LIFE MycoRestore seeks to utilise diverse mycological resources and forest management practices to contribute to the biological resilience of Mediterranean forests. It also aims at generating new income sources and ensuring the stability of forest ecosystem services while addressing the effects of climate change.
The projects main objectives are to:
* Demonstrate sustainable mycological and forestry management practices to increase forest resistance to fires and drought (MycoForestry);
* Promote green jobs in rural economies based on wood processing and innovative high-value mushroom products. The project will demonstrate a circular economy approach to mushroom and substrate production supply chains (MycoEconomy); and
* Provide proof of concept on the use of natural myco-control products and native fungal species for reduced pest/pathogen presence in forests (MycoControl).
The LIFE MycoRestore project will demonstrate sustainable forestry activities using mycological resources on 305 ha of Mediterranean forests, increasing their resilience to climate change and enhancing the ecosystem services they provide. This is directly linked to the EU Forest Strategy, EU Biodiversity Strategy, the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) Regulation, and EU strategies on Adaptation to Climate Change and Climate Change Mitigation. The project is also aligned with the EU Circular Economy Strategy and the Biomass Action Plan.
Specifically, the project expects the following results:
1. MycoForestry:
* improved soil health (average 13%) through increased soil organic carbon, water retention capacity, pH, soil structure, and microbiological activity, and decreased presence of fungal pathogens;
* increased biodiversity (15%) by increasing the population and quantity of beneficial fungal communities, and mushrooms that serve as a focus for biodiversity;
* diminished available fire fuel load by about 41 tonnes/ha from mixed thinning and inoculation activities that increase the rate of decay of woody organic material.
2. MycoEconomy:
* generated revenue of 333 000 from sales of processed wood, mushrooms and mushroom substrate, and expanded business services;
* creation of at least the equivalent to 29 full-time green jobs directly and indirectly by providing high-skill training to individuals at risk of social exclusion;
* around 1 360 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided through reduced transport of forest goods and a shorter supply chain for mushroom producers.
3. MycoControl:
* reduced presence of pests and pathogens (25%) through biocontrol activities which will improve overall tree health and forest resilience.
Innovative use of mycological resources for resilient & productive Mediterranean forests threatened by climate change
Funding programme:
Project ID:
LIFE18 CCA/ES/001110
LIFE MycoRestore
Lead Country:
Partners countries:
Start/end date:
Sunday, 8 July 2018 to Friday, 30 June 2023
Time frame:
2019 - 2023
NBS type:
Type 2
Societal challenges:
Climate Resilience
Ecosystem-based mitigation
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction
Marine Inlets and Transitional Water