We would like to invite you to a series of lunch webinars on Crop Wild Relative (CWR) conservation and use. CWR are wild species that are closely related to crops, and they harbour biodiversity that can be used to improve crops and adapt them to future challenges such as climate change. In the lunch webinars, you will be able to listen to talks on how to improve conservation of wild plant species / CWR, results from scientific studies on genetic diversity and climate modelling, practical experience from work on plant inventories, seed collection and use of CWR, as well as recommendations on conservation approaches. You are very welcome!
- Title of the series: How can local biodiversity contribute to global food security? Conservation and use of wild species in the age of climate change
- When: Wednesdays at 12:00 – 13:00 Central European Time (CET)
- Dates: from 23 October to 4 December
- Language: English
- Registration: follow the links for each webinar below
There will be six separate webinars arranged on different topics. More information on the seminar series and each webinar can be found in the attached document and in the links below:
1. Conservation and inventory of crop wild relatives in Nordic protected areas, 23 October
2. Seed collection of wild plant species – challenges and lessons learned, 30 October
3. Nordic crop wild relatives: recommendations for conservation, 6 November
4. The importance of genetic diversity for CWR conservation, 13 November
5. How will climate change affect the distribution of plants? 20 November
6. Use of wild genetic diversity (CWR) in plant breeding, 4 December