Caribbean Fish Sanctuary Partnership Initiative (C-FISH)

Resource type: 
EU project stamp: 
Main entity: 
The Caribbean Fish Sanctuary Partnership Initiative
Type of entity: 
Societal challenges: 
Climate Resilience
Latin America

The Caribbean Fish Sanctuary Partnership Initiative (C-FISH) is a project aimed at strengthening community-based fish sanctuaries by providing resources, training, and alternative livelihood opportunities in four (4) countries across the Caribbean (Grenada, Jamaica , Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines). The objective of the project includes: Building resilience in the coral reef system Coral reefs and fisheries are critically important to the economy and food security of Grenada. Reducing unemployment through improved Management of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The depletion of fisheries is often the root cause of rising unemployment, poverty and the vicious circle of social marginalisation and crime that afflict many. Supporting the means of Monitoring and Enforcement of the MPAs Building resilience in the coral reef system Coral reefs and fisheries are critically important to the economy and food security of Grenada
