Implementation of the NbS Framework in Fast Follower Cities

This Deliverable details the implementation of the Connecting Nature Framework in the Fast Follower Cities. Generally speaking, the cities have highlighted that the Connecting Nature Framework report and the narrative are useful tools for internal use, as a mechanism to share information on nature-based solutions (NbS). While the Fast Follower Cities (A Coruña, Burgas, Ioannina, Malaga, Nicosia, Pavlos Melas, Sarajevo) highlight the challenges with the concept of NbS, each city has reflected on how the use of the Framework has provided opportunities to create conditions for a more integrated approach that the multifunctional aspect of NbS demands. For example, Ioannina’s experience highlights the role of nature-based solutions as a positive, proactive tool rather than (just) a response to societal and environmental challenges.