Nature-based solutions may often be small in scale, but this is wherein their power lies – they lend well to replication. To support their spread, NetworkNature, a new Horizon 2020 funded project, spearheaded by ICLEI Europe, IUCN, BiodivERsA, Oppla and Steinbeis 2i, gathers the nature-based solutions community together to amplify efforts.
Nature-based solutions should be on the agenda of every decision maker in 2021 for a green recovery and the implementation of the European Green Deal. Alice Reil Coordinator for the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity programme at ICLEI Europe sees the role of NetworkNature as central in shaping the green transition: “In 2020, we were reminded of the importance of nature for our wellbeing as individuals as well as society. Together with over 30 EU financed projects and 4 expert partners, NetworkNature aims to raise awareness on the benefits of biodiversity for us and share tried and tested knowledge and tools for others to take up these solutions. ICLEI strives to support and connect local governments in this effort by designing and moderating engagement and planning processes at local level, whilst also being the voice of cities and towns in global policy processes.”
With the EU Green Deal shaping Europe’s agenda in the years to come, NetworkNature will readily support the activities to ensure the nature-based solutions contribute to achieving the ambitious targets by 2050. To this end NetworkNature will synthesize & strengthen the NbS evidence base across relevant policy areas of the European Green Deal - Biodiversity, From Farm to Fork, Sustainable agriculture, Eliminating Pollution, Sustainable Mobility and Climate Action - by gathering experiences, knowledge, tools and services from over 30 Horizon 2020 projects.
Further NetworkNature will engage existing stakeholders & expand the NbS community to new sectors and target audiences, by creating new partnerships and identifying sectoral champions, sharing knowledge in dedicated events and disseminating capacity-building material. The project will gather, channel and build on leadign experts work: researchers & entrepreneurs that understand the importance of biodiversity and nature-based solutions to achieve a sustainable healthy society and circular economy, practitioners that translate policy efforts into practical action and local and regional governments leading planning and implementation. NetworkNature will ensure nature-based solutions science informs the policy agenda and vice versa. As an interface between nature-based solutions innovators, as well as business and policy makers, NetworkNature is a bridge between the European policy landscape and the nature-based solutions community. The project will support policymaking by providing briefs and factsheets, facilitating discussions and debates and ensuring that policy responses to identified knowledge gaps are addressed. Last but not least NetworkNature accelerates uptake of NbS across sectors through supporting and improving their recognition as powerful instrument to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 by means of networking, collaboration, events and communication.
The coming year will be a crucial in shaping a green recovery. NetworkNature will be supporting the efforts by pooling and spurring action, to ensure nature-based solutions community far and wide will be ready to respond.