News articles

NetworkNature Task Forces align experts on NbS Standardisation for a greener Europe

17 September 2024

This year the Nature-based Solutions Task Forces are committed to collaborating towards a more standardised effort to establish NbS more sustainably. We believe that standards can be one important tool for mainstreaming NbS. The mainstreaming of efforts to standardise NbS falls in line with...

Learn about a decision-making tool to support cities implementing decentralised NbS for water treatment

10 September 2024

NICE-R NetNature 2, a free, open source user-tailored tool to explore the potential of NbS for treating different types of wastewater in cities, rural and peri-urban areas

Urban and rural regions face a moment of difficulty related to water pollution and lack of means to access clean...

Meeting by Antenna


UNPplus Logo

UNP+ Cities Questionnaire: Capacity Building Needs for Urban Nature Plans – Survey Deadline extended until 15th September

29 August 2024

Are you a representative of a City or Municipal authority in Europe? If so we want to hear from you !

To maximise the impact and spread of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), the ‘Urban Nature Plans +’ project developed a science-based survey and invites you to evaluate capacity building...

Absolute Vision: Notes

TF 4 Digest: September

28 August 2024

The NetworkNature Task Force 4 (Communicators) is pleased to provide you with a summary of upcoming events and opportunities announced by Horizon 2020/Europe projects and select Missions. This Task Force is responsible for synergizing and enhancing communication approaches and messages across...

Kelly Heid

Funding Round by Markus Winklier