Harnessing local solutions for biodiversity: insights from recent global dialogues on nature, water and plastic | WEBINAR Series - From Agreement to Action

Event posted by Rachelle Cividino
Friday, 28 June 2024 - 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)

Given the theme of International Day for Biological Diversity 2023 - “From Agreement to action: Building back biodiversity”, with its focus on implementation, action, and whole of government and whole of society collaboration, ICLEI have started a Webinar Series “From agreement to action: the key role of subnational and local governments in the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) implementation”. The webinar series includes high level speakers to showcase cities’ and regions' actions, and inspire others to follow, as we call on local and subnational governments to contribute to the implementation of the GBF and POA in the spirit of the GBF’s whole of government and whole of society approach. With this webinar series we aim to maintain the momentum from COP 15 and mobilize our constituency of local and subnational governments towards COP16.

Each online session will include inspiring and informative presentations and panel discussions from experts and political leaders. The webinars allow sharing tools, resources and/or best practices.

Unlock the power of local insights! Join experts as they discuss the critical role of subnational and local governments in implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework, drawing from insights from recent events like SBI-04, the Oceans Decade Conference and Plastics Treaty INC-4 Meeting, among others. Discover how collaboration at the grassroots level can translate international commitments into impactful actions, from coastal management to plastic pollution reduction.

Webinars page

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