The main common cross-border problems and challenges to be jointly addressed within the project is degradation of wetland ecosystems caused by varying human activities. Limited capacity to deal with the consequences of ecosystem degradation and low awareness about the value of wetlands and services they deliver to society will be addressed by the project as well. Main approach to be used is to introduce and apply new EU methodology for ecosystem services (ES) assessment and innovative methods for ecosystems conservation and awareness raising. ES assessment will provide measurable data on services that wetlands provide to local communities. that will be used for planning of ecosystem conservation in pilot areas. Main objective of the project is to contribute to the protection and sustainable use of wetland ecosystems in Danube floodplain in Croatia – Serbia cross border region by their assessed ecosystems services (ES). Immediate change the project will make are (i) increasing knowledge and skills of target groups to implement new approach to conservation planning based on mapped and assessed ES, (ii) improved awareness on value of wetlands. However, improved conservation status of wetland ecosystems is long term change that is expected after project results are embraced by target groups and imbedded in conservation planning policy of protected areas.
Main project outputs: Guidelines on ES mapping and assessment, Capacitated stakeholders for ES mapping, assessment and action planning, Mapped an assessed ES in pilot areas, Pilot action plans, Operational ecosystems processors (constructed wetland) for water purification and awareness raisingTarget groups: Protected areas manager, Local government, CSOs, Local communities, educational institutions, public utilities companies, resources users.
CBC addedd value is is joining efforts, skills and knowledge to come up with coordinated sustainable conservation planning of shared wetland ecosystems .Disaster response capability in the programme area.1.Increased capacity of protected areas managers and all relevant stakeholders to take carry out participatory ES mapping and assessment and develop action plans for improving capacity of ecosystems to delivering ecosystems services. This skills will be obtained during capacity building trainings organised based on step by step protocol in form of guidance documents. Trainees will be also capable to understand functions of wetland ES which, if properly managed, could help in minimising negative effects of floods and decrease water pollution.
2. Applied common indicator based methodological approach for ES assessment 6 pilot areas. Results of assessment are base for sustainable wetland ES conservation planning. Particular attention will be given to wetland areas that need restoration in order to increase their potential for flood protection.
3. Strengthened cross border, cross-sectoral cooperation and communication among stakeholders to jointly act towards common vision of integrated management of shared natural assets.
4. Raised public awareness on value of ES delivered by wetland ecosystems. It will create positive climate in the society for their protection and sustainable management.
All results contribute directly to the programme result indicator since all of them create conditions for increasing capacities of wetland ecosystems to deliver services important for disaster response capability in the programme area, such as pollution reduction and flooding control.