NbS Business Forum

The NbS Business Forum is a network uniting organisations, enterprises, and SMEs interested in the business potential of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS). Our mission is to accelerate market adoption of NbS by SMEs and larger businesses by fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration.

As a member, you will benefit from webinars, trainings, and networking events designed to equip businesses and support organisations with the latest insights, opportunities, and success stories in the NbS field. Together, we are shaping a thriving NbS business ecosystem. Join us to stay informed, exchange expertise, and unlock new opportunities in the growing NbS market.

What is NbS Business Forum?

NbS Business Forum is a network of organisations and enterprises that are interested in the business side of Nature-based solutions (NbS). By supporting and expanding this network, we aim to:

  • Contribute to market uptake of NbS across sectors and disciplines
  • Help business support organisations to learn about and share NbS business opportunities with their networks
  • Enable enterprises to use the market opportunities that NbS represent
  • Bring people together to share information on the economic potential of NbS from different countries
  • Create a forum for exchange of knowledge and best practises in the NbS field on the national level for business

Why should one become part of NbS Business Forum?

As part of the NbS Business Forum members will have access to:

  • Targeted information on business news regarding NbS through the work of the project NetworkNature
  • Webinars as part of the project NetworkNature
  • Priority sign-up for NbS webinars and online events & exclusive Q&A sessions
  • Connections to other business organisations interested in NbS
  • Local connections to NbS hubs (where they exist)

Who can be part of NbS Business Forum?

Any organisations and/or enterprises interested in the business potential of NbS and committed to sharing this knowledge within their network can become a member of the NbS Business Forum.

Have we caught your interest?

Sign-up for the NbS Business Forum and become part of a growing network that connects enterprises, organisations, and SMEs working at the intersection of business and nature.

If you have any questions please contact:

Chrispin Sanga: chrispin.sanga@steinbeis-europa.de

Vipul Sarnot: vipul.sarnot@steinbeis-europa.de