To help reverse biodiversity loss within and around urban areas, the EU has called on European cities of more than 20,000 inhabitants to develop ambitious Urban Greening Plans (UGPs) aligned with its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. In this event the EC Urban Green Platform will be launched which includes crucial guidance as well as a toolkit to support cities in developing and implementing their UGPs. The session will further inform about the linkages of the UGP initiative with major EU policies and about how cities can access key resources, including financing and funding. Register now!
Draft agenda:
- Welcome by the co-moderators, Ben Caspar & Philipp LaHaela Walter (5 min)
- Why Urban Greening Plans – policy background, Benjamin Caspar, DG ENV (8 min)
- Urban Greening Plans – guidance & toolbox for implementation, Philipp LaHaela Walter, ICLEI Europe & Heather Brooks, Eurocities (12 min)
- Video "Nature-based solutions - building blocks of a sustainable future” by Horizon 2020 NbS projects (5 min)
- Urban greening at national level – Valentin Meilinger, German Environmental Agency (8 min)
- Strategical greening at city level – Helen Nilsson, City of Malmö , CLEVER Cities (12 min)
- Support of the European Urban Initiative for urban greening and funding opportunities under Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 – Pia Laurila, DG REGIO (10 min)
- Moderated debate and Q&A session with the audience on the keys for urban greening (2-3 key topics + questions from the audience) (30 min)
Detailed description of the event:
With key policies such as the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, EU Soil Strategy for 2030, EU Adaptation Strategy and upcoming policies such as the Nature Restoration and Soil Health Laws, the EU is taking action on the multiple environmental emergencies that threaten the human civilization.
In this session, DG ENV is releasing the Urban Greening Platform which hosts a comprehensive guiding document, an extensive toolkit as well as many more crucial resources for the development and implementation of UGPs. UGPs require time, money, commitment and knowledge. Drawing from the rich knowledge and innovations derived from many EU funded projects on nature-based solutions, the EC guidance materials lay out a co-creative, step-by-step process to develop impactful UGPs. When looking for funding opportunities, the new Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 with the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund prioritises protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure in urban areas. Moreover, the European Urban Initiative will be set up under the Cohesion Policy to provide a more coherent support to cities, including in the area of urban greening.