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Report: Investing in a green urban future

This Nature^Squared report highlights that cities are affected and influence climate change. For this reason, they are looking for ways to develop smart solutions to develop more resilience. Nature-based solutions make it possible to develop green urban areas that meet the growing need for


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Economics of Peatlands Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Management

Less than 3% of the Earth’s surface is covered by peatlands but they are the largest terrestrial organic carbon stock. Indeed, peatlands are capable to store twice as much carbon as in the world’s forests. Despite their potential, globally, peatlands are in decline with 11-15% of these ecosystems


  • Policy Brief

Achieving Impact: How to Realise the Potential of Urban Nature-Based Solutions

The importance of urban green areas as a refuge to city dwellers and as a foundation for ‘recovering better’ has gained significant attention in light of COVID-19 and global lockdowns. The pandemic, while causing immense social and economic damages, also provides an opportunity to rethink urban


  • Guidance

Taking Action for Urban Nature - Governance Solutions

The research presented in "Effective Governance Solutions" suggests that different opportunities should be explored to connect top-down policies that promote nature-based solutions for biodiversity, climate and environmental goals and bottom-up initiatives that stress their value in


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NetworkNature Factsheet - Nature-based solutions: are we restoring our relationship with nature in Europe?

To achieve a sustainable future, we should work with, not against nature to achieve global goals. Nature-based solutions are a great pathway forward. This Factsheet was produced by NetworkNature to provide an overview of some of our current societal challenges in different sectors and practical


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Measures to increase ecosystem resilience and avoid tipping points

The "Measures to increase ecosystem resilience and avoid tipping points" brief presents how the results from the BiodivERsA-funded TipTree, TIPPINGPOND and EC21C projects allow characterization of tipping points for two types of European ecosystems, forests and ponds. It also proposes


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EFISCEN is a large-scale forest model that projects forest resource development on regional to European scale, based on detailed national forest inventory data and scenarios. These scenarios are mainly determined by management actions, but the model can also take into account changes in forest area


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Products providing guidance on urban tree monitoring

In this CLEARINGHOUSE post you can find a list of USDA`s (US Department of Agriculture) new guidance products on urban tree monitoring. These guides are designed around the collection of longitudinal field data – tracking the fate of individual trees – and will enable urban tree professionals to


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ComPass: Urban Activation Road Map

Methodology to 'navigate' the process of activating community based projects.


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Nature4Cities platform

The main objective of Nature4Cities project is to increase the awareness about the Nature Based Solution (NbS) and to promote new collaborative models for NbS uptake. Following this purpose, the Nature4Cities (N4C) Platform has been developed including a set of tools with the aim of spread


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D5.1: Report on comparative analysis of economic valuation models

Findings are presented from an investigation of nature-based solutions (NBS) research and case studies examining how projects address ‘co-benefits’, and particularly, their coverage of economic impacts.


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Making urban nature bloom. Four years of partnering for nature-based solutions across Europe

To bring nature-based solutions into city planning, the NATURVATION (NATure-based URban innoVATION) project was created. The four-year project involves 14 institutions across Europe in the fields of urban development, geography, innovation studies, and economics, building capacity of local


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Guidelines on Implementation of Nature-Based Solutions Activities in Education for Starters

In response to the growing need for integrating the topic of nature-based solutions (NBS) in education, these guidelines have been developed to cater to educators with limited to no prior exposure to NBS concepts. This document outlines examples and recommendations to bridge the knowledge gap by


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CONEXUS Policy Brief 7 - Integrating Nature-Based Solutions in Planning Instruments

The Regional Government of Santiago (RGS) aims to incorporate ecological planning criteria into its planning instruments and strategies, fostering a more resilient and equitable city-region. This policy brief outlines the city’s learning-by-doing approach, presenting three pilot projects of Nature-


  • Dataset

Urban Nature City-Scale Assessment Maps

These maps show the potential of nature-based solutions to address climate change adaptation and mitigation in more-fine grained city-scale assessment, including three selected cities (Malmö, Barcelona, Utrecht). A set of tools using open-source GIS-based modelling, was used to quantify benefits of


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Policy tools to manage synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services

The brief on “Policy tools to manage synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services” presents how the results from the BiodivERsA-funded CONNECT, REGARDS, TALE and VITAL projects use optimization and participatory tools to quantify synergies and trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services,


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Formats for transferring NbS knowledge

In Latin American and European cities, various initiatives are being used for transferring knowledge to different audiences to raise awareness of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and improve their uptake and implementation. This factsheet highlights some of these initiatives and their experiences as


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Az esővízhasznosítás és szürkevíz újrahasznosítás lehetőségei a klímaváltozás hatásainak csökkentésében

A klímaváltozás okozta hidrogeológiai kockázatok miatt az európai városok egyre gyakrabban szembesülnek a kapcsolódó problémákkal, akár hirtelen áradások vagy éppen a vízhiány képében. A Körforgásos Városi Vízgazdálkodás projekt (CWC) célja hogy segítse a városokat az elavult városi infrastruktúra


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Handbook: Evaluating the impact of nature-based solutions

The Handbook aims to provide decision-makers with a comprehensive NbS impact assessment framework, and a robust set of indicators and methodologies to assess impacts of nature-based solutions across 12 societal challenge areas: Climate Resilience; Water Management; Natural and Climate Hazards;


  • Guidance

Reflexive Monitoring Guidebook

Reflexive monitoring is an evaluation method that gives urban practitioners insight into the progress of their project in real time. It helps them evaluate day- to-day activities and to respond to them while considering the bigger picture.This is especially helpful when addressing the complex
