Nature-based solutions resources

Displaying 141 - 160 of 506
  • Report

GrowGreen report: Intervention Conclusions - Wroclaw

This report details the interventions and outcomes of the Wroclaw GrowGreen project, funded as part of the European Commission’s 2016 Smart Cities and Communities Call for “Demonstrating Innovative Nature-Based Solutions in Cities”. . This report presents the challenges and results from the work in


  • Report

GrowGreen report: Intervention Conclusions - Valencia

This report details the interventions and outcomes of the Valencia GrowGreen project, funded as part of the European Commission’s 2016 Smart Cities and Communities Call for “Demonstrating Innovative Nature-Based Solutions in Cities”. This report presents the challenges and results from the work in


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Product

GrowGreen NbS Co-design Guide

The “GrowGreen NbS co-design Guide”, made by Bipolaire, could be materialised as a tool that guides the NbS co-design process through questions. It is structured similarly as the GCF (Green Cities Framework), based on three main pillars: Planning, Mobilising, and Evaluating. Municipalities that


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Product

Green Cities Framework (GCF) Handbook

Cities of all sizes and types can develop effective strategies for nature-based solutions, allowing them to create innovative and inspiring ways to tackle major urban challenges, such as flooding and heat stress. Embedding nature-based solutions in this way in long-term city planning, development


  • Guidance
  • Image

Manual de Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza | Fomento de la biodiversidad en la Ciudad de Madrid (NbS guidelines for enhancing biodiversity in Madrid)

In the framework of the Madrid plan for Biodiversity enhancement and management, these visually striking guidelines for Nature-based solutions have been developed. Organised in 4 thematic blocks -green areas, urban streets, public buildings and vacant plots-, they aim to help public space managers


  • Document

Interlace Agile Guidance

The purpose of this guidance document is to provide theoretical and practical guidance on achieving an agile transformation in a Research and Innovation project such as INTERLACE. The guidance document gives an introduction on the key values and principles of working agile, followed by an


  • Policy Brief

Why is Nature Restoration Critical to Improving Human Health and Well-being?

This policy brief highlights the importance of well-functioning ecosystems for ensuring human health and well-being, not least in light of climate change. Furthermore, it outlines the potential of nature restoration and specifically the law to generate healthier living environments and to mitigate


  • Document

GrowGreen Thematic Factsheets

The GrowGreen Partners made a collaborative effort for creating a list of factsheets, in order to summarise the results of the various projects. The factsheets are organised by thematic area, that are biodiversity, economic impacts, heat stress, social benefits, water runoff, and water quality.


  • Video

GrowGreen visit to Campinas: how linear parks can make a difference for people, nature and the economy

In order to strengthen engagement from political decision-makers and to create opportunities for the replication of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS), the political representatives of the GrowGreen cities were invited to participate in a virtual visit to the city of Campinas, Brazil. With more than 1


  • Document
  • Image
  • Infographic

GrowGreen Cities Posters

What did the GrowGreen cities achieved? The progress of the different GrowGreen Cities during the last 5 years is summarised in these posters, which illustrate the most relevant results within the project.


  • Document
  • Report

EU - China collaborations in the GrowGreen project

This report examines the scope for future EU China collaboration on Nature Based Solutions (NbS). In the original call for “demonstrating innovative nature based solutions in cities” (H2020-SCC-2016-2017) the call made reference to the EU-China Sustainable Urbanisation Partnership and the EU-China


  • Report

GrowGreen Report: Intervention Conclusions: Valencia

Within the EU-funded GrowGreen project, this report presents the challenges and results from the work in Valencia, focused on Benicalap, an area located in the north west of the city, chosen for the need for regeneration and investment. The aim of this report is to demonstrate how NbS can help


  • Report

GrowGreen report: Intervention Conclusions - Manchester

This report details the interventions and outcomes of the Manchester GrowGreen project, funded as part of the European Commission’s 2016 Smart Cities and Communities Call for “Demonstrating Innovative Nature Based Solutions in Cities”. This report looks at the ways Nature Based Solutions (NbS), in


  • Document

NetworkNature Factsheet 3: Shifting the water paradigm - managing water through nature

This Factsheet explores common water-related challenges, such as water availability, quality, and management, their associated risks, and relevant policies, while proposing nature-based solutions as a paradigm shift. By outlining key benefits of using nature for an integrated and ecosystem-based


  • Dataset

Global Infrastructure Impact Viewer

A tool for visualising the first global database of planned road and railway infrastructure, and the risks and benefits it may pose to people and the natural world. Change the filters below to explore the data, and click on a country or project on the map for further details.


  • Report

Mapping environmental risks and socio-economic benefits of planned transport infrastructure: a global picture

This technical report investigates the benefits of planned road and rail transport infrastructure projects for society and the economy, as well as the consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem services. To date, impacts of infrastructure development on ecosystem services have not been widely


  • Web platform

Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator

The Sustainable Infrastructure Tool Navigator was designed to help users identify the most relevant tools for their needs and goals. You can search our database by keyword or filter by types of tools, sectors and infrastructure lifecycle phases, amongst other things. Detailed information on each


  • Document
  • Guidance
  • Infographic
  • Report
  • Slides
  • Training

VÍZGAZDÁLKODÁS: Természetes vízmegtartó megoldások a települési klímaalkalmazkodásban

A 2018 és 2021 között megvalósult LIFE-MICACC projekt célja az önkormányzatok integráló és koordináló szerepének megerősítése az éghajlatváltozáshoz való alkalmazkodás érdekében, az alábbiakban közzétett tudásanyagok a projekt keretén belül készültek. Az anyagok első csoportja az önkormányzatoknak


  • Document

Unlocking the Potential of Urban Forests: Developing a Local Urban Forestry Action Plan

In recent years, there has been increasing interest about urban forestry as efficient nature-based approach to tackle many challenges connected to urbanisation and climate change. Faced with these challenges, cities need to build resilience through adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk reduction


  • Video

Nature-based solutions in the GrowGreen cities: videos

As the evidence base on the role and benefits of nature-based solutions (NbS) grows rapidly, these solutions are featuring with increasing prominence in global climate change policy, stressing the importance of their implementation in urban environments. The Horizon2020 project GrowGreen has
