Community Geotimeline
Online tool for harnessing and assessing community capital and resilience.
Identifying effective approaches for monitoring national natural capital for policy use
In order to effectively manage natural resources at national scales national decision makers require data on the natural capital which supports the delivery of Ecosystem Services (ES). Key data sources used for the provision of national natural capital metrics include Satellite Remote Sensing (
Powering Nature: creating the conditions to enable nature-based solutions
Nature is in freefall. Climate is changing due to humanity’s addiction to burning fossil fuels and converting natural ecosystems for agriculture. This affects in degrading once-productive lands and driving plant and animal species to extinction. And it’s no coincidence that millions of people each
Ecometrica Platform
The Ecometrica Platform brings together sustainability, environment, risk and business management with geospatial intelligence and mapping applications to allow businesses, governments and organisations to make smarter decisions and build long-term value. The Platform is arranged into four
Aquaculture and Nature-based Solutions
The present report examines the emerging concept of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and the IUCN Global Standard when applied to social-ecological systems that include aquaculture production. Aquaculture production has very significantly increased in tonnage and value over the last decades. It is seen
URBAN GreenUP Nature-based solution selection tool
This tool is a decision support tool – it’s designed to give suggestions that may help you choose the right Nature-based solution (NbS) for you, based on both your city’s capabilities, and the outcomes you’d like to achieve. It can also be helpful in figuring out how to build your capacity to
Tiny Forest: First monitoring report
Earthwatch Europe has published the first monitoring report for its Tiny Forest programme showcasing the first insights into the benefits to the environment and biodiversity that a Tiny Forest can provide in its early stages. The report highlights the vital role of the "super powerful
Governance Guidebook
The aim of this Guidebook is to outline a key aspect of how to embed nature-based solutions in your city – and that is governance. Governance is broader than government. It covers the legal frameworks, the formal and informal networks and organisations and the rules and policies related to the
Science-based ecosystem restoration for the 2020s and beyond: Science Task Force for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
To move the goals of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration forward, the Science Task Force of the Decade presents this think piece, which addresses four fundamental questions, presents five key messages to bring effective and long-term action, and provides recommendations on how
MOOC "Integrating ecosystem services in decision-making"
This 10 minute massive open online course (MOOC) given by Prof. Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey from the Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems Group at ETH Zurich is part of a larger online course on Ecosystem Services, produced by the University of Geneva, the Geneva Water Hub, the Luc Hoffmann
OpenNESS Synthesis paper: Ecosystem services and human health
Synthesis paper on ecosystem services and human health. There may be scope for OpenNESS to demonstrate a benefit of the ecosystem services and natural capital concepts in shaping a more systemic understanding of how biodiversity supports health aspects of well-being.
Using Object Based Image analysis to delineate garden structures in an urban environment
The accurate identification of greenspace typologies enables assessment of the contribution that urban greenspaces make to biodiversity, improving peoples well-being and the green economy, a focus of the EU FP7 project GREENSURGE. It has been shown that the conventional pixel by pixel
Planning Naturally. Spatial planning with nature in mind: in the UK and beyond
RSPB, CIEEM and the RTPI have come together to show how planning for biodiversity should be integral to every part of the planning process and to inspire with examples of good practice, whatever country you are working in.The report is structured around 12 principles of good spatial planning, and
Method Factsheet - Production Function Approach
The production function approach (PFA) can be used in situations where a marketed good or service is produced with both man-made and ecosystem inputs. The PFA is a method designed to value indirect use values. It is highly appropriate for capturing ecological and monetary values, as well as
Conexus Life-Lab factsheet series- Valdocco Vivibile: a livable district
The Torino Urban Lab coordinates the Valdocco Vivibile pilot in collaboration with the City of Torino to promote the development of climate-resilient neighborhoods through small-scale and diffused green infrastructure solutions. The pilot has three main pillars: high replicability; multifunctional
Green Infrastructure, a wealth for cities - URBES Factsheet #6
This URBES factsheet outlines the key components of Green Infrastructure and explores the linkages between the EU Green Infrastructure Strategy and the urban context. Using examples from Barcelona, it presents how cities can use Green Infrastructure to tackle environmental, social and economic
Nature-based solutions towards sustainable communities: Analysis of EU-funded projects
Over the past thirty years local communities have remained at the heart of efforts to address sustainable development across the European Union, mobilised by a wide range of policies and initiatives to develop sustainable, smart, low carbon, resilient and eco-cities. As interventions that promise
Climate mitigation potential of large-scale nature restoration in Europe
This report, produced by the IEEP and commissioned by the WWF, explores the climate mitigation potential of restoring the habitats protected under the EU Habitats Directive. As part of this, the feasibility of ranking these habitats based on the climate mitigation benefits of their restoration is
Infographic: Horizon2020 Nature-based Solutions Projects
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are inspired and supported by nature, they are cost-effective, simultaneously provide environmental, social and economic benefits and help build resilience; such solutions bring more, and more diverse, nature and natural features and processes into cities, landscapes
Interlace Agile Guidance
The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an
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