Nature-based solutions resources

Displaying 521 - 537 of 537
  • Guidance

Accelerating business solutions for Climate and Nature Report I: Mapping nature-based solutions and natural climate solutions

Nature-based solutions (NbS), can help to deliver up to 37% of solutions to achieve the Paris climate goal, as well as the potential to help address other societal challenges while being good for business and people. Yet, to scale up investment in Nature-based Solutions, business requires clarity


  • Guidance

FINANCING NATURE: Closing the Global Biodiversity Financing Gap

The report identifies a set of nine financial and policy mechanisms that, if implemented and scaled up, can collectively close the biodiversity financing gap. The report goes into detail about the enabling conditions for the implementation and scaling of each of these mechanisms, and it makes


  • Policy Brief

UNLOCKING NATURE’S POTENTIAL Forests related Nature-based Solutions to address climate change and promote sustainable development

Active participation of business is a core driver in achieving international environment and development agreements, namely the Paris Agreement, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and their contribution should be promoted. This briefing


  • Policy Brief

Science for Environment Policy future brief: The solution is in nature

The science is clear: the biodiversity crisis, the climate crisis and the health crisis are interdependent. Political leaders from across the world, representing 80+ countries and the European Union, have also recognised this connection in the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature.1 Climate change accelerates


  • Report

Bringing nature back through LIFE The EU LIFE programme’s impact on nature and society

The EU LIFE programme, Europe’s key funding instrument for nature conservation, has since the start in 1992 focused its support to nature and biodiversity. It is therefore a good moment to take stock of its achievements and assess to what extent it has contributed to implementing the EU Birds and


  • Audio

Episode 2: Urban trees and gardens: How good are they really for you?

"In the second episode of the NATURVATION Creating Green Cities podcast, we discuss the topics of monitoring and assessing nature-based solutions. The episode features interviews with Gabino Carballo from the team behind Municipality of Barcelona’s “Tree Master Plan” and Hans Pijls from Food


  • Empty

Nature Positive Recovery

"While the most immediate priorities of COVID-19 responses have rightly been health and economic well-being, the crisis has also created a new appreciation for how our encroachment on nature poses significant risks. There is, however, much more work to be done to help decision-makers recognize


  • Report

Are We Building Back Better? Evidence from 2020 and Pathways for Inclusive Green Recovery Spending

In this paper, we analyse the characteristics of 2020 COVID-19 spending using over 3,000 spending policies from the Global Recovery Observatory’s tracking of the fifty largest economies. At the time of writing, the largest window for green spending is only now opening, as


  • Guidance
  • Report

Making urban nature bloom. Four years of partnering for nature-based solutions across Europe

To bring nature-based solutions into city planning, the NATURVATION (NATure-based URban innoVATION) project was created. The four-year project involves 14 institutions across Europe in the fields of urban development, geography, innovation studies, and economics, building capacity of local


  • Guidance


This paper first sets out the important role that cities can and must play in a transformative agenda for the Global Biodiversity Framework. It subsequently turns to considering the specific ways in which cities are already contributing to global goals for biodiversity, followed by a consideration


  • Paper

Innovating with Nature: From Nature-Based Solutions to Nature-Based Enterprises

Nature-based solutions (NbS) to address societal challenges have been widely recognised and adopted by governments in climate change and biodiversity strategies. Nevertheless, significant barriers exist for the necessary large-scale implementation of NbS and market development is still in its


  • Guidance

The Economics of Biodiversity: The Dasgupta Review

The Dasgupta Review is an independent, global review on the Economics of Biodiversity led by Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta (Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus, University of Cambridge). The Review was commissioned in 2019 by HM Treasury and has been supported by an Advisory Panel drawn from public


  • Document
  • Guidance

Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Policy Instruments to Promote Urban Nature-based Solutions

This guidance document responds to exisiting gaps and highlights a range of policy and supporting instruments relevant for NbS design, implementation and maintenance. Policy instruments include regulations, strategies, programmes, action plans and financial incentives. The guidance aims to support


  • Dataset
  • Software

Nature4Cities - Implementation Model Database (IM-DB)

Nature4Cities project developed the Web-based database which allows to check different kinds of implementation models for NbS and NbS related pioneer projects.  The database groups urban projects at different scales and in different European countries, using NbS.


  • Document
  • Guidance

Addressing Climate Change in Cities – Catalogue of urban nature-based solutions

Nature-based solutions (NbS) are solutions that are inspired and supported by nature. They can be used in urban settings to complement or replace "traditional" or "grey" solutions to perform functions, such as thermal insulation and stormwater retention and filtration. Focusing


  • Guidance

Nature4Cities - NbS Projects Implementation Handbook

This Handbook was made for government officials, practitioners or project coordinators working in the public domain and needing support in their NbS project implementation. It will be useful especially for those who are at the early stages of developing climate adaptation and mitigation


  • Guidance
  • Software

Nature4Cities - NbS explorer

Are you are a policy-maker or citizen wishing to better understand Nature Based Solutions? The Nature4Cities NbS explorer allows you to discover the world of NbS, your way. The main advantage is that it’s easy to handle even if you aren’t a specialist! Click on any urban challenge and discover the
