Cities are critical for implementing the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. How can targets and standards support nature positive urban action and help bend the curve on biodiversity loss globally?
A number of organisations are engaged in developing NbS standardisation to support cities in bending the curve on biodiversity loss in diverse ways (the IUCN Global standard for NbS, the 3-30-300 rule for urban nature, the IUCN Urban Nature Index, the Singapore Index, the Science Based Targets Network’s work and bodies such as CEN/CENELEC). This session will provide an opportunity to take stock, debate the advantages and limitations of standards as a means to support action both within and beyond urban boundaries and offer a space for the community involved in this effort to join forces.
Harriet Bulkeley: Harriet is a leading thinker on urban responses to sustainability challenges and from 2016 - 2021 led the NATURVATION project generating knowledge and practical tools to support nature positive urban action. She is an advisor to the SBTN, CitiesWithNature, OECD, World Bank and European Commission on urban governance for sustainability.
Rory Canavan: Rory leads Arup’s regional Biodiversity and Natural Capital services. His main area of expertise is the interface between landscape ecology and ecosystem restoration, including the flow and thresholds of ecosystem services within landscapes. He is an elected member of IENE Scientific and Expert Committee and is currently leading on the development of the Transport4Nature framework.
Daniela Rizzi: Daniela has been leading the conceptualisation and implementation of a facilitated capacity-building programme on NbS to empower local governments to plan, implement and harness the multifold potential of NbS for sustainable and nature-positive development, UrbanByNature. Co-author of the publication: “The vital role of nature-based solutions in a nature-positive economy”.
Jennifer Rae Pierce: Jennifer heads the Urban Biodiversity Hub’s Partnerships and Engagement team and is currently completing her PhD at the University of British Columbia on engagement in biodiversity action planning. An urban ecologist and planner, she has undertaken international comparative work on urban biodiversity plans and developed analysis and toolkits to support the mainstreaming of biodiversity in urban planning.
Francois Moreau: Francois is Head of the Urban Ecology Agency at the City of Paris which is pioneering new approaches to the implementation of nature positive policy and practice in the city.