of heightened urgency on multiple fronts at local, national and international levels. The combined impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss land degradation, and
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