(World Bank Webinar Series Session 3: Mainstreaming Biodiversity & Climate Change in EU Urban Planning & Policy, organised by NetworkNature is part of a larger webinar series Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss & Climate Change)
Mainstreaming biodiversity and climate change into EU urban planning and policy
There is increasing recognition that the climate and biodiversity crises are fundamentally interlinked and therefore need to be tackled in an integrated manner across scales. Achieving international and European ecosystem restoration and climate targets will ultimately depend on the actions implemented on the ground – in cities and towns - and the systematic integration of these agendas in local and subnational policies, planning and practice. Nature- and biodiversity positive urban planning, land use planning and ecosystem-based management practices are gaining more attention than ever as pathways for sustainable urban development whilst considering the one-health approach.
In light of forthcoming Urban Nature Plans by cities with over 20,000 inhabitants, the legally binding nature restoration targets and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, this session will build the bridge between policy and practice in nature-positive urban planning. It will highlight best practices from cities across Europe regarding planning instruments, governance and monitoring with replication potential.
To spur global collaboration on fostering biodiversity in and around cities, NetworkNature is hosting a webinar on the following topics:
- An overview of key approaches to mainstreaming biodiversity in urban policymaking and development
- Insights from relevant projects and research, such as the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report
- Effective approaches and actions that cities can take to improve biodiversity & implement nature-based solutions
Speakers include:
- Ben Caspar -DG ENV
- Emilia Barone- City of Milan
- João Cardoso de Melo- Director da Gestão da Estrutura Ecológica, Ecological Infrastructure Management Director, City of Cascais, PT
- Gitty Korsuize - Advisor city green and nature, Utrecht
- Holger Robrecht, Regional Deputy Director, ICLEI Europe
Join Online September 28 from 2-3 p.m. CEST and visit worldbank.org for more information and registration.