Nature-Based Solutions: Increasing Private Sector Uptake for Climate-Resilience Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean

Resource type: 
EU project stamp: 
Main entity: 
Inter-American Development Bank
Type of entity: 
Key themes: 
Climate change
Economic and social development
Green infrastructure
Social impact
Sustainable development
Sustainable management
Sustainable use
Societal challenges: 
Biodiversity Enhancement
Climate Resilience
Natural and Climate Hazards
New Economic Opportunities & Green Jobs and Participatory Planning and Governance
Latin America

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can be used as a cost effective way to build infrastructure resilience in response to a changing climate, while also delivering a range of other societal benefits. Yet, many business aren’t aware of these benefits, and implementation of NbS by the private sector (including businesses that plan, design, construct and fund infrastructure) has been limited in Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC). As a region where infrastructure investments are required due to economic and population growth, and where climate impacts are acute, LAC is an ideal setting for multifunctional solutions like NbS to help build climate-resilient infrastructure. Through this discussion paper, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Acclimatise, and the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) explore the barriers to, and opportunities for, increasing private-sector uptake of NbS in the infrastructure sector in LAC. This document outlines emerging findings from the work and provides initial recommendations for infrastructure project developers, financial institutions, and policy makers, to create a more enabling environment for NbS.

Semester theme: 
3. Standards