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The aim with this document is to share progression of task 8.1 Innovation and business incubation. Task 8.1, bullet 4 Network creation is about creating a network of stakeholders from academia and business. The network will be a forum for disseminating inspiration, knowledge and meet‐ups that connect stakeholders and establish partnerships to create and strengthen synergies between academia and NbS enterprises. The means of verification for milestone MS14 says ‘network created’, which the WP8 members define as a list of potential network members and a draft on the first network session. To comply with GPDR we have collected a list of links to potential members’ published websites. So far, we have covered stakeholders in all ULLs, both in China and EU. Due to Covid‐19 we have been set back a bit regarding the activities in this task, which means that we have the list, but have not been in contact with all the stakeholders.