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Carbon Farming for Climate, Nature, and Farmers report

The EU is promoting carbon farming as a new business model to deliver climate action in agriculture. To ensure the EU harnesses the full win-win-win potential of carbon farming, the EEB sets out the concrete solutions carbon farming should prioritise, and makes five key recommendations in this


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Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. Summary for policy-makers

This document higlights key findings from the report "Planning and delivering Nature-based Solutions in Mediterranean cities. First assessment of the IUCN NbS Global Standard in Mediterranean urban areas", and should be read in conjunction with the full report. References to research and


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Nature4Cities - Diagnostic of your city's trends with Colouree and/or Greencity

Do you work for a council, as policy-maker or in urban or green spaces planning? Colouree and Greencity will help you set up an exhaustive and ongoing monitoring system to (i) identify the best place for your NbS projects, (ii) support data-driven and collective decision-making and (iii) monitor


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  • Training

Participatory scenario development and planning

Participatory scenarios development and planning In the recently published IPBES assessment on scenarios and models, the uses of scenarios for biodiversity and ecosystem services where summarized. They serve for awareness raising and agenda setting, and assist in policy and more broadly


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  • Guidance

Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Policy Instruments to Promote Urban Nature-based Solutions

This guidance document responds to exisiting gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. The guidance aims to support


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Go Green

Guidelines for implementing multifunctional green infrastructure in urban contexts, including tools and good practice examples.


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FutureMARES Project Website

Graphic design and content management for FutureMARES project website.


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Conexus Life-Lab factsheet series -Fast Forests for Lisbon: Nature, Community, Connections

The pilot Renatura started in late 2021. Its main goal is to bring back biodiversity to urban spaces, while enhancing social inclusion. Fostering a unique private/public sector partnership, the NGO Urbem and the Lisbon City Council convert abandoned public land into Miyawaki-based Fast Forests.


  • Dataset

European Long-Term Ecosystem and Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER H2020)

The overall aim of the eLTER project is to advance the European network of Long-Term Ecosystem Research sites and socio-ecological research platforms to provide highest quality services for multiple use of a distributed research infrastructure.


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Community Organizing Toolkit on Ecosystem Restoration

Ecosystem degradation has reached the far corners of our planet from our precious rainforests to our priceless reefs. Irresponsible human activities have caused and exacerbated our climate crisis and ecosystem degradation, forcing us to cope with biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, dramatic


Person stood on a plank bridge in woodland
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The importance of protecting human health in the EU climate policies

As anthropogenic climate change continues to escalate, its detrimental efects on human health are becoming pronounced, demanding urgent transformative actions from European policymakers. This policy brief underscores the importance of protecting human health in the EU climate change policies. As


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Reflections for establishing Urban Life-Labs for governance of Nature-based Solutions

This factsheet presents the key learnings and strategies from the establishment processes of seven Urban Life-Labs located in seven major cities across Latin America: São Paulo, Bogotá, Santiago, and Buenos Aires; and across Europe: Lisbon, Barcelona, and Turin. Each Urban Life-Lab represents


  • Report

Mainstreaming Nature-Based Solutions: Economic Regeneration

This report specifically addresses the mainstreaming of urban nature-based solutions for economic regeneration. We understand economic regeneration to be about the improvement and reinvigoration of urban areas. Nature-based solutions have the potential to encourage economic regeneration through


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ComPass: Urban Activation Road Map

Methodology to 'navigate' the process of activating community based projects.


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ESManage Project: Irish Freshwater Resources and Assessment of Ecosystem Services Provision

This thrid report from the ESManage Project gathers an extensive description of the current conditions of Ireland's Freshwater Resources and the identification of their associated Ecosystem Services.


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Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities

The ‘Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities’ is a collection of virtual collaboration methods tested and evaluated in the INTERLACE project. It can be a particular challenge to build collaboration and trust between cities merely online, but the available methods and tools were


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Conexus key learning factsheet series - Formats for transferring NbS knowledge

In Latin American and European cities, various initiatives are being used for transferring knowledge to different audiences to raise awareness of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and improve their uptake and implementation. This factsheet highlights some of these initiatives and their experiences as


  • Report

NbS Framework Reports for Fast Follower Cities

This Deliverable presents a cross-city analysis of how the cities have adapted and applied the Connecting Nature Framework for the large-scale implementation of nature-based solutions. Specifically, we identify the diverse types of innovations materializing in the cities to overcome barriers and


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  • Guidance

Study Design and Synthesis Protocol: The blueprint protocol

Welcome to the Blueprint protocol for ecosystem services studies. The aims of the protocol are twofold: - to act as a thinking tool, at the onset of projects, to help researchers design their studies - to synthesise complex research projects into a common framework. Hence, it is more than a


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Az intenzív gazdálkodás miatt a világ termőtalajainak jelentős hányada leromlott állapotban van vagy már véglegesen meg is semmisült. Ennek oka a talajok szervesanyag-tartalmának csökkenése, az ebből következő szerkezetromlás, tömörödés és az erózió, illetve a savanyodás, a szikesedés vagy éppen a
