ThinkNature Webinar: NbS: Concept, Practices and Benefits

Thursday, 17 January 2019 - 0:00 (Europe/Brussels)

ThinkNature hosted the first webinar in a series of four on the concept, practices and benefits of nature-based solutions.

Three nature-based solutions experts shared their expertise and attendees also had the opportunity to participate in short surveys and pose their own questions. The webinar speakers were:

Emmanuelle Cohen-Shacham, Nature-based Solutions Thematic Group Leader, Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Nadja Kabisch, GreenEquityHEALTH Junior Research Group Leader, Institute of Geography, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Nikolaos Nikolaidis, ThinkNature Coordinator, School of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete (TUC)

View the Webinar on Think Nature's YouTube page.