Nature Positive Recovery
"While the most immediate priorities of COVID-19 responses have rightly been health and economic well-being, the crisis has also created a new appreciation for how our encroachment on nature poses significant risks. There is, however, much more work to be done to help decision-makers recognize
NbS Hubs site visits Posters
During spring 2024, Hubs organised local site visits in their regions for a wide range of stakeholders. 10 NbS hubs represented their experiences of the site visit to a local NbS in a poster. These posters summarise the main outcomes from these site visit, including a short description of the NbS
Taking Action for Urban Nature - Effective Governance Solutions
The research presented suggests that different opportunities should be explored to connect top-down policies that promote nature-based solutions for biodiversity, climate and environmental goals and bottom-up initiatives that stress their value in providing green space, well-being and economic
Schools as Innovation Hubs for the Green Transition: Transforming schools into NBS Living Labs
What does it mean for a school to be an innovation hub? These slides from NBS EduWORLD project can give you a better idea!
Defining and Assessing Success in Mainstreaming
This background paper draws on reviews of the mainstreaming targets and indicators of selected NBSAPs from countries at different stages of their mainstreaming process, and the approaches to assessing the success of mainstreaming biodiversity and other issues into development. Recommendations are
FTA 2020 Science Conference into Book of Abstracts
FTA ran a fully digital internal scientific conference that gathered all researchers involved in FTA from its partner organizations. The purpose of the conference was to present the most exciting research results, exchange experiences and lessons learned, and reflect on the way forward until the
Method Factsheet - Shadow Pricing
Shadow pricing is highly appropriate to elicit monetary values and anthropocentric instrumental values of nature's benefits. When society sets environmental targets on the provision of non-marketed ecosystem services it is an implicit valuation of the services. The shadow price is the marginal
Nature4Cities - NbS Dynamic Assessment Methodology Support Document
The evaluation of the environmental benefits of NbS is one of the key solutions paving the way for resilient cities, and to strengthen urban planning strategies. A strong need of new governance, business, financing models and economic impact assessment tools for sustainable cities with NbS (urban
UNCCD Urban-rural linkages and ecosystem restoration
This working paper from the UN proposes an urban-rural linkage perspective in relation to land and ecosystem restoration at a time of heightened urgency on multiple fronts at local, national and international levels. The combined impacts of climate change, biodiversity loss land degradation, and
Experimental Biodiversity Accounting as a component of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA)
The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 Experimental Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EEA) provides a framework to measure and link ecosystem service flows supported by biodiversity and other ecosystem characteristics (e.g. soil type, altitude) with the economy and other human activities.
INTERLACE final conference videos
Plenary sessions from the INTERLACE Final Conference: Reimagining Urban Spaces: Nature-Based Solutions for Inclusive Transformations in Europe and Latin America. 1st October 2024, Granollers, Catalonia, Spain.
Financing and Business Models Guidebook
This guidebook introduces the topic of financing and business models for nature-based solutions, identifies some common challenges and enablers to financing and presents a step-by-step guide to securing financing.
A Practical Guide to Climate-resilient Buildings & Communities
A Practical Guide to Climate-resilient Buildings & Communities offers construction solutions to adapt to a range of different risks in various climates. For instance, it shows us how to reduce indoor heat in hot and arid climates, or how to mitigate cyclone impacts on buildings in hot and humid
Biodiversity and nature-based solutions: Analysis of EU-funded projects
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to secure healthy, resilient, biodiversity-rich ecosystems that deliver the range of services essential to the prosperity and well-being of citizens. Nature-based Solutions (NbS) – with healthy and biodiverse ecosystems at their core - are central to
Transdisciplinarity and Knowledge Co-Production
CoKnow Consulting is building capacity for inter- and transdisciplinary processes and supports you and your stakeholders to co-produce knowledge and co-design solutions for sustainability. Together we co-develop the right approaches, e.g.: • Design inter- and transdisciplinary processes tailored
An impact evaluation framework to support planning and evaluation of nature-based solutions projects
Nature‐Based Solutions (NbS) are solutions to societal challenges that are inspired and supported by nature. The European Commission requested the EKLIPSE project to help building up an evidence and knowledge base on the benefits and challenges of applying NbS. In response to the request, the
How to tell your city’s story Connecting Nature Framework - Sarajevo –
The development of a resilient city pleasant for the life of citizens of all ages and meeting their needs is one of the goals of the city. Thus, within the project, the Sarajevo exemplar was created, as first nature-based solution, which will provide the inhabitants of the city a place for
Panorama - solutions for a healthy planet
Panorama is a partnership initiative to document and promote examples of inspiring, replicable solutions across a range of conservation and development topics, enabling cross-sectoral learning and inspiration. This platform houses a number of thematic portals, and is envisioned to be continuously
UNDRR Website: Nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction
UNDRR developed the website Words into Action: Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction that offers practical, expert-informed guidance on setting up and implementing nature-based solutions, for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation. Explore the website with reports
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