In a world suffering drastic biodiversity loss and environmental damage ‘business as usual’ is no longer acceptable, nor desirable. It is only with a long-term vision and strong collaboration that we will be able to turn the tide and protect the natural ecosystems on which societies and economies depend. Organisations of all sizes are already aware of the many opportunities to seize by changing the way they treat nature. Businesses and financial institutions are taking steps towards integrating biodiversity and nature positive business models, while addressing its ‘twin’ crisis – climate change.
Join us at this year's Summit to meet and learn from these pioneering businesses and find peers with whom to embark on your journey to assess, commit, transform and disclose your business for nature.
Are you a business or financial institution new to biodiversity? The Summit will help you embark on your nature positive journey. Have you already started engaging with this topic? The Summit will put wind in your “biodiversity sails”.