Nature-based solutions including green infrastructure (NbS/GI) have been implemented for some time as a multifunctional, decentralized strategy for stormwater management. Locally, the benefits and co-benefits of these systems are well quantified. However, to address regional climate risks, NbS/GI need to be upscaled in non-trivial ways across urbanized landscapes. This upscaling poses several formidable physical, economic, and collaboration-related challenges. Addressing these challenges represents one of the front lines in advancing comprehensive resilience and sustainability planning. This webinar episode will feature how Franco Montalto, CAP’s Consortium for Climate Risk in the Urban Northeast (CCRUN), has leveraged funding from CAP and AdSci to advance science to support local action and adaptation at a broader scale.
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This webinar is part of Climate and Societal Interactions Division Nature-Based Solutions Webinar Series, organized by the NOAA OAR’s Climate Program Office (USA).
This five-part webinar series features projects funded by the Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI) Division’s Adaptation Sciences (AdSci) and Climate Adaptation Partnerships (CAP) programs focused on the research and application of nature-based solutions (NbS), which are actions to protect, sustainably manage, or restore natural or modified ecosystems to address societal challenges, simultaneously providing benefits for people and the environment.
CSI invests in research networks that connect and align cutting-edge science with the most urgent needs of stakeholders. As projects are rooted in community needs, NbS work funded through AdSci and CAP varies and includes topics ranging from identifying trade-offs and co-benefits of NbS, to informing decision support and community planning, as well as evaluation of projects once implemented.