Join the NbS Business Forum

Sign-up for the NbS Business Forum: a network uniting organisations, enterprises, and SMEs interested in the business potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS).

Privacy Notice
The NbS Business Forum is hosted by the NetworkNature project, funded by the European Union. Forum membership is managed by Steinbeis Europa Zentrum and the data controller for this sign-up form is Oppla. Both of these organisations are partners in the project.

The information you provide here will be used to:

  • Add you to the NbS Business Forum e-mailing list.
  • Create a user account for you on the NetworkNature website.

By joining the NbS Business Forum you agree to your information being used for these purposes. You also agree to Oppla’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

If you have any questions please contact:

Chrispin Sanga:

Vipul Sarnot:

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