The Invest4Nature Survey of Nature-based Enterprises launches today!
All private and third sector businesses who work with and for nature in the delivery of nature-based solutions are invited to take part in the 15-20 minute survey to have their voices heard.
All participants responding before 31st January will be entered into a draw for five all expenses paid travel and exhibition packages at the Nature Futures event in Dublin on 6 March 2024. This event will be a great opportunity to meet other professionals involved in the delivery of nature-based solutions.
Invest4Nature is an EU Horizon project looking to understand the economics of nature-based solutions and contribute to the development of a flourishing market for nature-based solutions in Europe. Investment in the nature-based solutions market is set to triple by 2030, driving exponential market demand. However, very little is known about how this demand will be met across the region. Therefore, the survey looks to understand the supply side of nature-based solutions. Questions focus on: financing and investment; business models and growth; training and other market gaps; and support required by professional nature-based solutions suppliers and providers who are working with and for nature across Europe.
The final results of this survey will inform EU policymakers who are working to increase support for a flourishing nature-based solutions market. It’s crucial that Invest4Nature hear directly from businesses about their needs and the challenges they face while working with and for nature.