Nature-based solutions resources
ZÖLD-KÉK INFRASTRUKTÚRA: Zöld-Kék Infrastruktúra (ZKI) tervezői workshop előadás anyagai (2023.06.06.)
2023.06.06-án került megrendezésre a Miniszterelnökség szervezésében a Zöld-kék Infrastruktúra (ZKI) workshop tervezők részére, melyen az alábbi előadások hangzottak el: - Beavatkozás típusok ismertetése, ősszel várható ZKI és klíma tárgyú felhívások, igényként kiemelve a természet-alapú (NbS) és
Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities
The ‘Cookbook on virtual interactive exchange formats for cities’ is a collection of virtual collaboration methods tested and evaluated in the INTERLACE project. It can be a particular challenge to build collaboration and trust between cities merely online, but the available methods and tools were
Standard Protocol for the Classification of Cultural Ecosystem Services through Social Media data
Collectively designed standard protocol for coding CES from crowdsourced data. It includes the following files and a video tutorial to facilitate its implementation by other researchers: - Protocol.doc: a document with the general instructions on the procedure for coding; - Annex 1. CES coding.
- Paper
Nature-based solutions coupled with advanced technologies: An opportunity for decentralized water reuse in cities
Decentralized water reuse in cities is a prominent alternative to mainstream top-down models for urban water treatment, which are based on centralized, linear dynamics of resource management. In this sense, Nature-based Solutions (“green” technologies) coupled with advanced technologies (“grey”
Successful scaling of Edible City Solutions to promote food citizenship and sustainability in food system transitions
Sustainable, productive and biodiversity-friendly urban landscapes are a strategic step in transitioning to future-proof, liveable and healthy cities Edible nature-based solutions, otherwise known as “Edible City Solutions”, comprise a wide range of different forms of sustainable urban food
A Horizont 2020 kutatási projektjei TAM projektjei
A természetalapú megoldásokat (TAM) a természet inspirálja és támogatja. Ezek a megoldások költséghatékonyak, egyszerre nyújtanak környezeti, társadalmi és gazdasági előnyöket, és segítik a külső hatásokhoz való sikeres alkalmazkodás. A természetalapú megoldások a helyi adottságokhoz illeszkedő,
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Polish NbS Hub in Wroclaw
The establishment of the Hub will allow internal and external collaboration with other cities and organizations across the country to gather and transfer knowledge on nature-based solutions. The Hub's activities will focus on promoting the potential of nature-based solutions to reduce heat
Launch of the TeAM Hub - the Hungarian NetworkNature Hub for Nature-based solutions
This report provides a summary of the main outcomes of the launch event of TeAM Hub, the Hungarian NetworkNature Hub for nature-based solutions. The event gathered primarily local authorities reflecting their crucial role in promoting the widespread uptake of nature-based solutions as catalysts for
Az intenzív gazdálkodás miatt a világ termőtalajainak jelentős hányada leromlott állapotban van vagy már véglegesen meg is semmisült. Ennek oka a talajok szervesanyag-tartalmának csökkenése, az ebből következő szerkezetromlás, tömörödés és az erózió, illetve a savanyodás, a szikesedés vagy éppen a
MEZŐGAZDASÁG: Mérgezett Föld
Az ember 11 ezer éve foglalkozik földműveléssel, és körülbelül 2 és fél ezer év mióta ekét is használ. 1950-re a világ termőföld készletének a fele termesztésre alkalmatlanná vált az egyre intenzívebb mezőgazdasági technológia miatt. 2010-ig további 30 százalékot tettünk tönkre. A világ
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PHUSICOS: Unstable till slope at Santa Elena
The slope at Santa Elena has been pointed out as one of the high-risk locations along road A-136, which is an important route between Spain and France (road RD-934 in France). The problem is erosion and instability in a steep slope, cut in a thick till deposit. This is an end moraine formed by the
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PHUSICOS: Snow avalanches at Capet Forest
The hazard at the site is from snow avalanches in the 'Midaou' avalanche path. The avalanches may reach the village of Barèges, and this has occurred numerous times in the past, the last event being in 2013. The slope and the release area have numerous old 'grey' protective
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PHUSICOS - Caídas de bloques en Artouste
The hazard at Artouste is caused by rockfalls, both from exposed rock ledges and from loose blocks sitting on the surface of the till on the steep slope. The site is adjacent to the Artouste hydroelectric dam, where the RD-934 road descends from the level of the dam to its base. The slope is steep
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PHUSICOS: Living Lab en Erill la Vall (Catalunya, España)
Do you know about the problem that the population of Erill la Vall in Catalonia faces? Are you interested in knowing more? Here you will be able to view explanations from PHUSICOS project experts and images about this erosive problem and the nature-based solutions designed to respond to it. The
Implementing Nature-Based Solutions in Rural Landscapes: Barriers Experienced in the PHUSICOS Project
Article published in Sustainability. From the published abstract: Nature-based solutions (NbS) are becoming increasingly important in both the EU and individual countries’ political agendas, as a sustainable means to reduce the risk posed by hydrometeorological hazards. However, as the use of NbS
Innovation in NbS Co-Desing and Implementation
Article published in Sustainability. From the published abstract: Impacts in the form of innovation and commercialization are essential components of publicly funded research projects. PHUSCOS ("According to Nature" in Greek), an EU Horizon 2020 Program (H2020) Innovation Action project
Guiding Framework for Tailored Living Lab Establishment
Multi-stakeholder participation is an overarching issue of PHUSICOS and, as such, forms a foundation to foster innovation at all levels and at all case study sites. Workpackage 3 is dedicated to employ a Living Lab approach as key mechanism of local stakeholder involvement for the purpose of
Comprehensive Framework for NbS Assessment
A product of Workpackage 4 of the EU-H2020 project PHUSICOS is a comprehensive framework to verify the performances of NBSs in risk management processes from both technical and socio-economic points of view. The comprehensive framework assesses the beneficial role of NBSs in ecosystem services,
What is PHUSICOS / ¿Qué es PHUSICOS?
Presentation of the PHUSICOS project / Presentación del proyecto PHUSICOS
Forêt de Capet case study
Presentación del estudio de caso PHUSICOS : Forêt de Capet / Présentation de l'étude de cas PHUSICOS : Forêt de Capet
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