I.S.Rivers is an international conference which takes place every 3 years. Since 2012, it has brought together researchers, managers, technicians and decision makers.
Its ambition is to share the scientific developments and experiments conducted on these environments, to promote sharing approaches and to discuss on the relevant action levers for a sustainable management of rivers.
In order to keep in touch between two conferences, a series of I.S.Rivers webinars, including this one, were organized leading up to the next I.S.Rivers conference in 2025.
- Dr P. Le Coent, Environmental economist, BRGM-G-EAU Montpellier : The economic valuation of NbS for a sustainable management of river ecosystems: principles, applications and lessons learned.
The economic argument is often put forward in favour of NbS programmes. However, the application of economic evaluation methods to NbS for the sustainable management of river ecosystems is still limited. In this presentation, we will review the principle of these methods, the questions they can answer as well as their limitations. It will be based on applications in the context of French and European research programmes.
- Prof. Jasper Kenter, Professorial Research Fellow – Deliberative Ecological Economics, Aberystwyth University, director of Ecologos Research Ltd : Understanding the multiple values of rivers using the IPBES Life Frames.
The Life Framework is a way of characterising the different ways people frame and relate to nature, in terms of living from, living with, living in, and living as nature. It was recently adopted by the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) to help structure its new typology of nature’s multiple values. Here we will introduce the Life Framework and illustrate its application with evidence from the ESDecide project funded by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency. This project used an online deliberative approach with representative panels of citizens in three Irish watersheds to bring together sociocultural, biophysical, and economic considerations to prioritise different river management options.
- A third operation is awaiting confirmation
- Simultaneous French/English translation is provided for all I.S.Rivers webinars.
- Registration is free but mandatory to receive the connection link. Register here.
- Learn more about the webinars and conferences here.