The conference is co-organised by the University of Latvia and NABU within the frame of the EU project “Reduction of CO2 emissions by restoring degraded peatlands in Northern European Lowland” (LIFE Peat Restore, LIFE15 CCM/DE/000138). The aim of the conference is to bring together professionals of peatland policy, restoration and researchers, to share knowledge and experience, and discuss the next steps for peatland protection and restoration.
The conference will focus on the following topics:
- Role of peatlands in climate change mitigation
- Greenhouse gas measurements and indirect assessment methods and their development, with special emphasis on GEST approach
- Peatland restoration for climate and biodiversity
- Experiences from different countries
- Monitoring of restoration success
- Peatland policy, with a focus on peatland restoration strategies
- The conference will be equipped with virtual rooms for poster presentations (including the possibility of 2-3 min oral presentations)
- Live Q & A Sessions will allow audience members to present questions to the speakers
In addition, two short films will be launched focusing on restoration techniques and the role of peatlands in climate change mitigation.
Participants are also welcome to visit the virtual rooms for the photo exhibition Peatlands and Climate, as well as poster presentations