
Advancing Greencare in Europe: an integrated multi-scalar approach for the expansion of nature-based therapies to improve Mental health Equity.

The GreenME project is led by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and, in a trans-disciplinary partnership, it involves six European countries, together with the UK and the US. The project started in September 2023 and will last 4 years. It is funded by the Horizon Europe research and innovation programme of the European Union.

GreenME understands exposure to nature as a three-scale continuum:

  1. Nature-in-everyday life (planned by local governments)
  2. Nature-based health promotion (activities organized by NGOs)
  3. Nature-based therapy (prescribed by health care providers)

GreenME will:

  1. Diagnose the current state of the provision of nature-based therapies, nature-based health promotions, and nature-in-everyday life.
  2. Increase scientific evidence on the mental health and wellbeing benefits of exposure to nature and
  3. Empower green care actors.

To, finally, increase the use of nature-based therapy and its integration within a multi-scalar green care framework to ultimately promote just climate resilient and sustainable healthy communities.

For more information about GreenME and its initiatives, please visit

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