There is growing evidence that traditional interventions for the reduction of hydro-meteorological risks (e.g., floods, droughts, heatwaves, storms, coastal storm surges, tropical cyclones, landslides, wildfires) have focused on grey infrastructure measures which are often limited in their approach and effects. A new response towards disaster risk reduction, water security, and resilience to climate change, which has a potential to be more effective and sustainable than traditional measures, is currently passing under the name of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS).
The conference 'Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation' aims to bring together academic communities and practitioners to exchange information, experiences and research results on a variety of aspects concerning Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation.
This international conference is organized by RECONECT and supported by the International Water Association (IWA) and International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).