Green Jobs Create Economic Opportunities

In this lesson, students in their final year of high school will reflect on how their future jobs can be a part of the green economy, paying special attention to how they can integrate Nature-Based Solutions (NbS) and thereby influence their local economies and communities positively. After an introduction to NbS and green economy, students will focus on sustainable professions. They will examine the socio-environmental impact of their dream jobs and suggest nature-based solutions that can help to reduce this negative environmental impact. A question the students will consider is whether their preferred profession will need to disappear, change considerably, remain, or become more important due to raising environmental concerns. After choosing their future job, students will answer the previous question by categorizing their jobs based on an adaptation of the Six Thinking Hats methodology. Finally, students will reflect on their choices and elaborate a set of skills schools should teach to prepare students for a greener workforce.