Nature-based solutions resources

Displaying 501 - 520 of 537
  • Paper

Conserving Nature in a time of crisis: Protected Areas and COVID-19

Many of the threats facing biodiversity and protected areas will be exacerbated during, and following, the Covid-19 outbreak. The health of humans, animals and ecosystems are interconnected. An expanding agricultural frontier and human incursions into natural areas for logging, mining and other


  • Paper

Compendium of Articles/Studies on NbS/environment and health

BlueHealth is a pan-European research initiative that investigated the links between urban blue spaces, climate and health. It combined interdisciplinary approaches to examine how wellbeing might be promoted through the development of blue infrastructure. In this link you will find BlueHealth


  • Guidance
  • Paper

Green Infrastructure and Public Health

The Green Infrastructure Strategy proposed by the European Commission, promotes the development of Green Infrastructure across the EU delivering economic, social and ecological benefits and contributing to sustainable growth. It guides the implementation of Green Infrastructure at EU,


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Deconstructing Climate Denial Speech and Understanding the Role of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)

Scientists and experts recently released reports which should provide content to policymakers. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) are probably the best-known structures that the public is


  • Report

IPBES Workshop on Biodiversity and Pandemics: Workshop Report

The IPBES #PandemicsReport is one of the most scientifically robust examinations of the evidence and knowledge about links between pandemic risk and nature since the COVID-19 pandemic began - with 22 of the world's leading experts from fields as diverse as epidemiology, zoology, public health


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Types and components of urban and peri-urban blue/green spaces that have a significant impact on human mental health and mental well-being

For several years, papers have been published about the positive impact of greenness on health, including some synthesis and systematic reviews. Yet, none of them has so far addressed the question of the type of habitats and components of such habitats that have a significant (and preferably


  • Product

Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform

The Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform is an online marketplace that aims to increase awareness of the economic potential of nature-based solutions, connecting buyers and suppliers. The platform has been created building on a collaboration between Trinity and UCD, whose pioneering global


  • Paper

Stories on trees: Urban forests & Green space during Covid-19 pandemic

The COVID 19 pandemic is transforming our society. All the basic elements of living together have radically changed in the past weeks: Where and how we work, whom we spend time with, whom we care about, what tasks and activities keep us busy. This post describes the situation and the role of green


  • Infographic

FutureMARES Project Website

Graphic design and content management for FutureMARES project website.


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  • Report

Products providing guidance on urban tree monitoring

In this CLEARINGHOUSE post you can find a list of USDA`s (US Department of Agriculture) new guidance products on urban tree monitoring. These guides are designed around the collection of longitudinal field data – tracking the fate of individual trees – and will enable urban tree professionals to


  • Paper

Green spaces & urban forests during the COVID-19 pandemic

Clearing House launched a survey with the objective of looking at how the COVID-19 pandemic was changing both, the professional perspective and citizens’ attitude on green spaces and urban forests. In this blog, they bring together different stories looking at the issue from various angles (tag:


  • Report

Health and Social Benefits of Nature

This report synthesises the available scientific evidence on the many often overlooked benefits for humans and society that protecting nature and biodiversity brings, which are often tied to ecosystem services, accompanied by over 100 practical case examples from across Europe, including 20


  • Video

NbS and Health & Wellbeing - ActoNBS

In this webinar, European research and innovation projects share their knowledge and their experience on the NbS Health and Wellbeing topic and introduce measures that will be implemented in some of the European cities in order to create healthy, resilient and inclusive places.


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  • Training

Naturvation: Urban Nature Navigator

This tool helps you to assess the contributions that different nature-based solutions can make to meeting urban sustainability challenges and to identify the nature-based solutions which fit your needs the best. The assessment is based on the use of indicators that capture ecological, social and


  • Guidance

New Handbook for Nature-related Financial Risks from CISL

The Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership (CISL) has published a risk framework and guide to nature-related financial risks – the Handbook for Nature-related Financial Risks - which has been co-created with University of Cambridge academics and members of CISL’s Investment Leaders Group


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  • Report

Resource website - Impacts of green and blue space on mental health

Eklipse website containing resources on impacts of green and blue space on mental health. Type of request: Knowledge Synthesis For several years, papers have been published about the positive impact of greenness on health, including some synthesis and systematic reviews. Yet, none of them has


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  • Report

CLEVER Cities D5.3 - Governance, business and finance models

This report has been produced as a part of the CLEVER Cities project within Work Package 5, looking at CLEVER solutions to bring NbS from innovation to market. It is divided into three sections: Governance Models for NbS, Business Models for NbS and Financing Models for NbS. Together, these


  • Report

NATURE HIRES: How Nature-based Solutions can power a green jobs recovery

Nature Hires: How Nature-Based Solutions Can Power A Green Jobs Recovery, published today, confirms the potential of Nature-based Solutions to provide job-intense economic recovery while having a multiplier effect in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. As we entered 2020, the dual global


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  • Report

Nature Risk Rising: Why the Crisis Engulfing Nature Matters for Business and the Economy

The World Economic Forum’s 2020 Global Risks Report (GRR), through its comprehensive risks perception survey, ranks biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse as one of the top five risks in terms of likelihood and impact in the coming 10 years. Yet general confusion persists on what amount of nature


  • Guidance

New Nature Economy Report IIThe Future Of Nature And Business

Nature is declining at an unprecedented rate, with nearly 1 million species at risk of extinction because of human activity. Earth system scientists have warned that the Amazon rainforest, the world’s coral reefs and the boreal forest biomes are all fast approaching the cusp of irreversible tipping
