Deconstructing Climate Denial Speech and Understanding the Role of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)

Scientists and experts recently released reports which should provide content to policymakers. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) are probably the best-known structures that the public is aware of. In this Learning Scenario, we work from these documents to make the students able to appropriate them and giving them a tool – Nature-based solutions (NbS) – to solve the grave challenges presented in the reports. First, we assess the students' prior knowledge in the areas of biodiversity and climate change. An Online survey is set to easily gather this data. Secondly, the teacher goes through the scientific reports with the students by analysing several graphs, figures and short texts on climate change and nature-based solutions. The first step aims to give students the knowledge necessary to identify, expose and deconstruct disinformation while presenting positive narratives incorporating NbS as alternatives to combat fake and/or negative news and lack of action. In the next activity, students apply the knowledge by unbundling a climate denial speech through semantic analysis. There is in fact a bundle of elements that the students will learn to identify to critically evaluate the value of written or oral communication. Finally, one of the main goals of this activity is to raise awareness about the necessity for young people to actively take part in social and political life. NbS are highly diverse, and every student can apply their critical thinking skills and the nature surrounding them to tackle environmental issues.