
  • Audio

Internet of Nature Podcast

The Internet of Nature Podcast explores how increasingly "smart" cities have embraced technology for mobility, lighting, and waste management but have left urban ecology behind in the digital revolution. Join Nadina Galle as she interviews entrepreneurs & innovators on their


  • Policy Brief

NbS Private sector upscaling and capacity building - PBF Workshop Summary 18 November 2022

The Policy Business Forum (PBF) consists of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) experts and knowledgeable stakeholders at the international, European, and national scale. The main aim of the PBF is to explore innovative ways to strengthen the science-policy-business nexus in order to exploit opportunities


  • Training
  • Video

INTERLACE MOOC on Nature-based Solutions: (2) CITIZEN ENGAGEMENT as a tool to build local awareness and participation around NbS

Urban areas across the globe are facing unprecedented challenges—pollution, climate change, urban sprawl—and traditional solutions are falling short. The INTERLACE project’s Massive Open Online Course showcases how nature-based solutions offer a promising approach to help create resilient,


  • Guidance

The Sarajevo Process

The Sarajevo Process (Pilot) is a co-creative arts-based engagement approach that has been developed by Connecting Nature partners in Trinity College Dublin and University of East London, in collaboration with cities. The process draws on our memories, places us in nature and captures our embodied


  • Empty

European Atlas of Forest Tree Species

The European Atlas of Forest Tree Species is the first comprehensive publication of such a unique and essential environmental resource, that is, our trees.


  • Guidance

Making green economy happen: Integration of ecosystem services and natural capital into sectoral policies

The integration of ecosystem services and natural capital into the functioning of economic sectors provides a concrete means to initiate a shift towards green economy. This process starts with the integration of ecosystem services and natural capital into the policies governing the different


  • Document

CONEXUS Policy Brief 9 - Connectivity for people and biodiversity Learning from the green infrastructure systems in the City of Bogotá

This policy brief presents lessons for the integration of nature and green space systems in urban and territorial management instruments, based on the experience of the adoption of the Principal Ecological Structure (PES) in the city of Bogotá and the actions for its implementation.


  • Event

OPERAs Webinar: How to link ecosystem services, knowledge, tools and practice?

The webinar highlighted the flow between knowledge, tools and practice through case material from the OPERAs exemplars and different tools. T


  • Report

NbS EduWORLD State of the Art Report

This report aims to provide an overview and detailed analysis of the state of the art in nature-based solutions (NBS) education across the European region and at different education levels. Based on desk research and interviews, it highlights the gaps and opportunities in NBS education. It finds


  • Policy Brief

Design Brief 2- Biodiversity-positive Design in Urban Areas with NbS: Wildlife-friendly Areas, Conservation Sites, the Public Realm

This NetworkNature design brief series, the first of its kind, comprises three design briefs on biodiversity-positive design recommendations for urban and peri-urban areas with nature-based solutions. The series, developed with support of IFLA Europe, presents simple design suggestions for


  • Document
  • Guidance

Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Policy Instruments to Promote Urban Nature-based Solutions

This guidance document responds to exisiting gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. The guidance aims to support


  • Guidance

GIZ ValuES - Method Profile: TESSA – Toolkit for site-based ES assessment

The TESSA-toolkit focuses on a site-scale-level, such as a wetland, using information gathered locally. The toolkit can help assess climate regulation, flood protection, water provision, water quality improvement, harvested wild and cultivated goods and nature-based recreation. The toolkit is


  • Slides

Presentation on Expanding Sustainable Agriculture

This powerpoint slide provides a case study on a successful example of nature-based solution applied in the agriculture sector: Agroforestry to make the agricultural systems in Montpellier more resilient to the effects of climate change. The agroforestry scheme was implemented under the SAFE


  • Paper

Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Climate Change Adaptation: Linking Science, Policy, and Practice Communities for Evidence-Based Decision-Making

Nature-based solutions offer an exciting prospect for resilience building and advancing urban planning to address complex urban challenges simultaneously. In this article, we formulated through a coproduction process in workshops held during the first IPCC Cities and Climate Science Conference in


  • Document

ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöldinfrastruktúra-hálózat fejlesztés

A Földművelésügyi Minisztérium megbízásából készült 2 kötetes, részletes összefoglaló a zöldinfrastruktúráról. A szöveg rámutat, hogy a zöldinfrastruktúra fogalma nem egységes, intézményenként, szabályozó szervenként, országonként eltér. Az anyag tematikusan részletezi a vonatkozó nemzetközi és


  • Document
  • Guidance

IUCN Global Standard for NbS

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are a powerful ally to address societal challenges, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and food security. As the world strives to emerge from the current pandemic and move towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it is imperative that future investments in


  • Document

Deliberative mapping of ecosystem services within and around Donana National Park (SW Spain) in relation to land use change

The establishment of protected areas is one of the main strategies for preserving biodiversity from land use transformation. However, a great number of protected areas are becoming isolated due to land use changes in their surroundings.


  • Document
  • Guidance

Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe

The policy brief entitled “Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe” is based on the combined results of the BiodivERsA-funded WhoIsNext, INVAXEN and Resipath projects. This 4-page brief presents key recommendations on


  • Video

What is PHUSICOS / ¿Qué es PHUSICOS?

Presentation of the PHUSICOS project / Presentación del proyecto PHUSICOS


  • Document

Making Ecosystem-based Adaptation Effective: A Framework for Defining Qualification Criteria and Quality Standards

Many organizations, including members of the Friends of EbA network (FEBA)11 have gained both conceptual and practical experience in designing and implementing EbA measures in various regions, ecosystems, and levels of governance. These experiences provide a rich source of
