Event posted by E Kooijman

Wednesday, 2 November 2022 - 13:30 to 14:30 (Europe/Brussels) (Europe/Brussels)
This webinar will help anyone working in or with a city department to identify how to bust the silos that are often one of the key barriers to delivering NbS at scale.
Hear from city representatives in Poland and Scotland, UK on how they have built cross-departmental support and wider partnerships for nature-based solutions and get an introduction to a new tool from the Connecting Nature project to support silo-busting in cities.
- From the city of Poznań, Poland, Agnieszka Osipiuk will present their experiences on two NbS projects in the city where silo-busting has been an essential element to success.
- Gillian Dick from Glasgow City Council, Scotland, will discuss with Paula Vandergert how they have overcome silos in the city to deliver NbS through their Open Space Strategy at both strategic and operational levels.
- Paula Vandergert will present a new tool to help cities with silo-busting and align NbS with wider policies, locally, regionally and internationally.